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Your search for "*" yielded 528151 hits

Combined carbon and nitrogen removal from acetonitrile using algal-bacterial bioreactors

When compared with Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus obliquus and Selenastrum capricornutum, C. sorokiniana presented the highest tolerance to acetonitrile and the highest O-2 production capacity. It also supported the fastest acetonitrile biodegradation when mixed with a suitable acetonitrile-degrading bacterial consortium. Consequently, this microalga was tested in symbiosis with the bacterial cul

Candelaria fruticans found in Southern Africa

The distribution and habitat ecology of Candelaria fruticans Poelt & Oberw. is discussed and a distribution map is provided, The distribution pattern is shared by a few species occurring on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean in mainly the subtropical and tropical zones.

Molecular evidence of a reed warbler x great reed warbler hybrid (Acrocephalus scirpaceus x A-arundinaceus) in Belgium

We report on the second case of a reed warbler x great reed warbler hybrid (Acrocephalus scirpaceus and A. arundinaceus). The bird was captured during a standardised ringing session in Belgium in autumn 1999, and fell between the parental species in all measurements. Molecular analyses of two microsatellite loci verified that the bird was a female that had a reed warbler father and a great reed wa

Purification of rabbit lacrimal gland plasma membranes by aqueous two-phase affinity partitioning

We describe the purification of lacrimal gland plasma membranes by affinity partitioning using a two-phase system containing polyethylene glycol and dextran in which wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to dextran is used as affinity ligand. When partitioning a microsomal fraction, the plasma membrane marker 5'-nucleotidase was obtained in the affinity ligand-containing bottom phase, whereas the endop

Probing CPT violation with atmospheric neutrinos

We investigate the recently suggested scheme of independent mass matrices for neutrinos and antineutrinos. Such a CPT violating scheme is able to account for all neutrino data with the three known flavors. For atmospheric neutrinos this means that it is possible to have different mass squared differences driving the oscillation for neutrinos and antineutrinos. We analyze the atmospheric and K2K da

Simvastatin maintains steady patterns of GFR and improves AER and expression of slit diaphragm proteins in type II diabetes

The factors determining the course of glomerular fitration rate (GFR) and albumin excretion rate (AER) and the expression of mRNA of slit diaphragm (SD) and podocyte proteins in microalbuminuric, hypertensive type II diabetic patients are not fully understood. GFR, AER, and SD protein mRNA were studied in 86 microalbuminuric, hypertensive, type II diabetics at baseline and after 4-year random doub

Theory of inversion of dispersive bi-isotropic slab parameters using TEM pulses

A new method of reconstructing the susceptibility kernels of a linear, causal, time-invariant, homogeneous, and bi-isotropic medium from generic scattering data at normal incidence is presented. This inverse problem is shown to be well posed in the space of continuous functions furnished with the maximum norm, C[0,T]. A numerical example is given.

Intramolecular charge transfer in the porphyrin-oligothiophene-fullerene triad

Intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) in porphyrin-oligothiophene-fullerene triad was reported experimentally [J. Ikemoto, K. Takimiya, Y. Aso. T. Otsubo, M. Fujitsuka, O. Ito, Org. Lett. 4 (2002) 309], and the weak distance dependence of the oligothiophene spacer was found. In this Letter, ICT in this triad is theoretically investigated with quantum chemistry method as well as the 2D and 3D real s

Funktionell familjeterapi i barnpsykiatrisk praxis

This article describes the results from a cooperative model project treating delinquents and their families with Functional Family Therapy (FFT). The treatment has taken place within a frame of cooperation between social welfare, child psychiatry and a drugtreatment unit. The results from the treatment group are compaired with treatment as usual. The FFT-group showed increased familyfunction and f

A structure of persuasion in Galatians: Epistolary and rhetorical appeal in an aural setting

The purpose of this paper is to ponder the reception of the Letter to the Galatians in an aural setting. How did the first recipients react, what can we expect that they remembered after having listened to the letter? Are there structural elements in the letter that would have aided the aural reception of the letter? In four readings, the investigation traces textual indicators of interaction and

PCU: The programmable culling unit

Culling techniques have always been a central part of computer graphics, but graphics hardware still lack efficient and flexible support for culling. To improve the situation, we introduce the programmable culling unit, which is as flexible as the fragment program unit and capable of quickly culling entire blocks of fragments. Furthermore, it is very easy for the developer to use the PCU as cullin