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The Limits of Thought & the Mind-Body Problem
This paper gives an account of Colin McGinn's essay: "Can We Solve the Mind-Body Problem?". McGinn's answer to his own essay title is that the problem is forever beyond us due to the particular nature of our cognitive abilities. The present author offers a number of criticisms of the arguments which support this conclusion
Creating the modern self: coaching and styling as techniques of personal branding
Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Combustion in PPC and Diesel Engines
Popular Abstract in Swedish Trots ny fordonsteknik så har koldioxidutsläppen ökat med nästan 40% i Europa sedan 1990-talet. Detta beror främst på en tilltagande transport på våra vägar. Drivmedel som används inom transportsektorn är nästan uteslutande diesel och bensin, vilka härstammar från fossila bränslen. För att hantera konsekvenserna av transportfordons miljöpåverkan så blir lagstiftningen pThis thesis deals with large eddy simulations (LES) of turbulent combustion processes in direct injection internal combustion (IC) engines. Modeling of direct injection IC engine combustion involves modeling of turbulent spray/gas two-phase flow, modeling of chemical reactions of large hydrocarbon fuels and coupling of chemistry with turbulent flows. LES is chosen in this thesis for it capability
An evaluation of two direct current control methods implemented with LabVIEW on a FPGA
Slutrapport för projektet "Användande av geografiska informationssystem (GIS) för uppföljning av miljörelaterade hälsoeffekter"
Exploration of physical accessibility in society: Reflections on theory and methodology in a travel chain perspective
Kvinnan från Flores
Dansk Udenrigspolitisk Institut (DUPI): Europæisk stabilitet: EU’s Utvidelse med de central- og østeuropeiske lande
The Future Operation Theatre - OpDesign 2012
Situating Familial Practice of Child Sex Preference in Delhi
Using Conic Correspondences in Two Images to Estimate the Epipolar Geometry
In this paper it is shown hour corresponding conics in two images can be used to estimate the epipolar geometry in terms of the fundamental/essential matrix. The corresponding conics can, be images of either planar celtics or silhouettes of quadrics. It is shown that one conic correspondence gives two independent constraints on the fundamental matrix and a method to estimate the fundamental matrix
Child-Representations of Death and Immortality in Medieval China: Creepy Blessings
Hybrid Control of a Double Tank System
Accurate Numerical Simulation of Air Flows in Ventilated Multi-Rooms
Säljer svenska mervärden på EU-markanden?
A future world order in security and peace and the role of Latvia. Do international law and organisations matter?
Antenna Q-factor Calculation Using the MoM Impedance Matrix
Fully integrated wireless inductive tongue computer interface for disabled people
This work describes a novel fully integrated inductive tongue computer interface for disabled people. The interface consists of an oral unit placed in the mouth, including inductive sensors, related electronics, a system for wireless transmission and a rechargeable battery. The system is activated using an activation unit placed on the tongue, and incorporates 18 inductive sensors, arranged in bot