Psychometric evaluation of the Chinese version of the Person-Centred Care Assessment Tool : Evaluation of the Chinese version of P-CAT
Objective: This study aims to test a Chinese cross-cultural adaptation of the English version of the Person-Centred Care Assessment Tool (P-CAT)and evaluate its psychometric properties. Design: P-CAT was translated/back-translated using established procedures before the psychometric evaluation of the Chinese version was made. Setting: Two hospitals covering urban and suburban areas of Kunming in tOBJECTIVE: This study aims to test a Chinese cross-cultural adaptation of the English version of the Person-Centred Care Assessment Tool (P-CAT) and evaluate its psychometric properties.DESIGN: P-CAT was translated/back-translated using established procedures before the psychometric evaluation of the Chinese version was made.SETTING: Two hospitals covering urban and suburban areas of Kunming in th