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REX: A Computer Program for PIXE Spectrum Resolution of Aerosols

REX is a Fortran program for analysis of spectra obtained in PIXE analysis. The underlying model is still under development; however, one year of experience has demonstrated REX’s capability to be a fast reliable tool. The modeling of the different components and effects of the physical model is briefly discussed. Evidence is shown that secondary effects mostly due to Compton-scattering in and aro

Expression and function of vascular estrogen receptors alpha and beta

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det kvinnliga könshormonet östrogen utövar sin effekt via två bindningsprotein (receptorer) benämnda ERa och ERb. Då östrogen binder till receptorn aktiverar alternativt inaktiverar detta komplex sekvenser av DNA molekylen. Således reglerar den aktiverade receptorn för östrogen genaktivitet och därmed syntes av proteiner viktiga för den normala cell- och vävnadsfunktionEstrogen receptors (ER) are expressed not only in classical target organs for estrogen like breast and uterus, but also in male reproductive system as well as in non-reproductive organs such as brain, liver and bone. The functions of ER are quite well known in reproductive organs but less information is available regarding their function in vascular tissue. The objective of this thesis was to inve

Detection and Characterisation of Salmonella in Animal Feed Samples by PCR-Based Methods

Animal feed is a recognised source of Salmonella enterica for farm livestock and may also indirectly cause infection in people consuming foods of animal origin. It is therefore important to have rapid, reproducible and specific methods for the detection of Salmonella in feed, and for the characterisation of strains for further epidemiological investigations or to trace the source of contamination

En kritisk undersökning av det modernistiska projektet för design i Sverige.

The thesis has one aim: to investigate the modernist project for design in Sweden and extract its dominant ideals, with the purpose of discussing it critically. The ideals of the modernist project for design make the social democratic thought manifest. These ideals are interpreted as a socialistic aesthetic. The results of the investigation can be summoned up in the following conclusions: When a c

Culture of Medicinal Plants in the city of Fortaleza as a proposal for the sustainable development of the municipality

Medicinal plants cultivation has grown all over the world. This paper studies the role of Medicinal plants cultivation in sustainable development. The research takes the city of Fortaleza in Brazil as a case study. The results show that the proposed Living Pharmacy Program, which has been implanting for more than 20 years since 1990 in the municipality of Fortaleza, is enlarging the access of the

Type 2 Cystatins. Studies on the role of the major cystatin, cystatin C, in mice and on properties and distribution of the novel human cystatins F, G, H and I.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vår arvsmassa består av en cirka två meter lång tråd av DNA. Denna långa DNA-tråd är väl hoppackad och alla kärnbärande celler i kroppen har en kopia av den. Tråden kan delas upp i korta segment som utgör våra gener och mellanliggande segment vars uppgift inte är helt klarlagd. Totalt har vi enligt nuvarande beräkningar cirka 30 000 gener. Dessa gener, som innehåller koThe aim the thesis work was to study the human cystatins C, E/M, F, G, H and I both in vivo and in vitro. A mouse devoid of cystatin C was used for the cystatin C studies. The levels of cystatins C, E/M and F were measured in pleural effusion samples of patients with various lung disorders. Cystatin F protein and RNA levels were measured in the human haematopoietic cell line U937 as well as in cel

Socio-Economic and Nutritional Determinants of Low Birth Weight in India

Background: Low birth weight (LBW) is an important risk factor for childhood morbidity and mortality, consequently an important public health concern. Aim: This study aims to identify significant socio-economic and nutritional determinants associated with LBW in India. Materials and Methods: Data from 2005 to 2006 National Family Health Survey-3 (NFHS-3) of India was analyzed. A total of 20,946 wo

Northern Aslian

This chapter provides a typological profile of Northern Aslian, a subbranch of the Aslian branch of Austroasiatic comprising a number of closely related language varieties spoken in southern Thailand and northern Peninsular Malaysia. It builds on the authors' ongoing field research, as well as available sources. The profile is based on data from most known varieties of Northern Aslian, but draws i

Joint attention and cooperation in the Swedish of adolescents in multilingual settings: the use of sån 'such' and såhär 'like'.

This article describes the use of the Swedish sån 'such' and såhär 'like', respectively, as a means to establish joint attention and cooperation among adolescents in multilingual settings. In the south of Sweden, in the city of Malmö, sån 'such' is used, primarily, as a determiner, and also a focus marker. In contrast, adolescents in Stockholm (approximately 600 kilometres north of Malmö) make fre

Epitaxial growth of semiconductor nanowires

This thesis describes the results obtained from investigations carried out on epitaxially grown III-V semiconductor nanowires aimed at improving our understanding of and knowledge on the growth mechanism of nanowires. This is important to be able to control their growth, in order to make future applications possible. Nanowire growth was carried out using chemical beam epitaxy (CBE). This is a gro

Stable peace in the Baltic Sea region: Prospects and problems

The end of the Cold War and the subsequent dismantling of the Soviet Union has brought about fundamental changes in the Baltic Sea region in the last decade. In view of these developments, this article addresses two central questions when it comes to Baltic Sea security—how can the current peace in the Baltic Sea region be characterized and what are the prospects and problems involved in achieving