Centre for Theology and Religious Studies
Hege Irene Markussen, Head of Department
+46 46 222 36 88
Blaženka Scheuer, Assistant Head of Department
Martin Nykvist, Director of Studies
+46 46 222 90 47
Martin Lembke, Health and Safety Representative
Jacob Andersson, Librarian
+46 46 222 90 12
Johan Grevstig, Academic Advisor, Web Manager
+46 46 222 90 46
Elisabet Göransson, Programme Coordinator
Therese Herter, Financial Administrator, Purchasing Coordinator
+46 46 222 90 36
Anna Kring, Finance Officer
+46 46 222 90 50
Martin Lembke, Programme Coordinator
+46 46 222 95 89
Tania Norell, Academic Advisor
+46 46 222 90 48
Martin Nykvist, Director of Studies
Biblical Studies
Biblical Studies
Elisabet Nord, Teaching Staff
Bible, Politics and Culture
Samuel Bado Auler, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 41 50
Joel Kuhlin, Postdoctoral Fellow
+46 46 222 90 57
Hanna Liljefors, Postdoctoral Fellow
Frida Mannerfelt, Postdoctoral Fellow
Hannah Strømmen, Senior Lecturer
+46 46 222 90 59
New Testament Exegesis
Samuel Byrskog, Professor
+46 46 222 90 56
Wally Cirafesi, Associate Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor
+46 46 222 90 37
Conrad Elmelund, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 90 63
Anna Enberg, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 90 65
Lukas Hagel, Doctoral Student
Ludvig Nyman, Doctoral Student
Maria Sturesson, Doctoral Student
Magnus Zetterholm, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor
+46 46 222 90 41
Old Testament Exegesis
Natalie Bloch, Researcher
Sara Järlemyr, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 43 24
Blaženka Scheuer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor
+46 46 222 90 60
John Tallefors, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 43 29
Ola Wikander, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor
+46 46 222 43 34
Church and Mission Studies
Church History
Emil Bjørn Hilton Saggau, Researcher
+46 46 222 90 57
Micael Grenholm, Doctoral Student
David Gudmundsson, Associate Professor
Alexander Maurits, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor
+46 46 222 03 23
Fredrik Norberg Schiefauer, Doctoral Student
Martin Nykvist, Researcher
Katarina Pålsson, Researcher
+46 46 222 90 35
Oscar Söderholm, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 90 24
Andreas Westergren, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor
+46 46 222 90 52
Global Christianity and Interreligious Relations
Magdalena Dziaczkowska, Researcher
Vera La Mela, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 43 24
Ulrich Schmiedel, Professor
+46 46 222 90 31
Dianne van den Bosch, Doctoral Student
Jakob Wirén, Adjunct Professor
+46 72 238 46 93
Inci Öykü Yener-Roderburg, Postdoctoral Fellow
Practical Theology
Katarina Hallqvist, Doctoral Student
+46 73 206 44 95
Erik Sidenvall, Professor
+46 46 222 43 36
Didactics of Religion
David Gudmundsson, Senior Lecturer
+46 46 222 90 58
History of Religions and Religious Behavioural Science
History of Religions
Ive Brissman, Researcher
+46 46 222 37 65
Paulina Gruffman, Doctoral Student
+46 73 261 06 85
Esther-Maria Guggenmos, Professor
+46 46 222 90 66
Fredrik Jansson, Doctoral Student
Andreas Johansson, Researcher
Jiangong Li, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 41 50
Paul Linjamaa, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor
+46 76 289 31 14
Yulin Lu, Researcher
Markus Mannberg, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 43 38
Hege Irene Markussen, Senior Lecturer
Kristina Myrvold, Visiting Professor
+46 46 222 97 41
Johan Nilsson, Researcher
Islamic Studies
Sami Al Daghistani, Associate Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor
+46 46 222 46 98
