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Center-vortex solutions of the Yang-Mills effective action in three and four dimensions

We calculate the one-loop effective action of the SU(2) Yang-Mills theory for center-vortex configurations, both in 3D and 4D. We find that in both cases there are minima of the effective action, corresponding to vortices of the transverse size approximately 4/g(3)(2) and 1.7/Lambda((MS) over bar), respectively. The values of the effective actions at the minima are negative, suggesting that the Eu

Potential benefits of muscarinic M-3 receptor selectivity

Detrusor smooth muscle contains muscarinic receptors of the M-2 (approximate to2/3) and M-3 (approximate to1/3) subtypes. M-3 receptors are mainly responsible for normal micturition contraction, whereas, the role Of M-2 receptors has not yet been clarified. In certain disease states, M-2 receptors may also contribute to bladder contraction. Different muscarinic receptor subtypes can contribute to

Microarthropods mediate sperm transfer in mosses

Among flowering plants, animals commonly act as pollinators. We showed that fertile moss shoots attract springtails and mites, which in turn carry moss sperm, thereby enhancing the fertilization process. Previously, fertilization of mosses was thought to depend on the capacity of individual sperm to swim through a continuous water layer. The role of microarthropods in moss fertilization resembles

Disseminated infection with Encephalitozoon intestinalis in AIDS patients: Report of 2 cases

Microsporidiosis must be regarded as a late opportunistic infection when HIV is advanced. In this article we describe 2 cases of disseminated infection with Encephalitozoon intestinalis. The first case had a local intestinal infection for > 1 y before it disseminated and microsporidia were found intracellularly in sputum. In the second case, spores were initially found in conjunctival cells, sinus

The human V-preB promoter is a target for coordinated activation by early B cell factor and E47.

The development of mature B lymphoid cells involves a highly orchestrated regulation of stage- and lineage-specific genes. In this study, we report an analysis of the human surrogate L chain VpreB promoter. The promoter has an overall homology of 56% to the mouse counterpart and displays a preB cell-restricted activity in transient transfections in cell lines. The promoter harbors three independen

Comparison of flanged and unflanged acetabular cup design.

Background and purpose Adequate depth of cement penetration and cement mantle thickness is important for the durability of cemented cups. A flanged cup, as opposed to unflanged, has been suggested to give a more uniform cement mantle and superior cement pressurization, thus improving the depth of cement penetration. This hypothesis was tested experimentally. Materials and methods The same cup desi

Lycopene suppresses proinflammatory response in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages by inhibiting ROS-induced trafficking of TLR4 to lipid raft-like domains

We recently showed that lycopene inhibited lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced productions of nitric oxide (NO) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) in murine RAW264.7 macrophages by mechanisms related to inhibition of ERK and nuclear factor-kappa B. Since the assembly of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) in lipid rafts is a key element in LPS induced signaling, we investigated whether this process would be influenced

Photofragmentation of cyanogen upon carbon and nitrogen K-shell excitation by partial ion yield experiments

Partial ion yield spectroscopy was used to study fragmentation processes in cyanogen after C 1s and N 1s photoexcitation. The interpretation of the core excitation spectrum mostly follows the literature, but the high resolution has in some cases allowed a more detailed assignment. Using the fact that in Rydberg states there is an intensity increase as the fragmentation process becomes more extensi

Beständiga förändringar av säkerhetskulturen

Säkerhet är dynamiskt och speciellt så i komplexa säkerhetskritiska verksamheter. När olyckor och incidenter är sällan förekommande i säkerhetskritiska verksamheter kan det ske en långsam och naturlig erosion av säkerhetsmedvetandet och en organisations beteenden kan börja driva mot säkerhetsmarginalerna. Säkerhetskulturen ses som en stark motriktad kraft i ett sådant händelseförlopp. Att organisa