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Bostadsfastigheter med skog för husbehovsved
Schaktmassor - äganderätt och ersättning
Ägarlägenheter -Marknaden idag
Gröna hyresavtal för livsmedelshandeln – utformning och sanktionsmöjligheter
Lämpliga jordbruksfastigheter
Fastighetsindelningsbestämmelser i detaljplan
Analysis of the Ethiopian expropriation process - In rural areas in the Amhara Region
Syssloman - Förordnad av Lantmäterimyndigheten eller Länsstyrelsen
Marknaden för reklam på fastigheter
Aortaaneurysm och dissektion
Being an audit professional in the digital age
In this chapter, we explore how audit professionals in transnational accounting firms feel about their professional identity in the digital age. Based on 15 interviews with audit professionals, our findings reveal that despite the dispositional and relational affordances of emerging digital technology, some auditors are experiencing professional insecurities. Our interviewees expressed concerns on
Artificial protein molecular motors and fluorescence enhancement in nanowires for biosensing
Oligomeric State of β-Coronavirus Non-Structural Protein 10 Stimulators Studied by Small Angle X-ray Scattering
The β-coronavirus family, encompassing Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS), and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS), has triggered pandemics within the last two decades. With the possibility of future pandemics, studying the coronavirus family members is necessary to improve knowledge and treatment. Thes
Interpreting biologically informed neural networks for enhanced proteomic biomarker discovery and pathway analysis
The incorporation of machine learning methods into proteomics workflows improves the identification of disease-relevant biomarkers and biological pathways. However, machine learning models, such as deep neural networks, typically suffer from lack of interpretability. Here, we present a deep learning approach to combine biological pathway analysis and biomarker identification to increase the interp
The regional economic impacts of NEV development
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Bicontinuous Liquid Crystalline Phases of Cubic Symmetry : Transport Properties from 2H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxation Rates
The ternary system didodecyltrimethylammonium bromide, 1-decanol, and water forms an extended reversed continuous phase of cubic symmetry at 25 °C. The cubic phase belongs to the space group Im3m, as shown by small-angle X-ray experiments. We present extensive deuterium NMR relaxation data from this cubic phase for 1-decanol, deuterated at the carbon adjacent to the hydroxyl carbon position. 2H sp
Public Participation in Sustainable Urban Development Strategies - A Tool for Improving Strategy Making or a Symbolic Means of Establishing Legitimacy?
This thesis aims to analyse the relationships between key stakeholders in the process of developing and implementing an urban strategy using the example of the Sustainable Urban Development Strategy of the City of Saint Petersburg. This thesis is based on theories related to involving public participation in the planning and implementation of the city strategy and the options and perspectives of p
Between Risk and Transformation. Managing Resistance to Gender-Transformative Change. The case of Plan International Paraguay
Development organisations that work to transform gender relations and power structures are bound to face resistance to change (RTC). While overt forms of RTC are becoming increasingly prominent in the context of the rise of the transnational «anti-gender» movement. Thus, this thesis aims to understand how RTC can be addressed through a gender-transformative approach (GTA) by focusing on the case s