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Your search for "*" yielded 528515 hits

Regulation of cell-cell adhesion in prostate cancer cells by microRNA-96 through upregulation of E-Cadherin and EpCAM

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men, yet the biology behind lethal disease progression and bone metastasis is poorly understood. In this study, we found elevated levels of microRNA-96 (miR-96) in prostate cancer bone metastasis samples. To determine the molecular mechanisms by which miR-96 deregulation contributes to metastatic progression, we performed an Argonaute2-immunopre

Dosimetric effects of adaptive prostate cancer radiotherapy in an MR-linac workflow

BACKGROUND: The purpose was to evaluate the dosimetric effects in prostate cancer treatment caused by anatomical changes occurring during the time frame of adaptive replanning in a magnetic resonance linear accelerator (MR-linac) workflow. METHODS: Two MR images (MR1 and MR2) were acquired with 30 min apart for each of the 35 patients enrolled in this study. The clinical target volume (CTV) and or

Erectile Dysfunction and Absorbed Dose to Penile Base Structures in a Randomized Trial Comparing Ultrahypofractionated and Conventionally Fractionated Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer

Purpose: To study the relationships between absorbed dose to penile base structures and erectile dysfunction (ED) in patients treated with ultrahypofractionated (UHF) radiation therapy (RT) or conventionally fractionated (CF) RT for prostate cancer. Methods and Materials: This dose-response study comprises 673 patients (57%) of the 1180 per-protocol patients included in the HYPO-RT-PC trial (media

Programming as a semiotic system to support physics students' construction of meaning: A pilot study

The paper describes a pilot study where programming was introduced to a small group of Swedish upper secondary students with the intent to showcase how programming could be used to construct meaning about different physics concepts. The study found that the students realized the potential of programming as a tool to investigate and explore physics. The results were then described using the theoret

Light sheet fluorescence microscopy of optically cleared brains for studying the glymphatic system

Fluid transport in the perivascular space by the glia-lymphatic (glymphatic) system is important for the removal of solutes from the brain parenchyma, including peptides such as amyloid-beta which are implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. The glymphatic system is highly active in the sleep state and under the influence of certain of anaesthetics, while it is suppressed in the awak

The young protester : the impact of belongingness needs on political engagement

As institutional forms of political engagement continue to decline, participation in protests steadily become more common. These trends are particularly strong among younger citizens. Previous research indicates that social factors can explain participation in political protests, and that younger citizens’ participation in protests is more affected by social ties than older people’s participation.

Fire-vegetation interactions during the last 11,000 years in boreal and cold temperate forests of Fennoscandia

The long-term ecological interactions between fire and the composition of dominant trees and shrubs in boreal and cold temperate Fennoscandian forests are still under discussion. We hypothesized that fire-prone taxa should abound during periods and regions characterized by higher fire disturbance, while fire-intolerant taxa should dominate when and where fire activity is low. Biomass burning (BB)

Curating the Partition: Dissonant Heritage and Indian Nation Building

The article analyses recent public initiatives to memorialise the establishment of India and Pakistan as postcolonial states in terms of violent partitioning rather than as a successful act of independence from British imperialism. The twin focal points of the article are the Partition Museum in Amritsar and the online 1947 Partition Archive. Both of these subscribe to and further the view that di

The road towards autonomous driving – A differentiated view of institutional agency in path transformation

The purpose of the article is to contribute to conceptual and empirical understandings of institutional agency in path transformation. Previous studies of links between institutional change and industrial transformation have focused mainly on the institutionalization of new practices and influence of territorially defined institutional preconditions, leaving a need to disentangle different types o

The development of supply chain risk management over time : revisiting Ericsson

Purpose: This invited article explores current developments in supply chain risk management (SCRM) practices by revisiting the classical case of Ericsson (Norrman and Jansson, 2004) after 15 years, and updating its case description and analysis of its organizational structure, processes and tools for SCRM. Design/methodology/approach: An exploratory case study is conducted with a longitudinal focu

Brush Tire Model with increased Flexibility

This article covers a method to make the description of theforce-slip curve generated by the brush tire model more flexible. A calibration factor is applied to make the slope more or less convex. The main use is in car applications where road friction estimation is a major issue. If the real tire characteristic differs from the model there will be a bias in the estimation and a higher brake force

Epigenetics of type 2 diabetes mellitus and weight change — a tool for precision medicine?

Pioneering studies performed over the past few decades demonstrate links between epigenetics and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), the metabolic disorder with the most rapidly increasing prevalence in the world. Importantly, these studies identified epigenetic modifications, including altered DNA methylation, in pancreatic islets, adipose tissue, skeletal muscle and the liver from individuals with

Sad mood and poor sleep are related to task-unrelated thoughts and experience of diminished cognitive control

Previous studies have indicated that a sad mood and sleep deprivation increase mind wandering, but it is unclear whether these associations reflect reduced effort in concentrating on the task at hand or diminished cognitive control. In an internet-based experiment, participants completed a sleep disturbance questionnaire followed by a complex span task and a 2-back task with thought-sampling probe

Multiple primary melanoma incidence trends over five decades, a nation-wide population-based study

BACKGROUND: Over the past decades many regions have experienced a steady increase in the incidence of cutaneous melanoma. Here, we report on incidence trends for subsequent primary melanoma.METHODS: In this nationwide population-based study, patients diagnosed with a first primary cutaneous melanoma reported to the Swedish Cancer Registry, were followed for up to ten years for a diagnosis of subse

The explanatory objection to the fitting attitude analysis of value

The fitting attitude analysis of value states that for objects to have value is for them to be the fitting targets of attitudes. Good objects are the fitting targets of positive attitudes, while bad objects are the fitting targets of negative attitudes. The following paper presents an argument to the effect that value and the fittingness of attitudes differ in terms of their explanations. Whereas