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Your search for "*" yielded 530155 hits

New susceptibility locus for coronary artery disease on chromosome 3q22.3

We present a three-stage analysis of genome-wide SNP data in 1,222 German individuals with myocardial infarction and 1,298 controls, in silico replication in three additional genome-wide datasets of coronary artery disease (CAD) and subsequent replication in similar to 25,000 subjects. We identified one new CAD risk locus on 3q22.3 in MRAS (P = 7.44 x 10(-13); OR = 1.15, 95% CI = 1.11-1.19), and s

Stress analysis of highly constrained copper strips with through crack shaped voids using molecular dynamics

A small rectangular strip of fcc Cu, containing a through crack on the nanoscale and subjected to loading under displacement control, is simulated using molecular dynamics (MD). The geometry is highly constrained and chosen to mimic that of a thin strip between two stiff layers. The Lennard-Jones pair potential is used for the inter-atomic forces. The centrally placed crack shaped void is created

Validity and reliability of the Cold Discomfort Scale: a subjective judgement scale for the assessment of patient thermal state in a cold environment

Complementary measures for the assessment of patient thermoregulatory state, such as subjective judgement scales, might be of considerable importance in field rescue scenarios where objective measures such as body core temperature, skin temperature, and oxygen consumption are difficult to obtain. The objective of this study was to evaluate, in healthy subjects, the reliability of the Cold Discomfo

Cerebrospinal fluid insulin during non-neurological surgery

Insulin plays an important metabolic and transmitter role in the central nervous system, but few studies have investigated the relationship between central and peripheral insulin concentrations. 35 patients undergoing knee surgery had cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples drawn before, 3 h after, and in the morning following surgery. Serum insulin concentrations increased after surgery and CSF insulin

The thermal insulation difference of clothing ensembles on the dry and perspiration manikins

There are about a hundred manikin users around the world. Some of them use the manikin such as 'Walter' and 'Tore' to evaluate the comfort of clothing ensembles according to their thermal insulation and moisture resistance. A 'Walter' manikin is made of water and waterproof breathable fabric 'skin', which simulates the characteristics of human perspiration. So evaporation, condensation or sorption

Are antimicrobial defences in bird eggs related to climatic conditions associated with risk of trans-shell microbial infection?

Introduction: All bird eggs are exposed to microbes in the environment, which if transmitted to the developing embryo, could cause hatching failure. However, the risk of trans-shell infection varies with environmental conditions and is higher for eggs laid in wetter environments. This might relate to generally higher microbial abundances and diversity in more humid environments, including on the s

Growing interest in use of geographic information systems in health and healthcare research: a review of PubMed from 2003 to 2011.

Abstract in Undetermined There has been an increasing interest in applying GIS into health and healthcare research in recent years.4,5 However, this increasing interest has not yet been gauged. In order to address this, the current study was performed to examine the crude number and the annual rate of papers with ‘Geographic Information Systems’ among their MeSH Terms in PubMed (a free database wh

Cross-reactions between engineered xylose and galactose pathways in recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae

BACKGROUND: Overexpression of the PGM2 gene encoding phosphoglucomutase (Pgm2p) has been shown to improve galactose utilization both under aerobic and under anaerobic conditions. Similarly, xylose utilization has been improved by overexpression of genes encoding xylulokinase (XK), enzymes from the non-oxidative pentose phosphate pathway (non-ox PPP) and deletion of the endogenous aldose reductase

Lund University Supports Publishing in OA Journals

In the 2009 budget Lund university has approved of funding publication fees in Open Access journals with 163,000$ with the intention to encourage and assist publishing in open access journals. The fund will be managed by Lund University Libraries, Head Office. This is one of the largest funds allocated at a university in support of publishing in OA journals.

Photoemission from alpha and beta phases of the GaAs(001)-c(4 x 4) surface

We prepared alpha- and beta surface phases of GaAs(0 0 1)-c(4 x 4) reconstruction by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) using As-4 and As-2 molecular beams, respectively, and examined them by angle-resolved ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) with synchrotron radiation as an excitation source. The UPS valence band spectra and the XPS 3d core level data

The origin and evolution of the odd-Z iron-peak elements Sc, V, Mn, and Co

Context. Elements heavier than Li are produced in the interiors of stars. However, for many elements the exact production sites and the timescales on which they are dispersed into the interstellar medium are unknown. Having a clear picture on the origins of the elements is important for our ability to trace and understand the formation and chemical evolution of the Milky Way and its stellar popula

Fluid and Highly Curved Model Membranes on Vertical Nanowire Arrays

Sensing and manipulating living cells using vertical nanowire devices requires a complete understanding of cell behavior on these substrates. Changes in cell function and phenotype are often triggered by events taking place at the plasma membrane, the properties of which are influenced by local curvature. The nanowire topography can therefore be expected to greatly affect the cell membrane, emphas

System size and beam energy dependence of azimuthal anisotropy from PHENIX

We present azimuthal anisotropy measurements in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at and 200 GeV. Comparison between reaction plane and cumulant v2 measurements in Au+Au collisions at GeV shows that non-flow contributions, originating mainly from jets, influence the extracted v2 for pT 3.5 GeV/c. Number of constituent quark (NCQ) scaling of v2, when studied as a function of transverse kinetic energy KET,

Investigation into A antigen expression on O-2 heterozygous group O-labeled red blood cell units

BACKGROUND: There are two principal types of group O alleles; deletional alleles feature 261delG leading to nonfunctional truncated protein. Nondeletional alleles have the consensus guanosine at residue 261. The major nondeletional allele, O-2, encodes full-length protein with Gly268Arg. While reports vary, O-2 has been proposed to encode weakly functional A-glycosyltransferase (GTA). The main obj

Cyclin D1, Id1 and EMT in breast cancer

Background: Cyclin D1 is a well-characterised cell cycle regulator with established oncogenic capabilities. Despite these properties, studies report contrasting links to tumour aggressiveness. It has previously been shown that silencing cyclin D1 increases the migratory capacity of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells with concomitant increase in 'inhibitor of differentiation 1' (ID1) gene expression. I