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Your search for "*" yielded 532548 hits

Distinct gene expression signatures in human embryonic stem cells differentiated towards definitive endoderm at single-cell level.

Characterization of directed differentiation of pluripotent stem cells towards therapeutically relevant cell types, including pancreatic beta-cells and hepatocytes, depends on molecular markers and assays that resolve the signature of individual cells. Pancreas and liver both have a common origin of anterior definitive endoderm (DE). Here, we differentiated human embryonic stem cells towards DE us

Frequency-resolved time-gated high-order harmonics

We report measurements of high-order harmonic spectra obtained with a 800-nm 150-fs loser pulse with a time-varying degree of ellipticity. The modulation of the polarization in time is achieved by using birefringent optics and self-phase modulation in a glass plate. We can create one or two temporal gates of a few femtoseconds width, during which the polarization is linear and harmonic emission is

Mild dementia is associated with increased adrenal secretion of cortisol and precursor sex steroids in women.

Context: Sex steroid levels decrease with increasing age, but little is known whether this is of importance for the age-related decline in cognitive function. Design and Patients: A cross-sectional study of 50 (26 men) consecutive patients under primary evaluation of cognitive impairment (D group) and 18 (9 men) matched healthy controls (C group). Measurements: Sex steroid and precursor levels wer

Application of the fictitious crack model to different types of materials

The fictitious crack model is a non-linear fracture mechanics representation which has been well known and generally accepted for application to concrete fracture for about 10 years. It is a general model which in principle is applicable to all kinds of materials. At present, however, practical and numerical difficulties prevent its application to many types of materials, particularly to metals. I

Retinol dehydrogenase 10 is a feedback regulator of retinoic acid signalling during axis formation and patterning of the central nervous system.

Retinoic acid (RA) is an important morphogen that regulates many biological processes, including the development of the central nervous system (CNS). Its synthesis from vitamin A (retinol) occurs in two steps, with the second reaction - catalyzed by retinal dehydrogenases (RALDHs) - long considered to be crucial for tissue-specific RA production in the embryo. We have recently identified the Xenop

Transglutaminase and the pathogenesis of coeliac disease.

In 1997, a German group demonstrated that the antigen of the biomarker EMA (endomysial antibodies) in coeliac disease is a calcium-dependent thiol enzyme, transglutaminase type 2 (TG2). This most important discovery opened up an exciting field of research aimed at a better understanding of the pathogenesis of coeliac disease, a T-cell-driven autoimmune disorder with a prevalence of about 1%. The a

The Normal Incidence Monochromator Beamline I3 on MAX III

On the 700 MeV MAX III ring at MAX-lab, a 6.65 m off-axis eagle type monochromator beamline has recently been commissioned. The beamline is sourced by an apple type variable polarization undulator. The energy range of the beamline is 4.6-50 eV and the resolving power achieved is more than 100,000. There are two branch lines, one for angle and spin resolved photoemission studies from solids and the

Gas in Scattering Media Absorption Spectroscopy (GASMAS) Detected Persistent Vacuum in Apple Tissue After Vacuum Impregnation

The microstructure and the capillary pressure of the pore space are important variables for better understanding of the complex phenomena occurring during vacuum impregnation (VI) of plant tissues. In this study, we used GASMAS (Gas in Scattering Media Absorption Spectroscopy) of oxygen to, non-destructively, measure the dynamics of the internal pressure in apple pieces after restoration of the at

Adapting to Climate Change in Swedish Planning Practice

Mitigation measures, especially municipal energy infrastructure transformation, have been the focus of Sweden’s climate change responses. Recently, adaptation measures have grown in priority and planners are challenged to integrate mitigation and adaptation. In our study, we observe how synergies and conflicts in adaptation, mitigation, and other social and economic dimensions of spatial planning

Declining prevalence rates of syphilis among police officers in Guinea-bissau, west Africa, 1990-2010.

We analyzed prevalence rates of syphilis (positive Treponema pallidum hemagglutinin antigen/T. pallidum particle antigen and venereal disease research laboratory test) among police officers in Guinea-Bissau from 1990 to 2010 and found a significant decline from 4.5% to 0.4% (P = 0.0065). Our results are in line with other recent reports from West Africa. More research is needed to identify the rea

Neutral fragmentation of super excited oxygen molecules

The mechanisms of neutral dissociation of oxygen molecules in the excitation energy range 15–25 eV have been studied in a dispersed fluorescence experiment. By detecting the fluorescence from excited oxygen atoms, we find that neutral superexcited O2 states below 20 eV dissociate into O(g.s.)+O(3s,3p). At higher excitation energies (hν=20–25 eV) the curve-crossing interactions following excitation

Inferential ability in children with cerebral palsy, spina bifida and pragmatic language impairment.

The aim of the study was to investigate and compare the ability to make inferences in three groups of children ranging from 5;2 to 10;9 years: 10 children with cerebral palsy (CP), 10 children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus (SBH) and 10 children with pragmatic language impairment (PLI). The relationship between inferential and literal comprehension was investigated by analysing atypical respo

Micro- and macromechanical effects on the wound bed of negative pressure wound therapy using gauze and foam.

Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) results in 2 types of tissue deformation, macrodeformation (ie, wound contraction) and microdeformation (ie, the interaction of tissue and dressing on a microscopic level). These effects have been delineated for one type of wound filler, foam, but not for gauze. The mechanical deformation initiates a signaling cascade which ultimately leads to wound healing.

Vascular endothelial growth factor is upregulated by L-dopa in the parkinsonian brain: implications for the development of dyskinesia.

Angiogenesis and increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier have been reported to occur in animal models of Parkinson's disease and l-dopa-induced dyskinesia, but the significance of these phenomena has remained unclear. Using a validated rat model of l-dopa-induced dyskinesia, this study demonstrates that chronic treatment with l-dopa dose dependently induces the expression of vascular end