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Glömskans tid och vår tid

Artikeln behandlar gipsavgjutningssamlingar som ställts undan och förfallit på grund av ändrad konstsyn och politiska strömningar samt den renässans som de klassiska avgjutningssamlingarna fått i den postmoderna konsten från 1990-talet.

Flammability limits of Low Btu gases : Computations in a perfectly stirred reactor and experiments

The demand for gas turbines suitable for Low Btu gases is increasing worldwide. This paper presents a theoretical and experimental investigation of the flammability limits of Low Btu gases for gas turbine applications. Most modern gas turbines utilize premixed combustion, making it important to know at which fuel-air ratio the flame extinguishes. The flammability limit for a gaseous fuel is a prop

Heavy Ion Results from ATLAS

These proceedings provide an overview of the new results obtained with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, which were presented in the Quark Matter 2017 conference. These results were covered by twelve parallel talks, one flash talk and eleven posters. These proceedings group these results into five areas: initial state, jet quenching, quarkonium production, longitudinal flow dynamics, and collectivity

The concept of moral panic and its use in social psychology

Moral panics are events that occur when societies react to a condition, episode, person or group of persons inside their society, which are seen as threats to the society’s core values or beliefs. The concept of moral panic has been successfully employed in the fields of sociology and criminology for well over 40 years. However, it has remained fairly unknown to social psychologists. In this paper

Hypersensitivity to cardiovascular implants : Stents

Percutaneous coronary interventions and stenting have existed since the 1970s. Stents can be made of different materials and have different designs. A complication to the intervention and especially to bare metal stents is in-stent restenosis with neointimal proliferation and chronic inflammation, which has several causes briefly discussed below. A possible association between stents and metal all

Från ädel antik till gammalt gods

Artikeln behandlar gipsavgjutningens betydelse i de europeiska konstmuseerna, konstakademierna och universiteten under 1800-talet och hur synen på dem förändras radikalt under 1900-talet som en följd av ett normativt skifte från idealism till autenticitetskrav.

Protocol for a scoping review to support development of a CONSORT extension for randomised controlled trials using cohorts and routinely collected health data

Introduction Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) conducted using cohorts and routinely collected health data, including registries, electronic health records and administrative databases, are increasingly used in healthcare intervention research. The development of an extension of the CONsolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement for RCTs using cohorts and routinely collected heal

Is care based on comprehensive geriatric assessment with mobile teams better than usual care? : A study protocol of a randomised controlled trial (The GerMoT study)

INTRODUCTION: Comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) is a multidimensional, interdisciplinary diagnostic process used to determine the medical, psychological and functional capabilities of frail older people. The primary aim of our current study is to confirm whether CGA-based outpatient care is superior than usual care in terms of health-related outcomes, resource use and costs.METHODS AND ANAL

Closing the loops in the pulp and paper industry with membrane technology

To catch successfully the new opportunities that arise from the development of new paper-product markets, pulp and paper producers are facing the need to improve the profitability and the environmental profile of their processes. Pulp and paper producers are therefore seeking all means to “close the loops”: the water loop, the chemical loop and the by-product loop. This lecture reviews the opportu

Climate innovations in the paper industry: Prospects for decarbonisation

The European pulp and paper industry (PPI) directly emits 31.9 Mton CO2 (2016) and indirectly 12.3 and 5 Mton CO2 from purchased electricity and transport respectively. It also accounts for 68 Mton of biogenic CO2 emissions. The PPI is a mature industry with overall stagnating market demand in the past ten years and relatively high levels of recycling. Forest countries like Sweden and Finland domi

Effectiveness of the Gold Standard Programme (GSP) for smoking cessation on smokers with and without a severe mental disorder : A Danish cohort study

Objectives We compared the effectiveness of an intensive smoking cessation intervention among smokers with and without a severe mental disorder (SMD) and identified factors associated with successful quitting. The main hypothesis was that smokers with an SMD would be less likely to stay continuously smoke-free for 6 months. Design A prospective cohort study. Setting In all, 302 smoking cessation c

Styrning genom frivillig koordinering? En studie av europeiska socialfondens genomförande i lokal förvaltning

EU-funding opportunities create incentives for local governments to partake in the implementation of EU regional policies; yet there is a lack of knowledge on the local effects in everyday municipal work. In this article we examine how the European Social Fund (ESF) is used by the EU and national level to govern local activities, how the subnational level acts in response to this and with what con

Breast ultrasound : recommendations for information to women and referring physicians by the European Society of Breast Imaging

Abstract: This article summarises the information that should be provided to women and referring physicians about breast ultrasound (US). After explaining the physical principles, technical procedure and safety of US, information is given about its ability to make a correct diagnosis, depending on the setting in which it is applied. The following definite indications for breast US in female subjec

The association between areas of secondary hyperalgesia and volumes of the caudate nuclei and other pain relevant brain structures—A 3-tesla MRI study of healthy men

Introduction Central sensitization plays a pivotal role in maintenance of pain and is believed to be intricately involved in several chronic pain conditions. One clinical manifestation of central sensitization is secondary hyperalgesia. The degree of secondary hyperalgesia presumably reflects individual levels of central sensitization. The objective of this study was to investigate the association

Cardiovascular biomarkers predict fragility fractures in older adults

Abstract OBJECTIVE To assess the role of four biomarkers of neuroendocrine activation and endothelial dysfunction in the longitudinal prediction of fragility fractures. METHODS We analysed a population-based prospective cohort of 5415 community-dwelling individuals (mean age, 68.9±6.2 years) enrolled in the Malmö Preventive Project followed during 8.1±2.9 years, and investigated the longitudinal Objective To assess the role of four biomarkers of neuroendocrine activation and endothelial dysfunction in the longitudinal prediction of fragility fractures. Methods We analysed a population-based prospective cohort of 5415 community-dwelling individuals (mean age, 68.9±6.2 years) enrolled in the Malmö Preventive Project followed during 8.1±2.9 years, and investigated the longitudinal associati