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Your search for "*" yielded 538773 hits

Vandeleene on intraparty candidate selection processes in times of crisis

Published 11 June 2018 Audrey Vandeleene has, together with Lieven De Winter, authored the book chapter ”The Curious Stability of Candidate Selection Methods in Belgium in Times of Crisis” in the book ”The Selection of Politicians in Times of Crisis”. In their chapter, they analyse changes in the processes of selection of electoral candidates over time, with a special focus on non traditional part - 2025-03-09

How Sweden became one of the world’s most stable democracies

Published 14 June 2018 This year, Sweden celebrates a century of democracy and fair elections are seen as self-evident. How did our democracy develop and how did we get rid of election fraud? One of your researchers has now examined the country’s election fraud history and its underlying causes – from 1719 to the early 1900s. The conclusion? Bureaucrats and political parties are the biggest factor - 2025-03-09

New research on the development of the welfare state

Published 18 June 2018 Johannes Lindvall has, together with David Rueda, authored the book chapter ”Public Opinion, Party Politics, and the Welfare State” in the book ”Welfare Democracies and Party Politics—Explaining Electoral Dynamics in Times of Changing Welfare Capitalism”. I their study Johannes Lindvall (Lund University) and David Rueda (University of Oxford) show how social policy in rich d - 2025-03-09

New book on state making

Published 21 June 2018 Jens Bartelson, Martin Hall and Jan Teorell are the editors of the newly released book “De-Centering State Making”. Bridging the gap between international relations and comparative politics, this book transposes Eurocentric theories and narratives of state-making to new historical and geographical contexts in order to probe their scope conditions. In doing this, the authors - 2025-03-09

Kristinsson on small states and shelter theory

Published 25 June 2018 Thorsteinn Kristinsson has co-authored three chapters in the forthcoming book ”Small States and Shelter Theory: Iceland’s External Affairs”.  Through a re-examination of the history of Iceland’s external relations, the book proposes a new theoretical framework with which to understand the place of small political entities in world politics. Further information about the publ - 2025-03-09

Lindvall on decision-making under different types of institutions

Published 14 August 2018 Johannes Lindvall and Per Andersson, who defended his dissertation at the department in 2017, has just published the article ”Crises, investments, and political institutions” in the Journal of Theoretical Politics. The article is based on a game-theoretic analysis of decision-making under different types of institutions.Read the article on Sage Journals’ websiteJohannes Li - 2025-03-09

Bäck and Altermark on radicalization

Published 16 August 2018 What influences the likelihood that an individual joins a radical group? Hanna Bäck and Niklas Altermark have, together with Emma Bäck and Holly Knapton, studied this question in an experimental study. The results show that when experiencing social exclusion, highly rejection sensitive individuals tend to adapt to the radical group’s opinionsThe researchers write more abou - 2025-03-09

Teorell joins the Skytte Prize Committee

Published 21 August 2018 Jan Teorell is a new member of the Skytte Prize Committee, which is one of the largest academic prizes in the field of Political Science. - I expect to learn even more about the already vast, heterogeneous and growing field of political science. I have some previous experience with being on prize committees for the American Political Science Association, but nothing on thi - 2025-03-09

Björkdahl on the becoming of states

Published 29 August 2018 Annika Björkdahl has authored the article ”Republika Srpska: Imaginary, performance and spatialization”, which has been published in Political Geography. This article is about the becoming of states and how such states are a socially constructed spaces, imagined and performed by those who perceive themselves as belonging to that state. It asks through what imaginaries and - 2025-03-09

New book on fossil fuel subsidies

Published 24 August 2018 Jakob Skovgaard co-edited and contributed to the book "The Politics of Fossil Fuel Subsidies and their Reform” (Cambridge University Press). The book offers a range of insights into why fossil fuel subsidies continue to persist despite agreement among experts about the benefits of reform, repeated international commitments to eliminate them, and valiant efforts by some cou - 2025-03-09

Bäck on how female and male representatives debate in different parliaments 

Published 4 September 2018 Do female representatives participate less often in legislative debates, and does it matter which topic is debated? Hanna Bäck and Marc Debus answer this question by analyzing speechmaking among members of parliament in seven European countries.  The results show that female members are under-represented in legislative debates, especially when debates deal with topics th - 2025-03-09

Teorell on measuring of democracy

Published 6 September 2018 In the recently-published article “Measuring Polyarchy Across the Globe, 1900-2017”, Jan Teorell, together with Michael Coppedge, Staffan Lindberg and Svend-Erik Skaaning, presents a new measure of polyarchy for a global sample of 182 countries from 1900 to 2017 based on the Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) expert poll data. This new democracy index is directly anchored in - 2025-03-09

Kinnvall on ontological security in the EU

Published 10 September 2018 Catarina Kinnvall has together with Ian Manners and Jennifer Mitzen edited a special issue of European Security, entitled “Ontological (In)Security in the European Union”. The European Union (EU) faces many crises and risks to its security and existence. While few of them threaten the lives of EU citizens, they all create a sense of anxiety and insecurity about the futu - 2025-03-09

Fabio Cristiano on digital rights and Palestine

Published 13 September 2018 Fabio Cristiano has contributed with the chapter “Internet Access as Human Right: A Dystopian Critique from the Occupied Palestinian Territory" to the newly published volume Human Rights as Battlefields. In his chapter, Cristiano explores the controversial correlation between technology and political freedoms by questioning the inclusion of internet access into the huma - 2025-03-09

Christer Jönsson with new publications

Published 18 September 2018 Christer Jönsson has contributed with two book chapters. The first book chapter is "Lessons for Democracy: Diplomacy to the Rescue?" which has been published in the book Democracy under Threat: A Crisis of Legitimacy?. The second book chapter is "Evolution in Knowlege and Norms" (co-author Leon Gordenker) which has been published in the book “The Oxford Handbook on the - 2025-03-09

Brommesson on the effects of pedagogical training courses

Published 20 September 2018 Douglas Brommesson has co-authored the newly published article “Teaching university teachers to become better teachers: the effects of pedagogical training courses at six Swedish universities”,  which has been publish in “Higher Education Research & Development”. The article can be found on tandfonline.comDouglas Brommesson's personal page - 2025-03-09

Kinnvall on ontological insecurities

Published 9 October 2018 Catarina Kinnvall has recently published the article “Ontological Insecurities and Postcolonial Imaginaries: The Emotional Appeal of Populism” in Humanity & Society”. In the article, Catarina Kinnvall addresses the particular narratives and discourses that respond to increased feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, and fear, so-called ontological insecurities, and their connect - 2025-03-09

Josef Chaib on welfare collaboration

Published 11 October 2018 Photo: Leif Johansson Josef Chaib will defend his dissertation "Evidence, Expertise and 'Other' Knowledge: Governing Welfare Collaboration" on October 12 at 10:15 in Niagara, Malmö University. Discussant is Associate Professor Gun Hedlund, Örebro University. In contemporary welfare, collaboration between professions, agencies and different municipal departments is increas - 2025-03-09

A fruitful lens for analyzing world politics

Published 16 October 2018 Catarina Kinnvall and Jennifer Mitzen have authored an introductory article for their joint special issue in “Journal of International Relations and Development (JIRD)”, with the title “Ontological security and conflict: the dynamics of crisis and the constitution of community”. In an era defined by insecurity, uncertainty, and increasing anxieties, ontological security h - 2025-03-09