The Writing Group
A Community of Practice and Collegiality for PhD students and Senior Scholars

At CTR, quite a few Ph D Students as well as senior scholars take part in the thriving so called “Writing Group”. This is an informal and voluntary way of working in the same room in time slots with 45 minutes of writing and a 15-minute break each hour. This collegial way of structuring the day and working together is gaining interest and the group is growing. Recently, an article was published describing the experiences from working in this way:
The Writing Group: A Community of Practice and Collegiality (pdf)
You are welcome to join the writing group. There are no obligations. Once a scholar joins the messenger group, it is possible to see where the writing takes place for the day, mostly on campus, but the writing group also has a zoom room. If you have questions, please reach out to one of the authors of the article, linked below, or to the Head of Department, Hege Markussen, who can get you in touch.