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Förbisett : när vardagen glimrar till

Världen är full av guideböcker som pekar ut vad som är sevärt. Nästan alltid är det bara det annorlunda och unika som kommer med. Aldrig skulle stormarknadens parkeringsplats få plats bland åldriga pyramider och bedårande utsikter. Inte heller skulle någon beskriva en rivningstomt som ett hänförande skådespel. Vardagsmiljöer är inget man normalt ger ut guideböcker om. Där finns väl inget att se? M

Using a walkway with adjustable inclination to measure and assess slip and fall risks

Fall is the most common cause of serious work related accidents. Falls and related injuries not only cause suffering for individuals, but also means a high economic burden to industries and society. The objective of the study was to use a walkway with in-built force plate, adjustable inclination and surface to assess how risks of slips and falls vary due to inclination and friction of the walkway

Effects of farmland heterogeneity at multiple spatial and temporal scales on house sparrow (Passer domesticus) population ecology

Popular Abstract in Swedish VIKTEN AV HETEROGENA JORDBRUKSMILJÖER FÖR GRÅSPARVEN Under de senaste 40 åren har vårt odlingslandskap genomgått kraftiga strukturella förändringar som en konsekvens av att jordbruket har intensifierats och effektiviserats. Dessa förändringar har möjliggjort en nödvändig, ökad produktion av spannmål och andra grödor men samtidigt har det haft förödande konsekvenser på dStrong declines of European farmland birds in recent decades are assumed to be caused by decreased food availability resulting from agricultural intensification and concomitant loss of farmland heterogeneity. One of the species suffering particularly strong declines in NW European countries is the house sparrow. In this thesis I investigated the importance of farmland land-use on house sparrow eco

Purification of infectious human herpesvirus 6A virions and association of host cell proteins

BACKGROUND: Viruses that are incorporating host cell proteins might trigger autoimmune diseases. It is therefore of interest to identify possible host proteins associated with viruses, especially for enveloped viruses that have been suggested to play a role in autoimmune diseases, like human herpesvirus 6A (HHV-6A) in multiple sclerosis (MS). RESULTS: We have established a method for rapid and mor

Genetics of Tetrapyrrole Synthesis in Gram-Positive Bacteria

The organization and regulation of genes for tetrapyrrole synthesis were studied in low G+C Gram-positive bacteria. Clusters of genes encoding enzymes for tetrapyrrole biosynthesis were cloned from Bacillus sphaericus, Bacillus stearothermophilus, Brevibacillus brevis and Paenibacillus macerans. The structure of the hem gene clusters was compared to that of other Gram-positive bacteria. The hemEHY

Wisdom, Paraenesis and the Roots of Monasticism

A large part of New Testament and Early Christian Literature deals with practical advice on how a Christian ought to live. The form as well as the content of this teaching is closely related to Classical literary traditions and the ethos of Greek philosophies. In the article, which ends a large volume from a Nordic project on Paraenesis, some of the most important early monastic texts are studied

Filmåret 2007: Tempelriddare och råttor i köket

Krönika om 2007 års filmer med fokus på Sandrews beslut att sluta med filmproduktion efter sjuttio års verksamhet, konkursen för Astoria Cinemas, den svenska filmbranschens monopolisering, Ingmar Bergman och Michelangelo Antonionis död samt Arn-filmserien.

A CFD Investigation of Heat Transfer in a Diesel Fueled PPC Engine Applying Design of Experiments

Due to the nature of the engine cycle, heat transfer has a significant role in the estimation of engine efficiency. The effects are quite well known in the classic combustion concepts, compression ignition (CI) and spark ignition (SI) combustion. But for the newer, low temperature combustion (LTC) concepts, these effects are not that well known. In this paper, a commercial computational fluid dyna