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Your search for "*" yielded 534211 hits

Is Economic Growth Sustainable? : Conflicting Signals from International Organisations

There has been widespread debate about whether the way in which we measure economic activity is fit for purpose in the twenty-first century. One aspect to this debate is to move away from measuring a nation’s income (GDP), towards monitoring a nation's assets (their inclusive wealth), as a better indicator of sustainable economic development. We provide the first critical comparison of the approac

Beyond the Canvas: A Mixed Methods Study of Awe-Experiences in Virtual Reality Featuring Abstract and Figurative Art

Purpose: This thesis delves into the dynamic relation between awe and art, specifically focusing on abstract versus representational art within immersive Virtual Reality (VR) environments. Prompted by the expansion of awe research since Keltner and Haidt’s seminal work (2003) and the research gap on art and VR, this study explores whether the level of abstraction in art influences the intensity of

Gymcels: incels samtida utlöpare på sociala medier

In this paper the studied subject is the recent offshoot of incels: gymcels and associated terms such as sigma among others. This study investigates what this subsect implies and does so by defining aspects of conventional incel culture and juxtaposes these with gymcel cultures own differing ones. This includes values, morals, beliefs, concepts and the language used in this community to differ its

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Local acceptance is key when implementing climate technologies. One necessary technology to mitigate climate change is land-based Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). In Denmark, earlier experience with the technology ended in shutdown due to local resistance. But now CCS plays a significant role in the Danish climate reduction goals; without CCS the goal won't be met. The academic field is very

Empati för offer av psykiskt våld: en komparativ studie rörande perspektivtagande

Studien var ämnad att undersöka skillnader i empatisk förmåga utifrån tre nivåer; perspektiv, kön och våldstyp. Tidigare studier visar att kvinnor har en högre empatisk förmåga än män. Samt att allvarlighetsgraden rörande psykiskt våld påverkas beroende på vilket narrativ som används, där tredjehandsperspektivet skapade de främsta förutsättningarna för en träffsäker bedömning. Studien tillämpades This quantitative study was aimed to examine respondents' empathy towards victims of psychological abuse. Furthermore the study’s ambition was to reveal differences in empathy on three levels; gender, perspective and type of violence. Earlier research indicates that women show greater empathic ability than men. Moreover psychological abuse is perceived as more severe when seen from a third per

Renewing the subterranean energy regime? : How petroculture obscures the materiality of deep geothermal energy technology in Sweden

Social visions to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources have motivated unprecedented growth in global renewable energy manufacturing. Previous literature shows that people committed to realizing such visions have difficulties reconciling with the negative social-ecological impacts of this mass production even if it presents a formidable challenge to a socially just and ecologically su

Immune cell landscapes in endometriosis and endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer

Endometrios är en sjukdom som innebär att livmoderslemhinna befinner sig utanför livmodern vilket kan resultera i smärtor och infertilitet. En vanlig förklaring till uppkomsten av endometrios är att delar av livmoderslemhinnan pressas ut ur livmodern, exempelvis till äggstockarna, under menstruation. När detta sker känner kroppens immunförsvar inte igen vävnaden utan ser den som något främmande soEndometriosis is a benign gynecological disease affecting approximately 10% of women of reproductive age today. Emerging evidence shows that women suffering from endometriosis have an increased risk of developing endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer (EAOC). Today, ovarian cancer is treated by cytoreductive surgery followed by chemotherapy. However, recurrence and platinum resistance occur in pa

Socialsekreterarna och de digitala verktygen - Gränsarbete inom ekonomiskt bistånd

Digital tools are part of the everyday lives of social workers. In the political discourse surrounding the digitalization of social services, this development tends to be described as a naturally occurring force of change. What seems less prominent is how digitalization also carries values and ideas designed within the framework of a social and political context, digital tools are consequently not

När mänsklighet möter teknologi: En studie om sambandet mellan värme, kompetens och tillförlitlighet till ChatGPT

