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A 24 GHz SOP VCO with 20 % tuning range
Landskapsförändringar i Stenbrohult sedan Linnés tid
Makt som begränsar och makt som frigör
Organisationsformer inom hälsosektorn
Textens roll i operan
Vad händer när den underförstådda pakten mellan författare och läsare sätts åt sidan? Diskussion med utgångspunkt från den spanske författaren Juan Goytisolo
Challenges and Opportunities For Safe Water Supply in Mozambique
In Mozambique, despite considerable investments in the promotion of drinking water supplies, the access to quality water of sufficient quantity for the majority of people is still far from optimal. Current official figures report that nearly half of the country´s population and about 45 per cent of urban residents do not have access to safe water. As a result of poor performance or absence of publ
On Hardware-Oriented Message Authentication with Applications Towards RFID
We consider ultra light-weight constructions of message authentication in hardware applications like RFID. We propose a new type of constructions that will be less costly to implement in hardware, compared to any previous construction. These constructions are based on the framework of universal hash functions, Toeplitz matrices and
Stabilization and projection methods for multibody dynamics
In recent years, there has been growing interest in stabilized index reduction techniques for differential-algebraic equations (DAE) of multibody dynamics. A number of the proposals which incorporate the idea of a projection onto the constraint manifold are discussed. The methods are divided into classes based on whether the projection is performed on the residuals of the discretized DAE or on the
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δ-Hydride Habit Plane Determination in α-Zirconium by Strain Energy Minimization Technique at 25 K and 300 K
Den historiska antiken: om gränslandet mellan antikhistoria och historia om antiken
How visual is visual culture
If we admit that, with the exception of language, human perception is predominantly visual, it is reasonable to think that all phenomena conveyed by the visual senses have something in common, but then visual semiotics/visual culture will comprehend much more than painting, sculpture, and architecture. The double coding hypotheses of cognitive psychology, as well as Lessing’s classical opposition
CNN image processing on a Xilinx Virtex-II 6000
Image processing is one of the popular applications of Cellular Neural Networks. Macro enriched field-programmable gate-arrays can be used to realize such systems on silicon. The paper discusses a pipelined implementation that supports the handling of gray-level images at 180 to 240 Mpixels per second by exploiting the Virtex-II macros to spatially unroll the local feedback
Designing DSS Based on an Attention-Based View of the Firm
The otitis-prone child : studies of a condition with a multifactorial background
Popular Abstract in Swedish Akut öroninflammation är vanligt hos barn och många barn får sin första öroninflammation redan vid tidig ålder. Öronbarn kallas de barn som drabbas av upprepade öroninflammationer. Dessa barn drabbas oftare än andra barn också av andra infektioner. Flera undersökningar har utförts tidigare för att kartlägga olika riskfaktorer. Undersökningarna har visat varierande resulAcute otitis media (AOM) is a common complication after episodes of respiratory tract infections in childhood. Some children have recurrent episodes and they are often called otitis-prone. These children are prone not only to middle-ear diseases but also to other infectious diseases. The aims of the present study of otitis-prone children and controls were to describe the overall illness and need f