
Course 7.5 credits • HUXD01

This distance course gives an overview of tools used when transcribing and editing texts, primarily from manuscripts. It also introduces to the different forms of digital presentation of texts, and types of projects related to corpuses, databases and editions of premodern texts in which, e.g., libraries and archives interact with scholars and the general public. Different types of digital tools and resources are explored, and assignments are designed to introduce students to digital tools and resources. The course is an international collaboration between professors and scholars in Italy, Germany, Belgium and Sweden.

Study period: autumn semester 2025
Type of studies: part time, 50 %, distance course
Study period: 2025-11-03 – 2026-01-18
Language of instruction: English
Application code: LU-E1004
Eligibility: General requirements for university studies in Sweden

First Admission Round
Internationell ansökan
Autumn semester 2025

Late application

Possibly opens April  3

Page Manager: johan.grevstigctr.luse | 2020-06-15