AI-modellen ChatGPT har blivit omåttligt populär på kort tid och används dagligen av miljontals människor. Genom att analysera stora mängder data bestående av offentlig information utför AI-modellen tjänster som CVskrivande, diktkomponerande och besvarande av frågor om allt från vetenskap, till kultur och historia. ChatGPT används i mycket stor utsträckning, trots att den genererade informationen The AI ​​model ChatGPT has become immensely popular in a short time and is used daily by millions of people. By analyzing large amounts of data consisting of public information, the AI ​​model performs services such as CV writing, composing poems and answering questions about everything from science, to culture and history. ChatGPT is used to a very large extent, despite the fact that the generate

Överlåtelse och upplåtelse av flexibelt detaljplanelagd mark

I detaljplaner som har fler än en tillåten markanvändning kan en värderingsskillnad uppstå beroende på vilken markanvändning som värderingen baseras på. Ett tydligt exempel där ett sådant problem kan uppstå är när kontor (K) och industri (J) är den tillåtna markanvändningen inom samma bit mark. Liknande problematik kan även uppstå där det endast är en markanvändning tillåten. Det tydliga exemplet In detailed development plans that have more than one allowed use of the land a difference in value may occur depending on what regulated land use the valuation is based on. The type of land that can cause such value-differences is called flexible detailed development planned land in this paper. When municipalities upon sale can’t obtain a land price based on the highest valued land use they have

Nolltolerans mot ungdomsbrottslighet - Hårdare tag till följd av det ökade våldet eller en övertro till repressiva åtgärder?

Frågor om brottslighet står högst upp på agendan bland Sveriges politiker och tidningsrubriker avlöser varandra med nyheter om de kriminella gängen och skjutvapenvåldet. Uppfattningen är att brottsligheten går ner i åldrarna, blir grövre och att kriminella gäng rekryterar unga personer för att utföra allvarliga brott. Det är enkelt att få intrycket att vi befinner oss i en tid av ökad brottslig-heQuestions about crime are at the top of the agenda among Sweden's politicians and news about the criminal gangs and gun violence dominate headlines. The perception is that crime decreases with age, becomes more serious and that criminal gangs recruit young people to commit serious crimes. It is easy to get the impression that we are in a time of increased crime and deadly violence. In recent y

Breaking Bars, Building Hope: Redefining Rehabilitation with Open Prisons in India

India's open prisons offer an innovative method of confinement by giving some prisoners more freedom and chances for rehabilitation. However, little is known about how individuals who are directly involved, such as detainees, their families, and prison staff, see these jails. This thesis aims to investigate their viewpoints and experiences, with a particular emphasis on stigma, incarceration,

Ungas rädsla för brott - en kvalitativ intervjustudie av rädslans ursprung och dess konsekvenser hos unga

Syftet med denna uppsats var att genom en tematisk analys skapa en förståelse för ämnet rädsla för brott. Målet var att ge svar på om intervjupersonerna upplevde rädsla för brott, hur rädslan definierades, vilka faktorer som kan ha en påverkan på upplevd rädsla för brott, samt vad denna rädsla kan få för konsekvenser i en persons vardag. För att besvara frågeställningarna har kvalitativa, semistru

Origin of blue straggler stars in the Milky Way halo

Blue straggler stars (BSSs) are exotic stellar objects that appear to be younger than the age of the population they come from suggests. They are observed as the extension of the main sequence stars, beyond the turn-off point. They are present in all types of stellar populations, such as open clusters, globular clusters, dwarf galaxies, and even in the open field. It is believed that they form mai

Episodes of Large Capital Inflows: Identification and Economic Aftermath

Large capital inflows have always been a cause of concern for policy makers. While most countries experience episodes of large capital inflows, Advanced Economies tend to fare slightly better, while Emerging Economies experience more adverse effects. This study identifies 228 such episodes of large capital inflows in 1980-2019, in 38 countries. Further, an attempt is made to analyse the aftermath

The Narcissists Wallet: The Nexus between Narcissism and Financial Decision-Making among Aspiring Entrepreneurs

This study examines how grandiose narcissism affects the resource acquisition of aspiring entrepreneurs. The study's results help bridge a gap in the literature and provide a better understanding of the nexus between narcissism and entrepreneurial finance. By drawing on previous literature from both fields, we set out to explore the relationship between narcissism and an individual’s preferenc