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An African-American family with dystonia.

The genetic cause of late-onset focal and segmental dystonia remains unknown in most individuals. Recently, mutations in Thanatos-associated protein domain containing, apoptosis associated protein 1 (THAP1) have been described in DYT6 dystonia and associated with some cases of familial and sporadic late-onset dystonia in Caucasians. We are not aware of any previous descriptions of familial dystoni

A correlation found between contact allergy to stent material and restenosis of the coronary arteries.

BACKGROUND: Metallic implants, stents, are increasingly being used especially in patients with stenosis of the cardiac vessels. Ten to thirty per cent of the patients suffer from restenosis regardless of aetiology. We have shown increased frequency of contact allergy to stent metals in stented patients. OBJECTIVES: To we evaluate whether contact allergy to stent material is a risk factor for reste

17 beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 as predictor of tamoxifen response in premenopausal breast cancer

17 beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (17HSDs) are involved in the local regulation of sex steroids. 17HSD1 converts oestrone (El) to the more potent oestradiol (E2) and 17HSD2 catalyses the reverse reaction. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of these enzymes in premenopausal breast cancers and to analyse if they have any prognostic or tamoxifen predictive value. Premenopausa

Large-scale mortality shocks and the Great Irish Famine 1845-1852

This paper considers the consequences of a large scale mortality shock arising from a famine or epidemic for long run economic and demographic development. The Great Irish Famine of 1845-1852 is taken as a case-study and is incorporated as an exogenous mortality shock into the type of long-run unified growth theory pioneered by Galor and Weil (1999, 2000), and modelled by Lagerlof (2003a,b) among

Development of patient-centred standards of care for osteoarthritis in Europe: the

The project is an initiative founded by the European Community and the European League Against Rheumatism. One aim of the project was to facilitate equal standards for musculoskeletal health across Europe. The aim of this work-package was to develop patient-centred and consensus based standards of care (SOC) for osteoarthritis (OA), which should be available in a professional and a pati

Flow structure and heat transfer in a square passage with offset mid-truncated ribs

The enhancement of heat transfer attributed from rib turbulators relative to the increased pressure drop in the channel is a crucial design parameter. Thus, the design of the truncated ribs (whose length is less than the passage width) provides options to address such cooling requirements when the pressure loss is a critical factor. Considering different types of truncated ribs, mid-truncated ribs

Parallel computation with molecular-motor-propelled agents in nanofabricated networks.

The combinatorial nature of many important mathematical problems, including nondeterministic-polynomial-time (NP)-complete problems, places a severe limitation on the problem size that can be solved with conventional, sequentially operating electronic computers. There have been significant efforts in conceiving parallel-computation approaches in the past, for example: DNA computation, quantum comp

Abnormal brainstem auditory response in young females with ADHD

Studies have shown that the auditory brain stem response (ABR) is often affected in neurodevelopmental disorders. The aim of this study is to investigate possible differences in ABR between young females with ADHD compared to control subjects. This study focuses on young females, age7–17 with ADHD, comparing the ABR of 43 young females with ADHD to 21 age- and gender-matched control subjects. Youn

Calculation of thermal bridges in (Nordic) building envelopes - Risk of performance failure due to inconsistent use of methodology

Reduction of energy use in buildings is an important measure to achieve climate change mitigation. It is essential to minimize heat losses when designing and building energy efficient buildings. For an energy-efficient building in a cold climate, a large part of the space heating demand is caused by transmission losses through the building envelope. Therefore, calculations of these must be carried

A paleomagnetic and U-Pb geochronology study of the western end of the Grenville dyke swarm: Rapid changes in paleomagnetic field direction at ca. 585 Ma related to polarity reversals?

A paleomagnetic study of the western end of the similar to 585 Ma Grenville dyke swarm shows that individual dykes are characterized by high coercivity and unblocking temperature magnetizations that can differ in direction by as much as 90 degrees. Field tests including baked contact studies and the continuity of paleomagnetic direction along dyke strike, suggest that the magnetizations are primar

Computing at School in Sweden - Experiences from Introducing Computer Science within Existing Subjects

Computing is no longer considered a subject area only relevant for a narrow group of professionals, but rather as a vital part of general education that should be available to all children and youth. Since making changes to national curricula takes time, people are trying to find other ways of introducing children and youth to computing. In Sweden, several current initiatives by researchers and te

Performance indices for feedforward control

In this paper, a performance benchmark for the assessment of two feedforward control architectures for the load disturbance compensation problem is proposed. In particular, two indices are devised so that the advantage of using a feedforward compensator with respect to the use of a feedback controller only is quantified. Furthermore, these metrics will help to make quantitative comparisons among d

A comparison between radial strain evaluation by speckle-tracking echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, for assessment of suitable segments for left ventricular lead placement in cardiac resynchronization therapy.

A cut-off of 9.8% maximum speckle-tracking radial strain in the segment with the latest mechanical delay has been proposed as predictive for selecting the best left ventricular lead placement for positive response on cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). However, pacing transmural scar should be avoided, and the purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of echocardiographic radial strai

Aerosol decadal trends - Part 2: In-situ aerosol particle number concentrations at GAW and ACTRIS stations

We have analysed the trends of total aerosol particle number concentrations (N) measured at long-term measurement stations involved either in the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) and/or EU infrastructure project ACTRIS. The sites are located in Europe, North America, Antarctica, and on Pacific Ocean islands. The majority of the sites showed clear decreasing trends both in the full-length time series,

The Omnipotent MNC – A Review and Discussion

Until the late 1990s researcher described a new strategy and organization for MNCs. The new MNC was omnipotent in character, striving for many new competitive advantages. This paper reviews the literature and synthesizes the ideas behind this Omnipotent MNC. General themes and key organizational characteristics are identified. A survey among large Swedish companies illustrate that many of the iden