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Synchrotron X-ray diffraction studies of LiMn2O4 and Li4Mn5O12 structures at high pressure

Experimental study of the phase transition in the lithium-excess lithium-manganese spinel over the pressure range 0-13 GPa has shown its suppression. This observation implies that the Li/Mn ratio, associated with the manganese oxidation state, plays an important role in the high-pressure phase transformation of the lithium-manganese spinels. As indicated by the results, the occupation of the octah

Secondary Structure Changes in ApoA-I Milano (R173C) Are Not Accompanied by a Decrease in Protein Stability or Solubility.

Apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) is the main protein of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and a principal mediator of the reverse cholesterol transfer pathway. Variants of apoA-I have been shown to be associated with hereditary amyloidosis. We previously characterized the G26R and L178H variants that both possess decreased stability and increased fibril formation propensity. Here we investigate the Milano

Measurement of charm and beauty jets in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

Measurements of cross sections for events with charm and beauty jets in deep inelastic scattering at HERA are presented. Events with jets of transverse energy E-T(jet) > 6 GeV and pseudorapidity - 1.0 < eta(jet) < 1.5 in the laboratory frame are selected in the kinematic region of photon virtuality Q(2) > 6 GeV2 and inelasticity variable 0.07 < y < 0.625. Measurements are also made requiring a jet

Re-assessment of YAP1 and MCR1 contributions to inhibitor tolerance in robust engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermenting undetoxified lignocellulosic hydrolysate.

Development of robust yeast strains that can efficiently ferment lignocellulose-based feedstocks is one of the requirements for achieving economically feasible bioethanol production processes. With this goal, several genes have been identified as promising candidates to confer improved tolerance to S. cerevisiae. In most of the cases, however, the evaluation of the genetic modification was perform

How many individuals to use in a QA task with fixed total effort? - Defect detection as a function of time

Increasing the number of persons working on quality assurance (QA) tasks, e.g., reviews and testing, increases the number of defects detected – but it also increases the total effort unless effort is controlled with fixed effort budgets. Our research investigates how QA tasks should be configured regarding two parameters, i.e., time and number of people. We define an optimization problem to answer

Global observations of aerosol-cloud-precipitation-climate interactions

Cloud drop condensation nuclei (CCN) and ice nuclei (IN) particles determine to a large extent cloud microstructure and, consequently, cloud albedo and the dynamic response of clouds to aerosol-induced changes to precipitation. This can modify the reflected solar radiation and the thermal radiation emitted to space. Measurements of tropospheric CCN and IN over large areas have not been possible an

Effects of Liming on Potential Oxalate Secretion and Iron Chelation of Beech Ectomycorrhizal Root Tips.

Liming is used to counteract forest decline induced by soil acidification. It consists of Ca and Mg input to forest soil and not only restores tree mineral nutrition but also modifies the availability of nutrients in soil. Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi are involved in mineral nutrient uptake by trees and can recover them through dissolution of mineral surface. Oxalate and siderophore secretion are c

Epidemiology of fractures in Iceland and secular trends in major osteoporotic fractures 1989-2008

The incidence of the most common fracture types in Iceland is reported based on individual data from the Reykjavik Study 1967-2008. Time trend is reported for the major osteoporotic fractures (MOS) 1989-2008. This study aims to assess the incidence of all fractures in Iceland, with emphasis on the rate of hip fractures, and compare the incidence with other populations as well as examine the secula

A novel configuration of microbial fuel cell stack bridged internally through an extra cation exchange membrane.

