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Budburst model performance: The effect of the spatial resolution of temperature data sets

Phenological models have mainly been developed to capture the seasonal development of individual trees and local populations, using data from meteorological stations. Ecosystem models that incorporate phenology are however commonly driven by gridded climate data. Using two phenological models to simulate budburst of birch in Germany, we assessed how combining phenological point observations with g

Ultrafast Terahertz Photoconductivity of Bulk Heterojunction Materials Reveals High Carrier Mobility up to Nanosecond Time Scale.

The few-picosecond (ps) decay of terahertz (THz) photoconductivity typically observed for conjugated polymer:fullerene blends (at excitation fluencies ∼10(15) photons/cm(2) per pulse) is shown to be a result of charge pair annihilation for two polymer:PCBM blends. At a factor of 100 lower excitation density, the THz decay is in the hundreds of ps time scale, implying that very high carrier mobilit

Experimental and Theoretical Study of Ventilation and Heat Loss From Isothermally Heated Clothed Vertical Cylinder in Uniform Flow Field

The flow characteristics and heat transfer are studied in a vertical annulus of a heated cylinder surrounded by a permeable cylinder, subject to cross uniform wind with open end to the environment and in the presence of natural convection. The objective here is to develop a computationally efficient model capable of capturing the physics of the flow and heat transport to predict air renewal rates

Mechanically activated Pt-Ni and Pt-Co alloys as electrocatalysts in the oxygen reduction reaction

Mixtures of powders of platinum with nickel or cobalt to obtain Ni0.75Pt0.25 or Co0.75Pt0.25 were mechanical alloyed by high energy ball milling. The results of crystal structure, morphology and electrocatalytic performance are presented for mechanically activated powders after 3 and 9 h of ball milling. Total solid solutions of Ni and Co with platinum were analyzed by X-ray diffraction after 3 h

De novo transcriptome of Ischnura elegans provides insights into sensory biology, colour and vision genes

Background: There is growing interest in odonates (damselflies and dragonflies) as model organisms in ecology and evolutionary biology but the development of genomic resources has been slow. So far only one draft genome (Ladona fulva) and one transcriptome assembly (Enallagma hageni) have been published. Odonates have some of the most advanced visual systems among insects and several species are c

Emergency peripartum hysterectomy: results from the prospective Nordic Obstetric Surveillance Study (NOSS)

Objective: To assess the prevalence and risk factors of emergency peripartum hysterectomy. Design:Nordic collaborative study. Population605362 deliveries across the five Nordic countries. Methods: We collected data prospectively from patients undergoing emergency peripartum hysterectomy within 7days of delivery from medical birth registers and hospital discharge registers. Control populations cons

Customer relationship challenges following international acquisitions

Purpose - An important task following international acquisitions is to coordinate customer relationships; that is, to organise customer interfaces and possibly establish new relationships between customers and the acquirer/the acquired party. Yet, such coordination may prove to be problematic, not the least since customers react to acquisitions. The purpose of this paper is to describe and discuss

Differential regulation of adipocyte PDE3B in distinct membrane compartments by insulin and the beta(3)-adrenergic receptor agonist CL316243: effects of caveolin-1 knockdown on formation/maintenance of macromolecular signalling complexes

In adipocytes, PDE3B (phosphodiesterase 3B) is an important regulatory effector in signalling pathways controlled by insulin and cAMP-increasing hormones. Stimulation of 3T3-L1 adipocytes with insulin or the beta(3)-adrenergic receptor agonist CL316243 (termed CL) indicated that insulin preferentially phosphorylated/activated PDE3B associated with internal membranes (endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi),

Do Employers Use Unemployment as a Sorting Criterion When Hiring? Evidence from a Field Experiment

The stigma associated with long-term unemployment spells could create large inefficiencies in labor markets. While the existing literature points toward large stigma effects, it has proven difficult to estimate causal relationships. Using data from a field experiment, we find that long-term unemployment spells in the past do not matter for employers' hiring decisions, suggesting that subsequent wo

Isolation of progenitor cells from GFP-Transgenic pigs and transplantation to the retina of allorecipients

Work in rodents has demonstrated that progenitor transplantation can achieve limited photoreceptor replacement in the mammalian retina; however, replication of these findings on a clinically relevant scale requires a large animal model. To evaluate the ability of porcine retinal progenitor cells to survival as allografts and integrate into the host retinal architecture, we isolated donor cells fro

The clinical relevance of vertebral fractures and low back pain in elderly men

Popular Abstract in Swedish Osteoporos, eller benskörhet, är en sjukdom som orsakas av störning i skelettets ämnesomsättning. Denna rubbning ger upphov till förändringar i benets uppbyggnad men minskar även mängden benmassa. Osteoporos ger i sig själv inte upphov till besvär men medför en ökad risk för att drabbas av benbrott (frakturer). Dessa frakturer kan vid uttalad benskörhet uppkomma redan vThe number of vertebral fractures has increased during the last few decades.The increase could at least partly be explained by the increasing proportion of elderly in society since these fractures are more commonly found in elderly than in young individuals. Low bone mass and osteoporosis which are also partly related to aging are risk factors for fracture but both age and low bone mass are indepe

EULAR recommendations for vaccination in adult patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases

Objectives To develop evidence-based European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) recommendations for vaccination in patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases (AIIRD). Methods A EULAR task force was composed of experts representing 11 European countries, consisting of eight rheumatologists, four clinical immunologists, one rheumatologist/clinical immunologist, one infectious disease p