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"Bara, endast och inte mer än..." En rättssociologisk studie om medias framställning av fängelse som straffnorm i det svenska rättsystemet

This study aims to examine the media influence on the general public view of the imprisonment. It also aims to examine if there are any other variables that influence how the law is communicated to the society. This study is about how imprisonment is communicated by the media, but not all imprisonments and not all types of media - it addresses the newspapers report of imprisonment for the crime of

Sustainable Drainage and Surface Water Management in Xiamen, China

Sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) is a relatively new way of handling stormwater in urban environments. Originating in the late 1980’s, the concept has developed as an alternative to the traditional way of removing the urban water as quick as possible in pipes, buried underneath the ground. Sustainable urban drainage systems are open solutions, designed to regenerate nature’s way of stormw

Primär och sekundär migration av hydrokarboner

Syftet med denna litteraturstudie har varit att studera den primära och sekundära migrationen av hydrokarboner. Den primära migrationen är den process som sker då hydrokarboner, efter det att dessa bildats i moderbergarten under specifika tryck och temperaturförhållanden, drivs ut till en reservoarbergart. De faktorer som anses vara de troligaste orsakerna till att primär migration kan ske är spriThe purpose of this literature study is to explain the primary and secondary migration of hydrocarbons. Primary migration is the process when hydrocarbons, after their maturation in the source rock, are migrating to the reservoir rock. The main reason for primary migration is supposed to be cracking within the source rock or transportation with subsurface waterflows acting to a depth of about 2000

Fast eller rörlig växelkurs?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera fyra europeiska länders ekonomiska utveckling de senaste åren för att se om det finns skillnader beroende på landets val av växelkursregim. Hypotesen är att det finns fördelar för de länder med rörliga växelkurser som enligt Mundell-Flemming-teorin har möjlighet att använda penningpolitik som stabilisator vid finansiella störningar och perioder av sämre ko

Konsekvenser för survivors vid avveckling och downsizing: en fallstudie om arbetsmotivation på nedläggningsdrabbade Barsebäck Kraft AB

Syftet med denna fallstudie var att undersöka hur arbetsmotivationen ser ut hos anställda på ett företag som befinner sig i en avvecklingsprocess. Det studerade företaget var Barsebäck Kraft Aktiebolag. Eventuella samband undersöktes mellan arbetsmotivation och framtidsvisshet samt mellan arbetsmotivation och de demografiska variablerna ålder och antal anställda år på företaget. Genom en surveyund

MCDF Calculations on Pm-like Ions in an Isoelectronical Sequence

Calculations on Pm I like ions in a isoelectronical sequence has been made using Multiconfigurational Dirac-Fock (MCDF). Spectra in these heavy atoms are very massive and complicated as so many shells are open and so many transitions are possible. Moving down the ion sequence the electron configuration is going to change due to increasing nuclear charge. The work was focused on finding when a conf

Ledarskap – Dess existens och betydelse i en human service-organisation

Leadership is a well-researched topic. The meaning of leadership has often been brought to magical levels beyond the ordinary sense and some experts suggests that leadership is a phenomenon mostly expressed in best selling books and leadership courses. So how does leadership existence come to expression in a human service-organization and which meaning does the leaders in these organizations assig

Hävning enligt AB 04 och ABT 06

Syftet med denna uppsats är att precisera hävningsgrunderna och hävningens rättsverkningar enligt standardavtalen AB 04 och ABT 06. För att kunna besvara de ställda frågorna utgår arbetet från sådan rättsdogmatisk teori och metod som kan sägas utgöra traditionell rättsvetenskap. För kommersiella entreprenadavtal saknas direkt tillämpliga obligationsrättsliga lagregler. Detta innebär att de förhandThe purpose of this study is to clarify the grounds for termination, and the legal consequences of termination, according to the standard agreement system constituted by AB 04 and ABT 06. The study is based on such theory and method which represents traditional jurisprudence. In Sweden commercial construction contracts are not subject to any specific legislative regulation. For lack of formally ap

Finns det en social status på kyrkogårdar under medeltiden?

