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Your search for "*" yielded 530144 hits

FDI in Colombia - Policy and Economic Effects

During the past few decades, the competition for foreign direct investments (FDI) has increased around the world. FDI can contribute to economic development not only by being a source of foreign capital, but also by providing employment opportunities, increasing competition, and most importantly transferring skills and knowledge i.e. spillover effects. However, these positive effects are not autom

Modus vivendi – en studie av hivpositiva homosexuella mäns berättelser

During the last ten years several international studies and reports have paid attention to the sexual life of HIV-positive homosexual men, while in Sweden this area is unexplored and has to be investigated in the future. The lack of knowledge of the sexual life of HIV-positive homosexual men risks to stigmatize still more this group of people who are already exposed in society. The aim of the repo

The Magic Moral Survey: Choice blindness in the moral domain

It has been argued that the choice blindness effect is only present in quick and intuitive tasks such as preference decisions for faces or shapes, and not when it comes to more important and deliberative decisions involving issues like moral, political or religious beliefs. To answers this criticism, using a method inspired by close up magic, we investigated whether participants would notice chang

Experiences of the Role of Government in promoting Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives in the private sector. Recommendations to the Indian state of Gujarat

Interpretations of the term Corporate Social Responsibility are many, but academics have achieved approximate consensus about what it consists of. An issue that started off as an interest- and motive-based activity for businesses is becoming more commonplace and has increased in importance over time. Governments have a role to play in ensuring that corporations behave according to the rules and no

A Concept Proposal of a New Generation Operator Panels

This project was done for the company Beijer Electronics Products AB and the task was given by the hardware development department of the company. The project was about developing a concept proposal for a new generation operator panels. This was done to inspire the product developers at Beijer Electronics with innovative ideas before the actual operator panel development. More in detail the object

Avvikelsehantering och erfarenhetsåterföring i processen Projektera järnvägslösning.

In recent years considerable investments have been made in the Swedish infrastructure and they are expected to continue in the near future. Large public investments within one particular area stimulate market growth and more companies will choose to establish themselves within this industry. When the market environment changes, even major players with large market shares will have to review their

DLNA media server implemented in a OSGi environment supporting online content

This paper describes the development of a DLNA digital media server. The server runs on top of an OSGi stack on a residential gateway. The server supports adding and removal of content sources at runtime. The problems with handling updates from diffrent media sources are analyzed and discussed. Also soulutions to these problems are also proposed. The diffrent techniques for the implementation are

Råvaror, och företagen som producerar dem

Denna uppsats undersöker skillnaden i risk mellan en portfölj av bolag som är i råvarubranschen som producenter, och en portfölj av de råvaror de producerar och handlar med. Vi undersökte vilken portfölj som kan anses vara mest riskabel. Med hjälp av riskmåttet Value at risk (VaR) kom vi fram till spännande resultat, som visar på att det inte alltid är det förväntade som blir verklighet. Vi har ta

Ser du mig? En kvalitativ sociologisk studie av självpresentation på Facebook

Facebook är ett icke-anonymt socialt medium baserat på verklighetsförankrade relationsförbindelser som används av ett stort antal medlemmar världen över. Studien tar sin utgångspunkt i statusuppdateringsfunktionen på Facebook som en typ av självpresentation i form av inlägg som svarar på frågan ”Vad gör du just nu?”. Är statusinlägg bara en form av kommunikation mellan människor eller är de knutna

Utbildningssubventioner - En uppsats om utbildningens vikt för ekonomisk tillväxt i utvecklingsländer

Den här uppsatsen undersöker de positiva och negativa effekter en subventionering av utbildning framkallar i en ekonomi. En investering i humankapitalet är en viktig del av produktionen och påverkar därmed inkomstnivåerna i positiv riktning. Samtidigt ger subventioneringen upphov till kostnader som kan påverka produktionen negativt och förorsaka låga initiala inkomster, lägre konsumtion och lägre

Tätningsområdet inom Industrirobotar

Sealings are an important part in the industrial robot. One important property of the seal is to keep all particles and fluids from the outside, away from the important components inside the robot. Another important property is to keep the oil and grease inside the robot, and prevent leakage. The seal also prevent leakage inside the industrial robot and reduces the risks of sensitive components to

Utveckling av positioneringsled till punktutsug

AB Ph. Nederman manufactures capture at source extractors that remove dust and fumes from a specific area. These extractors are made of a positioning joint which has the purpose to hold up the extractors’ hood. Presently this joint is made of a double ball joint; this doesn’t however work in a satisfying way. First and foremost it is hard to move the joint when repositioning the hood; this is not

Cocoa is Ghana, Ghana is Cocoa - Evaluating Reforms of the Ghanaian Cocoa Sector

The cocoa sector is of vital importance to Ghana, employing millions of people and contributing important revenues to the government. In order to raise prices received by producers and to increase overall performance of the cocoa sector, a number of reforms were undertaken, where the most important opened up the internal market to competition. The thesis examines how the reforms of the Ghanaian co