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Your search for "*" yielded 529118 hits

Lack of G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER) in the plasma membrane is associated with excellent long-term prognosis in breast cancer.

G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER), or GPR30, is a membrane receptor reported to mediate non-genomic estrogen responses. Tamoxifen is a partial agonist at GPER in vitro. Here, we investigated if GPER expression is prognostic in primary breast cancer, if the receptor is treatment-predictive for adjuvant tamoxifen, and if receptor subcellular localization has any impact on the prognostic val

Variability observed in mechano-regulated in vivo tissue differentiation can be explained by variation in cell mechano-sensitivity

Computational simulations of tissue differentiation have been able to capture the main aspects of tissue formation/regeneration observed in animal experiments—except for the considerable degree of variability reported. Understanding and modelling the source of this variability is crucial if computational tools are to be developed for clinical applications. The objective of this study was to test t

Evidence that deletion at FCGR3B is a risk factor for systemic sclerosis

There is increasing evidence that gene copy number (CN) variation influences clinical phenotype. The low-affinity Fc receptor 3B (FCGR3B) located in the FCGR gene cluster is a CN polymorphic gene involved in the recruitment of polymorphonuclear neutrophils to sites of inflammation and their activation. Given the genetic overlap between systemic lupus erythematosus and systemic sclerosis (SSc) and

A Survey on Fast Correlation Attacks

Fast correlation attacks, pioneered by Meier and Staffelbach in 1988, constitute an important class of attacks on stream ciphers. They exploit a correlation between the keystream and the output of a linear feedback shift register (LFSR) within the cipher. Several factors affect the feasibility of such an attack, e.g., the amount of available keystream and the number of taps in the LFSR. Notably, f

Soft X-ray induced oxidation on acrylic acid grafted luminescent silicon quantum dots in ultrahigh vacuum

Water soluble acrylic acid grafted luminescent silicon quantum dots (Si-QDs) were prepared by a simplified method. The resulting Si-QDs dissolved in water and showed stable strong luminescence with peaks at 436 and 604 nm. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was employed to examine the surface electronic states after the synthesis. The co-existence of the Si2p and C1s core levels infers that th

A semantic theory of word classes

Within linguistics a word class is defi ned in grammatical terms as a set of words that exhibit the same syntactic properties. In this paper the aim is to argue that the meanings of different word classes can be given a cognitive grounding. It is shown that with the aid of conceptual spaces, a geometric analysis can be provided for the major word classes. A universal single-domain thesis is propos

On the structure of the matrix isolated water trimer.

Infrared spectra of partially deuterated water trimers have been investigated. It is found that HDO(H(2)O)(2) has a single, bound OD stretching fundamental, (HDO)(2)H(2)O two bound OD stretches. (HDO)(3) has a single, bound OD stretch and (H(2)O)(3) has a pair of bound OH stretches. Ab initio and discrete Fourier transform (DFT) calculations predict that the water trimer has C(1) symmetry with six

Out of sight but not out of harm's way: Human disturbance reduces reproductive success of a cavity-nesting seabird

While negative effects of human disturbance on animals living above the ground have been widely reported, few studies have considered effects on animals occupying cavities or burrows underground. It is generally assumed that, in the absence of direct visual contact, such species are less vulnerable to disturbance. Seabird colonies can support large populations of burrow- and cavity-nesting species

SimSWE – a library of reusable components for software process simulation

SimSWE is a library of components for modeling and simulation of software engineering processes. It consists of a generic, implementation independent description of the components and a reference implementation using the MATLAB® / Simulink® environment. By providing ready-to-use building blocks for typical functionality, the library should facilitate and ease the use of simulation to analyze softw

A uniqueness result for one-dimensional inverse scattering

We consider the whole-line inverse scattering problem for Sturm-Liouville equations which have constant coefficients on a half-line. Since in this case the reflection coefficient determines a Weyl-Titchmarsh m-function, it determines the coefficients up to some simple Liouville transformations. Given inverse spectral theory, proofs are fairly simple but provide extensions of known results as we re

Old and very old adults as witnesses: event memory and metamemory

Older people constitute an important category of eyewitnesses. Episodic memory performance in older persons is poorer than in younger adults, but little research has been made on older persons' metacognitive judgments. Since more persons of advanced age will likely be called upon as witnesses in coming years, it is critical to characterize this population's metacognitive abilities. We compared eve

Supernova enrichment and dynamical histories of solar-type stars in clusters

We use N-body simulations of star cluster evolution to explore the hypothesis that short-lived radioactive isotopes found in meteorites, such as Al-26, were delivered to the Sun's protoplanetary disc from a supernova at the epoch of Solar system formation. We cover a range of star cluster formation parameter space and model both clusters with primordial substructure and those with smooth profiles.

Long-term mortality rate in rheumatoid arthritis patients with disease onset in the 1980s.

Objective: To investigate the mortality rate and possible early predictive factors of mortality after 19-23 years in a cohort of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) followed prospectively from disease onset. Patients and methods: A community-based cohort of 183 patients (63% female) with RA and disease duration < 2 years was recruited 1985-1989. The patients were followed yearly from diagnosis

The Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Global Study: Classification of Complications

Purpose: This study evaluated postoperative complications of percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) and the influence of selected factors on the risk of complications using the Clinical Research Office of the Endourological Society (CROES) PCNL Global Study database. Patients and Methods: The CROES PCNL Global Study collected prospective data for consecutive patients who were treated with PCNL at cen

Academic vascular unit collaboration with advertising agency yields higher compliance in screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm.

To improve compliance with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening in low compliance areas, individually tailored invitations were developed in collaboration with a professional advertising agency. Compliance increased in two intervention municipalities from 71.4% in 2010-2012 to 78.1% in 2013 (p = 0.025), and was then higher [odds ratio 1.7; 95% confidence interval 1.1-2.6; p = 0.013] than in t

Greater Rates of Cartilage Loss in Painful Knees Than in Pain-Free Knees After Adjustment for Radiographic Disease Stage Data From the Osteoarthritis Initiative

Objective. To investigate whether rates of cartilage loss differ in knees with frequent baseline pain versus those without pain, after adjustment for radiographic osteoarthritis (OA) stage. Methods. One knee in each of 718 Osteoarthritis Initiative participants was examined: 310 with calculated Kellgren/Lawrence (K/L) grade 2, 299 with calculated K/L grade 3, and 109 with calculated K/L grade 4. T

The (in-) validity of the WSSUS assumption in vehicular radio channels

The assumption of wide-sense-stationarity (WSS) and uncorrelated scattering (US) of wireless propagation channels is widespread for the design and analysis of wireless propagation channels. However, the assumption is only valid within a limited range. In this paper, we investigate the extension of this range not only in time (WSS), but also in frequency (US), for measured vehicular propagation cha