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Climate change impacts on amino acid production and gross mineralization in heathland soil
The surface complex of Euglena gracilis. Involvement in cellular movements and biochemical and molecular analyses of the components
The flagellate Euglena gracilis shows rhythms in phototaxis and cell shape changes between oblong and round. Artificial UV-B radiation of 0.5 W m-2 caused a loss in phototaxis, but the peak of activity occurred at the same time as for control cells. The transition from round to oblong cell shape was slower after UV-B radiation, but the amplitude between the roundest and the most oblong cell shape
From War to Reconciliation: Vulnerable Post-War Vietnam-USA Relations
The growth mechanism of freestanding III-V nanowires
Life cycle thinking – a new approach in environmental policymaking
Krishantering, hushåll och stormen Gudrun : Att analysera hushålls krishanteringsförmåga och sårbarheter
Popular AbstractStörre kriser och katastrofer som stormen Gudrun och dess konsekvenser är sannolikt att vänta i framtiden. Det råder dock ovisshet om vilka kriserna kommer att vara och under vilka förutsättningar. Nya och kompletterande vetenskapliga studier och metoder inom kris- och katastrofforskningen måste till för att öka samhällets kunskap om och förmåga att hantera kända och okända hotbildSevere crises and disasters such as the Hurricane Gudrun and their consequences will probably occur in the future. However, there are many uncertainties concerning disasters and their effects. New scientific approaches and methods for crisis and disaster research must be developed to increase the knowledge and ability of societies to manage known and unknown threats. Substantial research on the em
Projektpresentation i gruppen Sverige och Nordamerika: migration, språk, kultur
Approximate Optimation of Age & Block Reneval Schedules Using the Beta Distribution
Community building and support as responses to isolation and limited mobility in the everyday life of irregular migrants
Collaboration with a non-witness on eyewitnesses’ recall correctness and metacognitive realism
Why do speakers accent ‘‘given’’ information?
The accenting of contextually 'given' information constitutes a problem for analyses that regard accents as correlating only with 'new' information. It will be shown that the accenting of 'given' information is explainable as resulting from general metrical well-formedness conditions on prosodic constituents. Units higher than the word are seen to obey the same metrical constraints that are presen
Scope and Scale Insensitivities in a Contingent Valuation Study of Risk Reductions
Lost in Translation Forever? Implementation of sustainable mobility in an era of governance and New Public Management
Commercialization of Academic Research – Uncovering the Grey Zone
Reaping the Benefits of Deeper Euro-Med Integration Through Trade Facilitation
Transaction Costs of Energy Efficiency Projects: A Review of Quantitative Estimations
Practical advantages of inverted decoupling
This paper presents a study of the main advantages of inverted decoupling in 2×2 processes. Two simulation examples and an experimental process are used to show these advantages in comparison with simplified decoupling. The study focuses on the following practical advantages: the apparent process is the same as that obtained if one loop changes to manual; bumpless transfer and anti-windup are achi