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WALK! Framing a successful agrarian reform campaign in the Philippines.
Agrarian reform is a long standing issue in the Philippines and has seen a number of peasant uprisings, revolts and rebellions ever since colonial times. In the wake of the Marcos era, the new constitution came with new promises of agrarian reform and set up the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) to implement (re-)distribution of lands. However, efficient implementation is held back by p
Social media eller inte social media - En studie i företags hantering av nya marknadsföringsverktyg
En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken.
Kvinnor i styrelsen och deras inverkan på avkastningen
ABSTRACT In this paper we set out to investigate whether the number of women in the boardroom has an impact on stock revenue. Female representation has long been absent in corporate boardrooms and even though this has changed recently, women are still widely underrepresented. Other studies have investigated the differences between men and women and their style on governance and leadership. If such
Sjukgymnastiska interventioner för personer med HIV-infektion/AIDS - en litteraturstudie
Special Trade Marks - Legislation and The Situation in The European Community
As already indicated by the title, this thesis concentrates on the legal and practical issues concerning special marks in the European Community. Chapter 1 contains some general remarks together with comments on the scope, purpose and methodology of this thesis. Chapter 2 discusses international conventions affecting trade marks in general and special marks in particular. The European Community le
Arbetsorganisationens inverkan på svarvarbete
Fulltext är ej tillgänglig i elektronisk form. För lån/kopia av tryckt uppsats kontakta Medicinska fakultetens bibliotek, Lunds universitet
Ländryggsbesvär hos elitsimmare
Fulltext är ej tillgänglig i elektronisk form. För lån/kopia av tryckt uppsats kontakta Medicinska fakultetens bibliotek, Lunds universitet
Trådbockning av tandställningar. En jämförande studie mellan tre olika arbetsbänkar med hjälp av FB-Lund, en vidareutveckling av VIRA-metoden
Fulltext är ej tillgänglig i elektronisk form. För lån/kopia av tryckt uppsats kontakta Medicinska fakultetens bibliotek, Lunds universitet
Lågintensiv träning - en litteraturstudie
Fulltext är ej tillgänglig i elektronisk form. För lån/kopia av tryckt uppsats kontakta Medicinska fakultetens bibliotek, Lunds universitet
Motorisk och funktionell förmåga hos en grupp barn opererade för komplicerade medfödda hjärtfel
Fulltext är ej tillgänglig i elektronisk form. För lån/kopia av tryckt uppsats kontakta Medicinska fakultetens bibliotek, Lunds universitet
Produktionsmätningar och ständiga förbättringar
Monitoring of cutting edge temperature in the hard turning process
Diskret händelsestyrd simulering vid produktion av vindkrafttorn hos Enercon windtower production AB
Fe-simulering av återfjädring - numerisk och experimentell studie av u-bock
Studie av trång sektor vid Volvo ahs
Development and Analysis of Slide Modules for Mobile Phones
To allow the user interface in a mobile phone more space, slide modules are implemented. The usage of slide modules introduces many new challenges when designing a mobile phone. New solutions to these challenges is the main scope for this thesis. Nokia currently has several different slide phones out on the market implementing some sort of slide module. The slide module provides extra space for th
Redesign of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Products for NIMCO Controls AB
NIMCO Controls AB is a company located in Malmö, Sweden, that manufactures hydraulic valves mainly for the farming industry. They proposed me to work on three independent design projects to renew their product range. The first topic was a platform research for handgrips. As the company uses lots of different lever systems that need a handle, the main objective was to design a platform which deriva
Prototype Development of a Snow Removal System for the SDI 218 Deicing Vehicle
The removal of snow and ice from aircraft prior to take-off is a major task at all airports located in cold climates. Currently the removal of ice and snow is carried out using large amounts of costly and environmentally harmful glycol that is sprayed onto the outer surface of the aircraft. Tougher environmental regulations and a cost conscious market have created a growing need for alternative me
Equal Prices for Everybody? An Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Liberalization on Electricity Prices in Europe Using the Law of One Price
Directive 2003/54/EC of the European Commission set the ground for an integrated and liberalized electricity market in Europe. According to the law of one price the possibility for perfect arbitrage and the absence of trade restrictions lead to homogeneous goods being priced uniformly across countries. The aim of this study is to test whether the law of one price is applicable to the electricity m