
"Race" and "Religion" in the Law of Migration: Comparing U.S. and E.U. Contexts

27 May 2025 09:00 to 28 May 2025 13:00 Workshop

International and Interdisciplinary Workshop

This workshop brings together scholars from legal and religious studies to compare the ways that governmental and non-governmental agencies and actors address the humanitarian needs of forced migrants in the E.U. and the U.S. Central to our comparative analysis are the concepts of “race” and “religion”, which we treat as key analytical categories. Questions we aim to explore include: How are “race” and “religion” conceptualized in the E.U. and the U.S.? Where do they serve to defend and where do they serve to discriminate against people on the move? And what normative frameworks shape the intersection of “race” and “religion” on both sides of the Atlantic? Through comparative inquiries, the workshop aims to address issues that bring empirical and explanatory work to bear on normative questions of justice.

Participants inlude: Silas Allard (Emory University), Laura Alexander (University of Nebraska Omaha), Serde Atalay (Lund University),Maurits Berger (Leiden University), Ryszard Bobrowicz (Bonn University),Dianne van den Bosch (Lund University), Rose Cuison Villazor (Rutgers University), Farid Hafez  (William and Mary College), Jennifer Koh (Pepperdine University), Kristina Micu (Rutgers University), Dorottya Nagy (Protestant Theological University Utrecht), and Ulrich Schmiedel (Lund University).

About the event:

27 May 2025 09:00 to 28 May 2025 13:00

LUX, Centre for Theology and Religious Studies


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