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What matters when implementing Flexible Assertive Community Treatment in a Swedish healthcare context : A two-year implementation study

Despite the lack of scientific evidence for the effectiveness of Flexible Assertive Community Treatment (Flexible ACT), the model disseminates rapidly in the mental health services in a number of countries. This is in contrast to many evidence-based practices that often face comprehensive implementation barriers. Knowledge is needed on the dissemination of Flexible ACT to understand the relative s

Opening Hours Decision and Competition in the Motor Vehicle Inspection Market

This paper examines the effect of competition on a firm's choice of opening hours in the motor vehicle inspection market. Competition affects the incentive inspection firms face when choosing opening hours, which influences the probability that consumers find service time that best matches their preferred time. We use 2SLS analyses to resolve the potential endogeneity of market entry decisions. Us

Flow stress model for hydrogen degraded Inconel 718

For life time estimation, it is desirable to capture the lowering of yield strength and premature failure that some alloys exhibits when subjected to hydrogen. For this, a mechanism based material model has been developed to simulate the hydrogen enhanced localized plasticity (HELP) for the superalloy IN718. The model accounts for the increase in mobility of moving dislocations during plastic defo

Increased hope following successful treatment for hepatitis C infection

Aims: To evaluate hope in hepatitis C patients 9 years after curative treatment with pegylated interferon and ribavirin. Background: Successful treatment of hepatitis C leads to improved quality of life in responders compared with non-responders. The long-term effect of successful treatment on hope in these patients is not known. Design: Cross-sectional follow-up study of patients who displayed a

Genetic Testing for Wolfram Syndrome Mutations in a Sample of 71 Patients with Hereditary Optic Neuropathy and Negative Genetic Test Results for OPA1/OPA3/LHON

In this study, the authors present a sample of 71 patients with hereditary optic neuropathy and negative genetic test results for OPA1/OPA3/LHON. All of these patients later underwent genetic testing to rule out WFS. As a result, 53 patients (74.7%) were negative and 18 patients (25.3%) were positive for some type of mutation or variation in the WFS gene. The authors believe that this study is int

Norms in Action: The Individual Student in the School Climate

The importance of school climate in schooling has been demonstrated consistently over the last 50 years. In this study, we investigate how individual student norms and opinions shape and affect school climate. Through the use of secondary survey data collected within two research projects at eight schools throughout Sweden in two different years, we demonstrate how individual student norms develop

Incidence of and risk factors for nephrolithiasis in patients with gout and the general population, a cohort study

Background: Nephrolithiasis (NL) is known to be associated with gout, although there are few comparative studies on risk and risk factors for NL in gout compared to population cohorts. In this cohort study we investigated: (1) overall incidence of NL in gout (cases) and general population controls; (2) risk and risk factors (common comorbidities and medications) for first-time NL in cases and cont

Mode i sju akter

Galleri 5 på Kulturhuset Stadsteatern. "Mode i sju akter presenterar arbeten av studenter från ett antal tongivande stockholmsbaserade utbildningar med fokus på mode, hantverk och textil. Funderar kring ekonomi, stil och modets förgänglighet gör Modedoktorn."

Den kvantifierade konsumenten: Om behovet av tillit och transparens på datadrivna marknader

I kärnan av den digitala ekonomin finns idag användning av individrelaterad information, ofta reglerad i termer av personuppgifter. Som konsument är det dessvärre allt svårare att bedöma när den samlas in, hur den används och vilka aktörer som hanterar den över tid, vilket riskerar att undergräva den tillit som ofta är en förutsättning för en fungerade digital marknad. Denna policy brief använder

Centralization at Asine during the Bronze Age from a zooarchaeological perspective

From at least the Late Neolithic through the end of the Bronze Age and onwards, people continued to inhabit the settlement of Asine. For this reason, the site makes an interesting starting point for discussing long term change. This short paper presents new data on the animal bones from Bronze Age Asine. The data set is used for a zooarchaeological discussion of the site from a diachronic perspectFrom at least the Late Neolithic through the end of the Bronze Age and onwards, people continued to inhabit the settlement of Asine. For this reason, the site makes an interesting starting point for discussing long term change. This short paper presents new data on the animal bones from Bronze Age Asine. The data set is used for a zooarchaeological discussion of the site from a diachronic perspect

Bridging the floods - The role of social learning for resilience building in urban water services

The development of cities is increasingly threatened by a worldwide water crisis. Urban water services (including drinking water, sanitation and drainage) are facing complex and multiple pressures, which are becoming increasingly frequent and severe. These pressures include floods, and the depletion, pollution and degradation of water resources and their associated ecosystems. These diverse pressu

IL-18 associated with lung lymphoid aggregates drives IFNγ production in severe COPD

Background: Increased interferon gamma (IFNγ) release occurs in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) lungs. IFNγ supports optimal viral clearance, but if dysregulated could increase lung tissue destruction. Methods: The present study investigates which mediators most closely correlate with IFNγ in sputum in stable and exacerbating disease, and seeks to shed light on the spatial requirement