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Do Buddhist "nuns" need the Thai Sangha?
Metodboken. Träning och behandling i elrullstol
Odour signals for detection and control of indoor pyralid moths
Three pyralid moths, the Mediterranean flour moth (Ephestia kuehniella), the almond moth (Ephestia cautella) and the Indian meal moth (Plodia interpunctella), infest food products all over the world and cause severe problems in factories, shops and households. For health and environmentalreasons chemical control becomes more and more restricted. We here present some promising results offering effi
Organisationsförändring och arbetsgruppsklimat
During the 1990s public services have to a great extent reorganised according to the idea of market economy and new management ideas. An example that illustrates these processes is the home care organisations. Private companies, new management strategies and special need assessment officials have been introduced. In a longitudinal study we have focused on the fate of the working teams as it is sho
Urbana vattensystem
Syntax of the Modern Greek Verbal System: The Use of the Forms, Particularly in Combination with èá and vá
The first part of Syntax of the Modern Greek Verbal System(second thoroughly revised edition) deals with the grammatical categrories of verbs (voice, aspect etc.) and the use of each verbal form (ëýíù, ëýóù, Ýëõíá, Ýëõóá, imperatives etc.). The second part deals in detail with the functions of the particles èá, áò and especially õá. Two brief final chapters cover indirect speech and the use of the
Fler och bättre färdigheter. Exemplet praktisk retorik
The experience of half a century of European integration
Sveriges Historia vol. 5, 1721-1830
Maktens gårdar vid tiden för Nordens kristnande
After the cold: Mammal finds, hunting and cultural affinities during the Preboreal
Situerad frihet och gränsens problem
Review of ”Between Worlds: Deaf Women, Work and the Intersection of Gender and Ability”
Efficient Pruning of Search Trees in LQR Control of Switched Linear Systems
This paper considers off-line optimization of a switching sequence fora given finite set of linear control systems and joint optimization ofcontrol laws. A linear quadratic full information criterion isoptimized and dynamic programming is used to find the optimalswitching sequence and control laws. The main result is a method for efficient pruning of the search tree to avoid combinatoric explosion
Small biotopes: Landscape and management effects on pollinators
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vårt behov av att öka matproduktionen för en växande global befolkning, har sedan mitten av nittonhundratalet drivit jordbrukets utveckling. Det traditionella, småskaliga jordbrukslandskapet med sitt lapptäcke av betesmarker, ängar och åkrar, har över tid ersatts av ett mer produktionsinriktat landskap. Åkrar har slagits ihop för att skapa större odlingsenheter, där nyaThe intensification of agriculture during the second half of the twentieth century, has caused sever declines of farmland biodiversity, where loss of semi-natural habitats is one of the major drivers. To halt further loss of habitat and biodiversity, agri-environmental schemes (AES) are used to compensate farmers to use methods less harmful to the environment. In this thesis, I have investigated t
Disentangling the complexities of vertebrate sex allocation: a role for squamate reptiles?
Sex allocation is an important field in evolutionary biology, both historically and currently. However, while sex allocation theory has successfully predicted sex ratio bias in some taxa, most notably parasitic wasps, vertebrates are notorious for their poor fit to theoretical models. We argue that this arises from the use of very complex model systems to test relatively simple theoretical models.
Investeringar i kommunal infrastruktur: Förutsättningar för en målfokuserad investeringsverksamhet
Capital assets in local infrastructure constitute an overbearing concern for society, with the generation of benefits for the population being its prime purpose. Nevertheless, the conditions for the capital investment activities within local governments are diffuse. Which different kinds of investment goals actually exist? How to explain the priority of different capital investment goals? What exp
Linear Increase in Life Expectancy: Past and Present
Robust automatic tuning of an industrial PI controller for dead-time systems
This paper describes an automatic tuning procedure for dead-time compensating controllers. A first order plus dead time model is identified from two step response experiments. The identification is based on the methods of moments. The model uncertainty is estimated automatically and used in the design to obtain a robust controller.