Johan Cato, Senior Lecturer
+46 46 222 90 45
Giulia Gozzini, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 90 35
Torsten Janson, Senior Lecturer
+46 46 222 90 98
Cailin Kwoh, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 41 50
Fatemeh Moslehzadeh, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 43 38
Noah Salomon, Visiting Research Fellow
+46 46 222 90 65
Oliver Scharbrodt, Professor
+46 46 222 43 35
Yafa Shanneik, Visiting Professor
+46 46 222 90 53
Jewish Studies
Katharina Keim, Researcher
Daniel Leviathan, Doctoral Student
Svante Lundgren, Researcher, Associate Professor
+46 46 222 43 37
Karin Zetterholm, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor
+46 46 222 90 41
Johan Åberg, Senior Lecturer
+46 46 222 43 33
Sociology of Religions
Linnea Jensdotter, Postdoc
+46 46 622 241 50
Linnea Lundgren, Researcher
Studies in Faith and World Views
Studies in Faith and World Views
Martin Lembke, Senior Lecturer
Johanna Gustafsson Lundberg, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer
+46 46 222 43 40
Mariette Minnemann, Doctoral Student
Bat Chen Seri, Doctoral Student
Dianne van den Bosch, Doctoral Student
Philosophy of Religion
Erica Appelros, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor
+46 46 222 90 55
Patrik Fridlund, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor
+46 46 222 90 51
Aaron Goldman, Researcher
+46 46 222 49 16
Astrid Grelz, Doctoral Student
+46 73 734 15 43
Mariette Minnemann, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 97 55
Bat Chen Seri, Doctoral Student
Vahid Taebnia, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 97 55
Systematic Theology
Clara Berg, Doctoral Student
+46 46 222 90 42
Mårten Björk, Researcher
Katja Ekman, Doctoral Student
Antje Jackelén, Senior Advisor
+46 46 222 75 69
Lovisa Nyman, Researcher
Simon Pedersen Schmidt, Doctoral Student
Jayne Svenungsson, Professor
+46 46 222 43 39
Researchers in interdisciplinary projects
Interdisc. Classical Greek
Britt Dahlman, Researcher
+46 46 222 90 61
Interdisc. Latin
Elisabet Göransson, Researcher
Tornike Metreveli, Associate Professor
Affiliated Church History
Thomas Arentzen, Visiting Research Fellow
Stephan Borgehammar, Professor Emeritus
Valeria Dessy, Visiting Research Fellow
K G Hammar, Associate Professor
Anders Jarlert, Professor Emeritus
Samuel Rubenson, Professor Emeritus
Affiliated Ethics
Göran Bexell, Professor Emeritus
Elisabeth Gerle, Associate Professor
Ulf Görman, Associate Professor
Jonathan Morgan, Researcher
Affiliated History of Religions
Olivia Cejvan, Researcher
Martin Gansten, Associate Professor
Marianne Görman, Associate Professor
Anne-Christine Hornborg, Professor Emerita
Olle Qvarnström, Professor Emeritus
Affiliated Islamic Studies
Rabia Sena Çakır Ihsan, Visiting Doctoral Student
Jan Hjärpe, Professor Emeritus
Affiliated Jewish Studies
Jordan Spencer Jacobs, Visiting Doctoral Student
Hanne Trautner-Kromann, Professor Emerita
Affiliated New Testament Exegesis
Chrys C Caragounis, Professor Emeritus
Bo Frid, Associate Professor
Bengt Holmberg, Professor Emeritus
Dan Nässelqvist, Associate Professor
Birger Olsson, Professor Emeritus
Lars Rydbeck, Associate Professor
Tommy Wasserman, Associate Professor
Walter Übelacker, Associate Professor
Affiliated Old Testament Exegesis
David Davage, Associate Professor
Sten Hidal, Professor Emeritus
Bo Johnson, Professor Emeritus
Fredrik Lindström, Professor Emeritus
Affiliated Practical Theology
Jan-Olof Aggedal, Associate Professor
Christer Pahlmblad, Associate Professor
Sven-Åke Selander, Professor Emeritus
Affiliated Systematic Theology
Gösta Hallonsten, Professor Emeritus
Manfred Hofmann, Professor Emeritus
Martin Lind, Associate Professor