Health and safety representative

Consideration of the working environment is an integral part of activities at Lund University, and it includes physical, psychological and social aspects that may affect the conditions in which staff and students work and study. Within the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology, we work on several levels to ensure a suitable working environment, attempting to eliminate risks to the health of our employees and students at the faculties’ many places of work.

All departments are actively engaged in ensuring a safe working environment. This means that each department has a working-environment plan as well as specially appointed health and safety representatives.

Health and safety representatives at CTR are Joel Kuhlin, and Martin Lembke (substitute).

More information about Work Environment and Health at Lund University Staff Pages.

Joel Kuhlin. Foto.

Joel Kuhlin

Health and safety representative

Martin Lemkbe

Martin Lembke

Health and safety representative, substitute

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