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Your search for "*" yielded 533514 hits

Platinum Interference with siRNA Non-seed Regions Fine-Tunes Silencing Capacity.

Knowledge concerning the molecular mechanisms governing the influence of non-coding RNAs on protein production has emerged rapidly during the past decade. Today, two main research areas can be identified, one oriented toward the use of artificially introduced siRNAs for manipulation of gene expression, and the other one focused on the function of endogenous miRNAs. In both cases, the active molecu

Dual phylogenetic origins of Nigerian lions (Panthera leo)

Lion fecal DNA extracts from four individuals each from Yankari Game Reserve and Kainji-Lake National Park (central northeast and west Nigeria, respectively) were Sanger-sequenced for the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. The sequences were aligned against 61 lion reference sequences from other parts of Africa and India. The sequence data were analyzed further for the construction of phylogenetic t

Thermal detection of surface plasmons on gold nanohole arrays

We used a thin-film thermocouple to detect the thermal effect of surface plasmons excited in Au nanohole array structures. We found that the thermal electromotive force of Au film with periodic nanohole structures is three times greater than that of a bare Au film for 785-nm laser excitation at a given power. This effect is caused by the resonant excitation of localized surface plasmons in the nan

A Gender-Just Peace: Exploring the Post-Dayton Peace Process

This article is rooted in the understanding that global ideas of liberal democratic peace and the gendered dynamics of peacebuilding need to be confronted. The aim is to explore the challenges of localizing liberal democratic peace by exploring efforts such as those undertaken by women’s organizations in Bosnia-Herzegovina to promote a gender-just peace. The Dayton Peace Accord was the new “social

Intensified Tuberculosis Case-Finding in HIV-Positive Adults Managed at Ethiopian Health Centers: Diagnostic Yield of Xpert MTB/RIF Compared with Smear Microscopy and Liquid Culture.

Detection of active tuberculosis (TB) before antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation is important, but optimal diagnostic methods for use in resource-limited settings are lacking. We assessed the prevalence of TB, evaluated the diagnostic yield of Xpert MTB/RIF in comparison with smear microscopy and culture, and the impact of Xpert results on clinical management in HIV-positive adults eligible fo

Learning from incidents - A method for assessing the effectiveness of the learning cycle

Abstract in UndeterminedThis paper describes a method for assessing the effectiveness in the steps of the learning cycle: the 1st loop with reporting - analysis - decision - implementation - follow-up, and the 2nd loop on an aggregated basis. For each step, the dimensions considered the most relevant for the learning process (scope, quality, timing and information distribution) and for each dimens

Pollen productivity estimates and relevant source area of pollen for selected plant taxa in a pasture woodland landscape of the Jura Mountains (Switzerland)

Abstract in UndeterminedRelevant source area of pollen (RSAP) and pollen productivity for 11 key taxa characteristic of the pasture woodland landscape of the Jura Mountains, Switzerland, were estimated using pollen assemblages from moss polsters at 20 sites. To obtain robust pollen productivity estimates (PPEs), we used vegetation survey data at a fine spatial-resolution (1 x 1 m(2)) and randomize

Fria upphovsrättslicenser – underlättar kunskapsdelning och lärande

Användning av fria upphovsrättslicenser uppmuntrar till att dela sitt arbete med andra på ett enkelt sätt och att bygga vidare på andras idéer och produktion med respekt och i samverkan. Creative Commons och GNU är två fria upphovsrättslicenser som ofta används i samband med öppna digitala lärresurser (OER). Du får alltid erkännande för ditt verk när du använder någon av dessa licenser. Det är vik

Gene Therapy for Neurological Disorders

Popular Abstract in Danish Genterapi er en attraktiv terapiform mod neurologiske lidelser som Parkinsons sygdom og epilepsi af flere grunde. Gener med en terapeutisk effekt kan introduceres lokalt ved præcise injektioner i det syge væv, hvor genproduktet kan frigives fra nerveceller i respons til aktivitet i det omgivende væv. Ved genterapi omgås den forhindring som blod-hjernebarrieren udgør, ligGene therapy is an attractive strategy for neurological disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy, for several reasons. Introduction of genes with a therapeutic potential can be achieved locally, by accurate injections in the compromised tissue, and release of a transgene therapeutic substance can be regulated by the surrounding host neural circuitry. The gene therapy approach circumvent

The Verijarv area, South Estonia over the last millennium: A high resolution quantitative land-cover reconstruction based on pollen and historical data

Integration of palynological proxies with annual lamina counting, C-14, Pb-210, Cs-137 and Am-241 radiometric dating, historical documents and old cadastral maps enabled reconstruction of changes in the cultural landscape resulting from extensive forest clearance, arable farming and slash-and-burn practices in South Estonia over the last millennium. Changes in land-cover were quantitatively recons

Motor properties from persistence: a linear molecular walker lacking spatial and temporal asymmetry

The stepping direction of linear molecular motors is usually defined by a spatial asymmetry of the motor, its track, or both. Here we present a model for a molecular walker that undergoes biased directional motion along a symmetric track in the presence of a temporally symmetric chemical cycle. Instead of using asymmetry, directionality is achieved by persistence. At small load force the walker ca

Respiratory Symptoms among Waste-Picking Child Laborers A Cross-Sectional Study

This study evaluates respiratory symptoms, lung function, and exposure to airborne particles among waste-picking children. We enrolled 103 waste-picking children at a dump in Managua, Nicaragua and 103 children who do not pick waste. Exposure to airborne particles was assessed by area sampling. Health data were obtained from a questionnaire, clinical examination, and spirometry. Exposure effects w

Sonogashira coupling reaction over supported gold nanoparticles: Influence of support and catalyst synthesis route

This study investigates the impact of supports and synthesis routes on the performance of supported gold nanoparticles in the Sonogashira coupling reaction. The catalysts were synthesized by deposition-precipitation (DP) and incipient wetness impregnation (IMP), employing carriers of different nature (redox: CeO2, TiO2, and non-redox: Al2O3) and were characterized by various physical techniques su

Clinical and Experimental Approach to the Benefits and Risks of Laser Treatment for Diabetic Macular Edema

Diabetic retinopathy is an ophthalmic complication of diabetes that currently affects 93 million people worldwide. Diabetic macular edema is a subtype of diabetic retinopathy that is characterized by leaking blood vessels in the central part of the retina, and it is a major cause of vision loss in individuals with diabetes. Screening for retinopathy is performed at regular intervals to identify su

Production of Sigma (1385)(+/-) and Xi (1530)(0) in proton-proton collisions at root s=7 TeV

The production of the strange and double-strange baryon resonances (Sigma (1385)(+/-), Xi (1530)(0)) has been measured at mid-rapidity (vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.5) in proton-proton collisions at root s = 7 TeV with the ALICE detector at the LHC. Transverse momentum spectra for inelastic collisions are compared to QCD-inspired models, which in general underpredict the data. A search for the