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Re-framing Design Culture and Aging
A B-10-based neutron detector with stacked MultiWire Proportional Counters and macrostructured cathodes
We present the results of the measurements of the detection efficiency for a 4.7 angstrom neutron beam incident upon a detector incorporating a stack of up to five MultiWire Proportional Counters (MWPC) with Boron-coated cathodes. The cathodes were made of Aluminum and had a surface exhibiting millimeter-deep V-shaped grooves of 45 degrees, upon which the thin Boron film was deposited by DC magnet
Galina Sjebaldina, Karolinska krigsfångar i Sibirien
Genome-wide association studies in East Asians identify new loci for waist-hip ratio and waist circumference.
Sixty genetic loci associated with abdominal obesity, measured by waist circumference (WC) and waist-hip ratio (WHR), have been previously identified, primarily from studies conducted in European-ancestry populations. We conducted a meta-analysis of associations of abdominal obesity with approximately 2.5 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) among 53,052 (for WC) and 48,312 (for WHR) ind
Cross-spectrum and coherence function estimation using time-delayed Thomson multitapers
An idea is presented where multitapers are extracted from a known cross-spectrum and applied for estimation of the co- herence function. An important property of the extracted win- dows are the time-delay between left and right tapers. There- fore, time-delayed Thomson multitapers are also proposed as an approximation. Simulations are performed using differ- ent linear filters as well as disturbin
MEDI-563, a humanized anti-IL-5 receptor alpha mAb with enhanced antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity function
Background: Peripheral blood eosinophilia and lung mucosal eosinophil infiltration are hallmarks of bronchial asthma. IL-5 is a critical cytokine for eosinophil maturation, survival, and mobilization. Attempts to target eosinophils for the treatment of asthma by means of IL-5 neutralization have only resulted in partial removal of airway eosinophils, and this warrants the development of more effec
Toxic cyanobacteria from Tri An Reservoir, Vietnam
Seven strains of cyanobacteria from Tri An Reservoir, a drinking water reservoir for millions of people in Southern Vietnam, were isolated, cultivated, identified and described. They originated from the species Microcystis aeruginosa, M. botrys, M. wesenbergii, Anabaena A. smithii, Aphanizomenon aphanizomenoides and Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. Microcystin (MC) content in the cultures and two s
Calculation of Chern number spin Hamiltonians for magnetic nano-clusters by DFT methods
By combining field-theoretical methods and ab initio calculations, we construct an effective Hamiltonian with a single giant-spin degree of freedom, which is capable of describing the low-energy spin dynamics of ferromagnetic metal nano-clusters consisting of up to a few tens of atoms. In our procedure, the magnetic moment direction of the Kohn-Sham spin density functional wave function is constra
Synthesis and decomposition mechanisms of ternary Mg2COH5 studied using in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction
A ternary Mg2COH5 hydride was synthesized using a novel method that relies on a relatively short mechanical milling time (1 h) of a 2:1 MgH2-Co powder mixture followed by sintering at a sufficiently high hydrogen pressure (>85 bar) and heating from RT to 500 degrees C. The ternary hydride forms in less than 2.5 h (including the milling time) with a yield of similar to 90% at similar to 300 degrees
X-linked retinoschisis (XLRS) is a congenital progressive inherited retinal disease that affects the entire retina and is one of the more common causes of vision loss from retinal degeneration affecting young men,. The progression is variable but seems to be relatively stationary in the ages 6 to 25 years. Patients with XLRS lack a functional retinoschisin protein in the eye, because of mutation i
Den Stigberoende Upphovsrätten. Om konsekvenserna av rättslig inlåsning i en digital tid
Denna artikel analyserar den Europeiska upphovsrättens stigberoende (path dependence) i termer av en rättslig inlåsning oförmögen att anpassa sig till nyare sociala praktiker i ett digitalt samhälle. Artikeln härleder inlåsningen till framförallt tre huvudskäl relaterade till a) transaktionskostnader, b) makt, och c) nyckelmetaforers relation till tankestrukturer. Genom att analysera den moderna e
Dielectron production in Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV
We present measurements of e+e- production at midrapidity in Au+Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV. The invariant yield is studied within the PHENIX detector acceptance over a wide range of mass (mee
Keratin 19 expression correlates with poor prognosis in breast cancer
Breast cancer expression profiling has been used for determining biomarkers. Using gene expression profiles of 2,400 patients we identified keratin 19 (KRT19) as a highly deregulated gene in breast cancer. KRT19 expression is independent of patient race but correlates with disease grade, and ER, PR or HER2 expression. Expression of TPD52, GATA3 and KRT18 was increased in KRT19 expressing patients.
Review of Robert K. McIver, Memory, Jesus, and the Synoptic Gospels
The glycemic, insulinemic and plasma amino acid responses to equi-carbohydrate milk meals, a pilot- study of bovine and human milk
Background: Dairy proteins, in particular the whey fraction, exert insulinogenic properties and facilitate glycemic regulation through a mechanism involving elevation of certain plasma amino acids, and stimulation of incretins. Human milk is rich in whey protein and has not been investigated in this respect. Method: Nine healthy volunteers were served test meals consisting of human milk, bovine mi
Ultrafine Particles: Exposure and Source Apportionment in 56 Danish Homes
ABSTRACT: Particle number (PN) concentrations (10−300 nm in size) were continuously measured over a period of ∼45 h in 56 residences of nonsmokers in Copenhagen, Denmark. The highest concentrations were measured when occupants were present and awake (geometric mean, GM: 22.3 × 103 cm−3), the lowest when the homes were vacant (GM: 6.1 × 103 cm−3) or the occupants were asleep (GM: 5.1 × 103 cm−3). D
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
In this overview the technique of accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) and its use are described. AMS is a highly sensitive method of counting atoms. It is used to detect very low concentrations of natural isotopic abundances (typically in the range between 10(-12) and 10(-16)) of both radionuclides and stable nuclides. The main advantages of AMS compared to conventional radiometric methods are the
Comparing spectrum estimators in speaker verification under additive noise degradation
Different short-term spectrum estimators for speaker verification under additive noise are considered. Conventionally, mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) are computed from discrete Fourier transform (DFT) spectra of windowed speech frames. Recently, linear prediction (LP) and its temporally weighted variants have been substituted as the spectrum analysis method in speech and speaker recog
Late-Onset Hypogonadism and Mortality in Aging Men
Context: Late-onset hypogonadism (LOH) has recently been defined as a syndrome in middle-aged and elderly men reporting sexual symptoms in the presence of low T. The natural history of LOH, especially its relationship to mortality, is currently unknown. Objective: The aim of this study was to clarify the associations between LOH, low T, and sexual symptoms with mortality in men. Design, Setting, a