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Variation in Free Flow Speed due to Roadway Type and Roadside Environment

This paper explores the effects of roadway and roadside environment characteristics on the speed chosen by drivers. This work is an observational study of 272 segments of two lane roads in Connecticut. Data was collected for lane width, shoulder width, road width, presence of curbs and edge delineation types. For the roadside environment the following variables were also measured: presence of side

The life and death of bees in an emerging knowledge for sustainability

The following text addresses the ecological and cultural significance of the threats affecting the honey-bee, and which are becoming apparent through the unusual and sometimes drastic death rates of bee colonies. General research conducted on this problem largely agrees that the threats to bees are a syndrome that has a multifactorial nature and anthropogenic origin. In face of a plethora of relev

Kassaflödesanalys - Konsten att beräkna och analysera betalningsflöden

Nivåerna på ett företags in- och utbetalningar är viktiga för såväl långsiktig som kortsiktig överlevnad. Denna bok handlar om hur kassaflöden för en viss period kan räknas fram utifrån resultat- och balansräkningar, med redovisningens logik i fokus. Ett av bokens syften är att skapa förståelse för sambandet mellan resultat- och balansräkningar å den ena sidan och kassaflöden å den andra. Därför

Approximative Matrix Inverse Computations for Very-large MIMO and Applications to Linear Pre-coding Systems

In very-large multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, the BS (base station) is equipped with very large number of antennas as compared to previously considered systems. There are various advantages of increasing the number of antennas, and some schemes would require handling large matrices for joint processing (pre-coding) at the base station. The dirty paper coding (DPC) is an optimal pre-

Capturing Ritual Practice: An attempt to harmonize archaeological method and theory

One of the greatest challenges for the archaeology of ritual and religion is to find ways to connect theoretical developments with the archaeological record. This article explores the possibilities of synchronizing archaeological methods and theories in our search for understanding ritual in the past through a concrete case study of a Mesolithic cemetery in Southern Scandinavia. The author argues

Female Counter-Culture and Catholic Mission: The Sister of Saint Joseph in Denmark and Sweden

This article is dealing with the work of a Catholic St Joseph Sisters in the Nordic countries, particularly in Denmark and Sweden, from the sisters’ arrival in 1856 to the 1920:ies. These Catholic sisters belonged to a French congregation called La Congregation des Sœurs de Saint-Joseph de Chambéry, which was founded at the beginning of the nineteenth century and whose motherhouse was in Chambéry

Det terapeutiska rummet. Rum och kropp i svensk sinnessjukvård 1850-1970

The aim of the thesis is to describe and analyze the Swedish public psychiatric hospitals between 1850 and 1970 as well as the treatment, care and custody that these hospitals provided. The study has as its starting point two relationships. The first is the relationship between the patient’s body and the space of the institution. One focus is on how the patient’s body has been enclosed by the inst

Dynamic Thermal Modeling and Application of Electrical Machine in Hybrid Drives

This paper presents a holistic view of thermal modeling for an electrical machine used in a Hybrid Electrical Vehicle (HEV). This interconnected system model focuses on the thermal assessment of an electrical machine in a HEV application and estimates the time to failure of the machine depending on the construction of the insulation system and the exploitation of the machine. A transient thermal m

Fragmentation of molecules and clusters after resonant excitation of core electrons

A study highlighting several aspects of resonant spectroscopies where fragmentation processes are investigated is described. We focus primarily on understanding the dynamical processes taking place in core-excited states in molecules. An example where fast dissociation and molecular alignment are discussed is given for the ammonia molecule.

Ultra low energy vs throughput design exploration of 65 nm sub-VT CMOS digital filters

This paper presents an analysis on energy dissipation of a digital half band filters operated in the the sub-threshold (sub-VT ) region with throughput constraints. The degradation of speed in the sub-VT domain is counteracted by unfolding the architectures. A filter is implemented in a basic 12-bit and its various unfolded structures. The designs are synthesized in a 65 nm low-leakage high-thresh

Delaktighet under hot

Abstract in Undetermined I Antoinette Hetzlers senaste bok, Delaktighet under hot, presenteras en inträngande studie av avstämningsmötet som utredningstekniskt hjälpmedel för Försäkringskassan. Professor Hetzler visar övertygande att även detta nya sätt att arbeta med långa sjukfall har misslyckats; sjukfallen blir inte kortare och antalet långtidssjuka som återgår i ordinarie arbete blir inte stö

The syneresis of rennet curd

A review. Gels formed from milk by renneting or acidification under quiescent conditions may subsequently show syneresis, i.e., expel liq. (whey), because the gel (curd) contracts. In making cheese from renneted or acidified milk, syneresis is an essential step. Consequently, it is useful to understand and quant. describe syneresis as a function of milk properties and process conditions, particula