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A Methodological Description of a Randomised Controlled Trial Comparing Hospital-Based Care and Hospital-Based Home Care when a Child is Newly Diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.

AIM AND OBJECTIVE: To describe the study design of a randomised controlled trial with the aim of comparing two different regimes for children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes; hospital-based care and hospital-based home care. BACKGROUND: Procedures for hospital admission and sojourn in connection with diagnose vary greatly worldwide and the existing evidence is insufficient to allow for any c

Bystander cell death and stress response is inhibited by the radical scavenger α(1)-microglobulin in irradiated cell cultures.

Alpha-particle irradiation of cells damages not only the irradiated cells but also nontargeted bystander cells. It has been proposed that the bystander effect is caused by oxidants and free radicals generated by the radiation. Recent studies have shown that α(1)-microglobulin protects against cell damage caused by oxidants and free radicals. Using a novel experimental system that allows irradiatio

Hospital and outpatient clinic utilization among older people in the 3-5 years following the initiation of continuing care: a longitudinal cohort study

Background: Few studies have investigated the subsequent rate of hospital and outpatient clinic utilization in those who receive continuing care and have documented frequent usage over one year. Such knowledge may be helpful in identifying those who would benefit from preventive interventions. The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the subsequent rate of hospital and outpatient clini

Setting the pace: new insights into central pattern generator interactions in box jellyfish swimming.

Central Pattern Generators (CPGs) produce rhythmic behaviour across all animal phyla. Cnidarians, which have a radially symmetric nervous system and pacemaker centres in multiples of four, provide an interesting comparison to bilaterian animals for studying the coordination between CPGs. The box jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora is remarkable among cnidarians due to its most elaborate visual system.

Effects of different boundary conditions on the long-range structure of polar liquids

The long-range order in strongly coupled dipolar systems has been studied using large-scale simulations for systems containing up to 100 000 particles. It is found that the boundary conditions used strongly influence the result. It is found that a periodic system modeled with the minimum image approximation yields an artificial order, whereas the same system described using the Ewald summation tec

Biologisk mångfald i Linnés hembygd i Småland. 7. Blomflugor (Diptera, Syrphidae).

Hoverflies are important pollinators, but constitute a less studied group of insects. In this study we collected hoverflies in most open grasslands and woodlands in an area of 5000 hectares over six years (2004-2009) in the central part of the parish of Stenbrohult, southern Sweden (Fig. 1; 56o 37´ N, 14o 11´ E). The studied area is dominated by spruce forests, but deciduous forests are relatively

Ultrastructural immunolocalization of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) in the articular cartilage on the equine third carpal bone in trained and untrained horses

The present study was designed to delineate the presence of COMP at the ultrastructural level comparing concentrations between two areas of articular cartilage from the equine third carpal bone, subjected to different loading, from trained and untrained horses. We also analyzed the fibril thickness of collagen type II in the same compartments and zones. Samples were collected from high load-bearin

Att studera sjukdomskulturer

Recension av boken: Problemet utan namn? : neuroser, stress och kön i Sverige från 1950 till 1980. Författare: Maria Björk 2011. Uppsala: ActaUniversitatis Upsaliensis. Uppsala Studies in History of Ideas 43. 306 s. ISBN 978-91-554-8079-0.

Heat and mass transport in a nonlinear fixed-bed catalytic reactor: Hot spots and thermal runaway

Transient heat and mass transport in a wall-cooled tubular catalytic bed reactor is numerically investigated. A two-dimensional pseudo-heterogeneous model, accounting for transport in the solid and fluid phases, with axial and radial dispersions is used to describe transport in the reactor. The effects of inlet process conditions, viz., temperature and concentration, are investigated and their imp

Impact of soft magnetic material on construction of radial flux electrical machines

Electrical machines with distributed concentrated windings are challenging the selection of the soft magnetic materials due to stator design and power conversion efficiency. A shorter magnetisation path and relatively high magnetisation frequency establish a good potential for low permeability soft magnetic materials with low power losses in the core. The focus of this article is on the analysis o

Genome-Wide Expression Profiling and Mutagenesis Studies Reveal that Lipopolysaccharide Responsiveness Appears To Be Absolutely Dependent on TLR4 and MD-2 Expression and Is Dependent upon Intermolecular Ionic Interactions

Lipid A (a hexaacylated 1,4' bisphosphate) is a potent immune stimulant for TLR4/MD-2. Upon lipid A ligation, the TLR4/MD-2 complex dimerizes and initiates signal transduction. Historically, studies also suggested the existence of TLR4/MD-2-independent LPS signaling. In this article, we define the role of TLR4 and MD-2 in LPS signaling by using genome-wide expression profiling in TLR4- and MD-2-de

Exponential Algorithms: Algorithms and Complexity Beyond Polynomial Time

This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 13331 "Exponential Algorithms: Algorithms and Complexity Beyond Polynomial Time". Problems are often solved in practice by algorithms with worst-case exponential time complexity. It is of interest to find the fastest algorithms for a given problem, be it polynomial, exponential, or something in between. The focus of the Seminar

Pneumatic wound compression after hip fracture surgery did not reduce postoperative blood transfusion

Background and purpose Patients with fracture of the proximal femur often undergo blood transfusion. A pneumatic compression bandage has been shown to reduce transfusion after primary hip arthroplasty for osteoarthritis. In this randomized trial, we evaluated the efficacy of this bandage following surgery for hip fracture. Patients and methods 288 patients, 50 years or older with 292 fractured hip

Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates by glycogen accumulating organisms treating a paper mill wastewater.

A process for production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) by activated sludge treating a paper mill wastewater was investigated. The applied strategy was to select for glycogen accumulating organisms (GAOs) by alternating anaerobic/aerobic conditions. Acidogenic fermentation was used as pretreatment to convert various organic compounds to volatile fatty acids which are preferable substrates for PHA

Risk factors for bone fragility and fracture in postmenopausal women

Popular Abstract in Swedish Benskörhet (osteoporos) är ett tillstånd som definieras av låg benmassa och ökar med stigande ålder. Osteoporos är idag en av de stora folksjukdomarna och man räknar med att en tiondel av alla män och en fjärdedel av alla kvinnor i Sverige drabbas. Tillståndet är i sig symptomfritt men ökar risken att råka ut för ett benbrott (fraktur) redan vid lättare fall. Frakturer The aim of this thesis was to evaluate risk factors for bone fragility and fractures in postmenopausal women in a long-term perspective. The study period spanned from the age of 48 to age 82 and is thus unique in its length. The studied sample was homogeneous and consisted of 390 north European women from a population-based cohort. At the start of the study, general health and lifestyle parameters

International guidelines for education in vestibular rehabilitation therapy

The Barany Society Ad Hoc Committee on Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy has developed guidelines for developing educational programs for continuing education. These guidelines may be useful to individual therapists who seek to learn about vestibular rehabilitation or who seek to improve their knowledge bases. These guidelines may also be useful to professional organizations or therapists who prov

Safety and efficacy of well managed warfarin: A report from the Swedish quality register Auricula

The safety and efficacy of warfarin in a large, unselected cohort of warfarin-treated patients with high quality of care is comparable to that reported for non-vitamin K antagonists. Warfarin is commonly used for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation, as well as for treatment and prevention of venous thromboembolism. While reducing risk of thrombotic/embolic incidents, warfarin increases the ri