In this essay I will try to find out if there is such a thing as a social status in cemeteries in the medieval ages. My focus will be on S: t Stefan in Lund and S: t Clemens in Helsingborg. To find a social status in the cemeteries can be hard, and that is why I am also comparing grave gods, coffins and the burial traditions. Is it possible to see a social status in these cemeteries? Do grave gods

Peri-Urban Livelihoods and Food Security

In the past decades, global challenges including food insecurity were viewed almost entirely as a rural phenomenon. However, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, rapid urbanization in the developing world has jeopardized livelihoods along the urban periphery leading to the gradual relocation of food insecurity closer to the urban areas. Hence, the purpose of this study was to explore hous

Jämställdhet och governance - en analys av CEMR:s jämställdhetsdeklaration

In this thesis a declaration of gender equality, produced by CEMR (Council of European Municipalities and Regions) is analyzed. This declaration is viewed as an example of how multi-level governance is carried out in the EU. Its main focus is the method of gender mainstreaming and it is supposed to be implemented on the subnational level of the member states. This declaration, as well as the meth

Taking a Walk with the Birds and the Bees

This study was conducted in order to gain an in-depth understanding of Parent-Teenage Sexual Communication (PTSC) by focusing on a small town in Zambia. Recent studies have suggested that African parents are breaking traditions and beginning to speak with their children about the dangers associated with sexual risk, and this study aims to further what we know about how African parents and their ch

Carcharhiniforma hajar från Limhamns kalkbrott, Skåne

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Ordningen Carcharhiniformes är indelad i åtta familjer: Scyliorhinidae, Proscylliidae, Pseudotriakidae, Leptochariidae, Triakidae, Hemigaleidae, Carcharhinidae och Sphyrnidae. Detta är den ordning som är mest artdivers bland recenta hajar, med omkring 55% av totalt ca 350 nu levande hajarter. Carcharhiniformernas utbredning är från tropiska till boreala hav, menThe material is collected from two different levels in the Limhamn quarry, Skåne, Sweden. The first sample is from the Limhamn limestone in the quarry’s north-west corner and the second sample is from the Copenhagen limestone the quarry’s south wall. Biostratigraphically the material falls within the NP3 interval (nanoplankton zones in the Paleogene). In this paper shark teeth of the order Carchar

Fientliga företagsförvärv i Sverige 1997 - 2011

Studien undersöker förekomst av och finansiella egenskaper och karaktäristika hos samtliga fientligt förvärvade företag på Stockholmsbörsen 1997 – 2011. Utifrån tidigare studier kring företagsförvärv undersöks ett antal finansiella nyckeltal och egenskapers inverkan på sannolikheten att ett förvärv är av fientlig eller icke-fientlig karaktär. Studien kommer fram till slutsatsen att inga samband me

Are solar activity and cosmic rays important factors behind climate change?

Solens påverkan på klimatet är ett hett ämne i dagens klimatdebatt och utgör en av de största osäkerheterna i vår kunskap om klimatsystemet. Det finns flera sätt som förändringar i solaktivitet skulle kunna påverka klimatet på. En av de föreslagna länkarna mellan solaktivitet och klimat är att den galaktiska kosmiska strålningen (GCR) påverkar bildningen av låga moln. På grund av att låga moln harThe solar influence on climate is a hot topic in today’s climate debate and constitutes one of the largest uncertainties in our knowledge about the climate system. There are several ways in which solar activity changes could affect climate. One of the suggested links between solar activity and climate is an influence from galactic cosmic rays (GCR) on the formation of low clouds. Because of the ne

Funktion och betydelse hos nickningar och huvudskakningar hos tre svenska barn mellan 18 och 30 månader

Gestures are used by people in all cultures to express themselves. This is done through both conventional gestures, sometimes called emblems, and non-conventional gestures whose meaning is more dependent on the situation in which they are made. The purpose of this study is to examine how Swedish children between the ages 18 and 30 months use nodding and head shakes, both of which are conventionali

Demokratiskt rörelse? om sociala rörelser i en globaliserad värld

The aim of this thesis is to discuss the relationship between social movements and democracy in a globalized world. Social movements are understood as both compellers and sites of democracy. New technologies are creatively used by social movements, and the global web based movement Avaaz makes an interesting empirical case. Through an engagement with critical and normative theories of democracy, a

‘Good’ Governance and Human Development: The Case of China and India

This paper attempts to answer two interrelated questions: what is good governance and what is its relationship with human development, and what allowed China to outperform India on the Human Development Index. The United Nations Development Programme and scholars connect human development very closely with good governance. However, even as its HDI score is 28% higher than India’s, China’s quality