This paper reports a novel configuration of stacked microbial fuel cells (MFCs) bridged internally through an extra cation exchange membrane (CEM). The MFC stack (MFC(stack)), assembled from two single MFCs (MFC(single)), resulted in double voltage output and half optimal external resistance. COD removal rate was increased from 32.4% to 54.5%. The performance improvement could be attributed to the

Statistical Analysis and Forecasting of Damping in the Nordic Power System

This paper presents an application of multiple linear regression (MLR) to extract significant correlations between damping of electromechanical modes and system operating conditions and to forecast future damping values, based on existing day-ahead market forecasts for power flows and generation. The presented analysis uses measurements from the Nordic power system. First, a static MLR model is de

Oral anticoagulation treatment in atrial fibrillation - To bleed or not to bleed, that is the question

Popular Abstract in Swedish Uppskattningsvis 140–180 000 patienter i Sverige har förmaksflimmer. Den totala förekomsten är dock okänd eftersom vissa patienter också helt saknar symtom och därför inte har kännedom om sin sjukdom. Förmaksflimmer, som både kan vara kroniskt eller komma i attacker, innebär att förmaken inte aktivt pumpar ner blodet i hjärtats kammare. Istället sker mer okoordinerade sBackground: Oral antigoagulation treatment (OAT) with warfarin have a narrow therapeutic window and patients exhibit a highly variable doseresponse that is attributable to genetic, disease-related,and environmental factors as well as prescription and nonprescription drugs, dietary vitamin K and alcohol. The effect of warfarin treatement on blood coagulation is measured using international normaliz

Simulation modelling and analysis of a realistic radio channel model for V2V communications

Realistic radio channel models are crucial for the success of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) system investigations. In this paper, we summarize the important parameters for V2V channel models and describe relevant measurement campaigns. Also, we develop and evaluate an ns-3 simulation model of a realistic V2V channel model that is based on measurements in Sweden. The channel model incorporates the effec

Oxidative stress in preeclampsia and the role of free fetal hemoglobin.

Preeclampsia is a leading cause of pregnancy complications and affects 3-7% of pregnant women. This review summarizes the current knowledge of a new potential etiology of the disease, with a special focus on hemoglobin-induced oxidative stress. Furthermore, we also suggest hemoglobin as a potential target for therapy. Gene and protein profiling studies have shown increased expression and accumulat

Intentional suppression can lead to a reduction of memory strength: Behavioral and electrophysiological findings

Abstract in UndeterminedPrevious research has shown that the intentional suppression of unwanted memories can lead to forgetting in later memory tests. However, the mechanisms underlying this effect remain unclear. This study employed recognition memory testing and event-related potentials (ERPs) to investigate whether intentional suppression leads to the inhibition of memory representations at an

Let me be part of the plan - Experiences of information and information needs after colorectal cancer surgery

Popular Abstract in Swedish När patienten lämnar sjukhuset och återvänder hem efter en operation för kolorektal cancer (tjocktarm och ändtarm) innebär det en stor omställning. De är inte återställda efter den stora bukoperationen och upplever olika symtom som smärta, tarmbesvär och stor trötthet. Eftersom vårdtiderna blir allt kortare har deras återhämtning bara påbörjats på sjukhuset och de kommeThe overall aim of this thesis is to study the experiences of patients and next of kin with regard to information and information needs after being discharged after colorectal cancer surgery. The aim was also to study factors related to this. Different methods were combined in this explorative study in order to obtain diverse types of data. Patients who had undergone surgery for colorectal cancer

Complement factor I in health and disease.

Factor I (FI) is a crucial inhibitor controlling all complement pathways due to its ability to degrade activated complement proteins C3b and C4b in the presence of cofactors such as factor H, C4b-binding protein, complement receptor 1 or CD46. Complete deficiency of FI, which is synthesized mainly in the liver is rare and leads to complement consumption resulting in recurrent severe infections, gl

High-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell support in patients with metastatic non-seminomatous testicular cancer - a report from the Swedish Norwegian Testicular Cancer Group (SWENOTECA)

Background. The SWENOTECA IV protocol from 1995 is a prospective population-based study in metastatic non-seminomatous germ cell testicular cancer (NSGCT), designed for early identification of patients with poor response to standard cisplatin-based chemotherapy. A slow tumor marker decline (HCG T(1/2) > 3 days, AFP T(1/2) > 7 days) after BEP or BEP plus ifosfamide was regarded as poor response. Th