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Jesus for Zanzibar : Narratives of Pentecostal Belonging, Islam, and Nation

This study addresses the presence of religious difference in the Muslim-dominated cultural setting of Zanzibar, a context in which, in 2012, Christian minorities became targets in violent events directed against representations of the politically contested Union with Mainland Tanzania. As the attacked churches are primarily attended by people of non-island origins and the incidents were blamed on

Institutional conditions for integrated mobility services (IMS) : Towards a framework for analysis

The present text is a theoretical framework that has been developed with the aim to generate knowledge of and policy recommendations for the promotion of integrated mobility services (IMS), with specific regard to institutional dimensions. Integrated mobility services are services where the passenger’s transport needs are met by a service that not only integrates a range of mobility services, both

Neurons against Noise : Neural adaptations for dim light vision in hawkmoths

Alla djur uppfattar världen med sina sinnen, vilka ger information till beslut och rörelser. Tyvärr har sinnena begränsningar och när de upphör att ge pålitlig information kommer djurets överlevnad att hotas. Synsinnet till exempel utmanas dagligen, eftersom dess signalstyrka minskar när mörkret faller och ökar igen när solen går upp. I denna avhandling undersökte jag synsystemets anpassningar hosAll animals perceive the world through their senses, which form the basis for their decisions and motor actions. However, when these all-important senses reach their limit and cease to provide reliable information, the animal’s survival is threatened. Among the senses, vision is brought to its limits on a daily basis, because its signal strength is diminished as night falls, and increases again as

Ambulanssjukvården måste bli jämlik

Skiftande vårdkvalité hotar patientsäkerheten inom ambulanssjukvården. Nu måste regeringen och Socialstyrelsen skapa nationella riktlinjer, skriver Nätverket för utbildning av ambulanssjuksköterskor .

Positive and negative aspects of colostomy irrigation : a patient and WOC nurse perspective

PURPOSE: Colostomy irrigation (CI) is an effective method to achieve fecal continence in selected persons with a colostomy. The primary aims of the study were to find out to what extent the WOC nurses used CI in their practice and what kind of information the WOC nurses gave patients if they provided explanations and potential solutions when irrigation was not successful in preserving continence.

Ostomy patients' perceptions of quality of care

AIM: This paper reports a study whose aim was to assess the quality of care in ostomy patients seen from a patient perspective.BACKGROUND: A stoma operation causes profound changes in a patient's life because of resulting physical damage, disfigurement, loss of bodily function, and change in personal hygiene. Such changes are a cause of major concern for patients and raise important issue for the

Combustion behaviour of fabric and polyurethane flexible foam mock-up combinations under cone calorimetry test conditions

The relative contributions of fabric and foam on important fire hazard parameters as measured in the cone calorimeter were determined for various mock-up combinations. Three commercial types of high resilience PU flexible slabstock foams, representing a wide range of combustion performance, were combined with three different fabrics; viz. polyester, polypropylene and combustion modified cotton. To

To the question of eyes in primitive crustaceans

Based on a review of studies of functional and comparative anatomy of crustacean eyes, a hypothesis is formed on eyes in primitive crustaceans. It is suggested that they were similar to present-day frontal eyes of the malacostracan type. Neuronal architecture suggests that the development to apposition compound eye followed two main routes, one seen in malacostracansand the other in non-malacostra

Early treatment with pancreatic-like microbial-derived enzymes during the preweaning period promotes growth in growing–finishing pigs

Treatment with pancreatic or pancreatic-like microbial enzymes during the suckling period has positive effects on the gut, resulting in a better fat absorption and improved barrier function in pigs. The present study investigated the effects of pancreaticlike enzyme treatment during the pre- or postweaning period on pig growth and nitrogen utilization. Suckling 7- to 14-d-old pigs were gavage fed

Effects of dietary supplementation with pancreatic-like enzymes of microbial origin (PLEM) and silicon dioxide (SiO2) on the performance of piglets fed creep feed

It is well known that during the suckling period pancreatic secretion is low. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation with pancreatic-like enzymes of microbial origin (PLEM) and SiO2, as an antibacterial factor, on the performance of piglets fed creep feed during weaning and thereafter. The experiment was performed on piglets from 30 litters. The piglets were

Pentecostalism and the Other : Seclusion, Engagement and Spiritual Warfare

This article deals with the Pentecostal Christianity and the relation to the other by looking at theological and practical responses on how Pentecostals deal with the world that generally is seen to be infused by evil. By first looking into some broad theological themes on how negotiate the social world in which Pentecostals reside, the theological base will be discussed against empirical material

Review of current study methods for VRU safety. Part 1 – Main report

The report presents the results of a review of the study methods related to vulnerable road user safety that are used today and aims to link accident causation factors to VRU accident risk. The review covered the following categories of study methods: epidemiological studies based on accident and injury data; in-depth accident investigations; naturalistic driving studies; behavioural observations;The report presents the results of a review of the study methods related to vulnerable road user safety that are used today and aims to link accident causation factors to VRU accident risk. The review covered the following categories of study methods: epidemiological studies based on accident and injury data; in-depth accident investigations; naturalistic driving studies; behavioural observations;

Sustainability Service In-Store: Service Work and the Promotion of Sustainable Consumption

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore, illustrate, and conceptualize how sustainability service is performed and the role it plays in the promotion of sustainable consumption. Design/methodology/approach – Theoretically, this paper takes a practice theory approach, conceptualizing the provision of sustainability service as a set of complex, socio-material, and performative practices. M