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Regional market integration in Italy during the unification (1832-1882)

The 19th century was a period of great transformations for Italy. Political unification was achieved in 1861 while economic unification was still far off. Ever since, Italian industrialization has been unbalanced, as the pre-existing gap between Northern and Southern economic development has widened. In this context, the creation of the Italian national market has been a highly debated topic. Orig

Learning and Teaching Sustainable Development in Global - Local Contexts

The overall aim of this thesis is to develop knowledge of teaching and learning sustainable development in global–local contexts. The research field is global learning for sustainable development (GLSD). Phenomenographic approach and contextual analysis were used as methods of analysis, and data was collected by Semi-structured interviews at secondary and upper secondary schools in Sweden.In Study

The limits of inclusion – stories from the margins of the Swedish police

This chapter explores gay and lesbian police officers’ stories of marginalization and the limits of inclusive diversity policies in the Swedish police. The analysis aims to go beyond the level of policy and formal training and consider mechanisms of exclusion and marginalization on the level of personal stories based on lived experience. Drawing on an interview study of gay and lesbian police offi

Optimal Tracking and Identification of Paths for Industrial Robots

This paper presents results from time-optimal path tracking for industrial robots. More specifically, three subproblems are studied and experimentally evaluated. The first is a contact-force control approach for determining the geometric robot motion, such that the tool centre point of the robot is moved according to the specification. The second problem is off-line solution of the optimisation pr

Immediate versus delayed prostatectomy : Nationwide population-based study

Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the outcome of immediate versus delayed radical prostatectomy (RP) in men with low-grade prostate cancer. Materials and methods: The study included a nationwide population-based cohort in the National Prostate Cancer Register of Sweden, of 7608 men with clinically localized, biopsy Gleason score 6 prostate cancer who underwent immediate or delayed RP

Modeling and Control of a Piezo-Actuated High-Dynamic Compensation Mechanism for Industrial Robots

This paper presents a method for modeling and control of a piezo-actuated high-dynamic compensation mechanism (HDCM) for usage together with an industrial robot during a machining operation, such as milling in aluminum. The spindle is attached to the compensation mechanism and the robot holds the workpiece. Due to the inherent resonant character of mechanical constructions of this type, and the no

Colour Vision in Birds : Comparing behavioural thresholds and model predictions

Fåglar har relativt stora ögon för sina kroppsstorlekar och syn är en kostsam sinnesförmåga, speciellt för flygande djur eftersom stora ögon medför extra vikt. Man kan därför anta att fåglar använder synen för viktiga beteenden. De flesta fåglars färgseende är tetrakromatiskt, vilket innebär att fyra typer av fotoreceptorer bidrar till deras färgseende. Det innebär att deras färgseende har en extrBirds use colour vision for many biologically relevant behaviours such as foraging and mate choice. Bird colour vision is mediated by four types of single cones, giving them an extra dimension of colour information compared to trichromatic humans. The cone photoreceptors of birds have coloured oil droplets that are assumed to increase the discriminability of colours in bright light at the cost of

Time-Domain Precoding for LTE-over-Copper Systems

Crosstalk cancellation is a crucial issue for traditional digital subscriber line systems. For LTE-over-copper systems, however, the need for crosstalk cancellation varies depending on the analog fronthauling architecture and its parameters. A crosstalk handler that is decoupled as much as possible from the rest of the system architecture is thus preferred. Therefore, we propose a time-domain prec

Implicit acquisition of tone-suffix connections in L2 learners of Swedish

Swedish native speakers (NSs) unconsciously use tones realized on word stems to predict upcoming suffixes during speech comprehension. The present response time study investigated whether relatively proficient second language (L2) learners of Swedish have acquired the underlying association between tones and suffixes without explicit instruction, internalizing a feature that is specific to their L