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Energieffektivisering - en studie av Ladugårdsmarkens skola.

Ladugårdsmarken är en skola med hög energianvändning och det är främst elanvändningen som bidrar till de höga siffrorna. Eftersom byggnaden renoverades 1991 borde inte energianvändningen vara så hög som den är. Energiförlusterna beror till största delen på bristande isolering i byggnadens omslutande delar, dåligt U-värde på fönster och ett felaktigt konstruerat golvvärmesystem. Att belysningen oft

The Resurgence of Native American Identity. A case study of the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah)

This thesis explores the resurgence of Native American identity. Scholars have observed a dramatic increase of people identifying themselves as Native Americans over the past forty years in the decennial US Census. The increase coincides with the introduction of racial self-declaration in 1960; according to scholars this enables a process of ethnic switching where individuals change their race fro

Neoliberal Globalization - The End of Labor Unions in the Third World? A Minor Field Study on the Nicaraguan Labor Unions' Struggle to Survive

This thesis, based on a minor field study in Nicaragua, analyzes the impacts of globalization on the Nicaraguan labor unions. It also poses the question of how organized labor has responded to increasing economic globalization, in Nicaragua characterized by the neoliberal policies pursued by the government since 1990, backed by international financial institutes. The analysis demonstrates that th

Denmark, Sweden and the CFSP - Two similar countries facing different political realities

This study examines which factors on a systemic, domestic, and leadership level are determinants in deciding Sweden and Denmark's diverging relationship to the Common Foreign and Security Policy sector of the European Union. In the systemic level of analysis, a country's relative position in the global political system is studied. In the domestic scene, factors such as the governmental str

Upplopp i Staden - En komparativ studie av våldsamheter i Paris och Rosengård

Uppsatsens syfte är att besvara vad som föranleder våldsamma yttringar, likt upploppen i Paris 2005 och Rosengård 2005. Jämförelsen mellan Paris och Rosengård medför en följdfråga om det finns liknande tendenser i Rosengård att fullskaliga upplopp likt de i Paris kan äga rum. Vi använder oss av en teori som bygger på att det saknas tillit mellan etniska grupper och majoritetsbefolkningen som komb

Privatisering av kommunerna Medborgares eller politikers val?

Efter den svenska välfärdsstatens uppbyggnad ansåg man att den svenska förvaltningen var i behov av reformer. Dessa reformer skulle komma att förändra i stort sett hela den kommunala verksamheten, vissa kommuner mer än andra. Reformerna hade till stor del inspirerats av de idéer som av forskare kommit att kallas New Public Management. Då de fundamentala tankegångarna inom NPM har nyliberala förtec

Spår av Senmodernitet: hur den sentida forskningen inom socialt arbete använder sig av teorier kring senmodernitet

The purpose of this study has been to investigate how frequently, and in witch ways, theories concerning the "late-modern" society are being used in the contemporary research of social work. My thesis is that theories concerning the late-modern society could be useful in social work research, foremost to shed light on, and broaden the understanding of, dilemmas and problems that are spec

Exploring Human Rights in Development - A Rights-Based Analysis of the EU's Development Strategies

There is constant dispute on how ? and even if ? development policy should be formulated and implemented. This thesis focuses on the approach called the rights-based approach to development (RBA).. The aim is to explore the theoretical framework on RBA in order to understand the relationship and tension between human rights and development. Central themes of the RBA will then be applied to the EU&

Tala är silver, tiga är guld En studie om förhandlingsprocessen mellan offentliga och privata parter i Danmarks första Public-Private Partnership

The purpose of this thesis is to describe and to increase the understanding of the negotiation process between the public- and the private sector in a Public-Private Partnership (PPP). I have chosen to explore the first ?real? PPP project in Denmark, the construction of Vildbjerg compulsory school in the municipality of Trehøje. This case study is based upon a qualitative method consisting of int

Den lyssnande demokratin - En studie av kommunalpolitikers syn på den svenska demokratin

Local politicians are key actors in the democratic system and their ideas concerning democracy plays a central role in local democratic politics. The study's point of departure is the notion that local politicians are dependent of coherence between practice and theory concerning democracy and in the study of their ideas we acquire knowledge about the democratic practice. This study examines t

Strategier och möjligheter : en studie av några gymnasieelevers tankar om framtiden.

I denna studie försöker jag skapa en förståelse för några gymnasieelevers strategier för framtiden, eleverna går sista året på ett studieförberedande program i Malmö. Under de senaste åren har den svenska utbildningsmarknaden och arbetsmarknaden förändrats. Det har fått följden att allt fler ungdomar väljer studieförberedande program på gymnasiet, elever uppmanas att söka vidare till högskola/univ

Product Service Systems for Office Furniture Barriers and Opportunities on the European Market

The frequent replacement of office furniture contributes to the increasing production of solid waste that leads to the use of more landfill space. Germany only produces approximately 700000 t of office furniture waste per year whereas most of this waste goes to landfill or incin-eration (Nolte, 2001). In addition, there are concerns about the use of hazardous chemicals in office furniture producti

Examining barriers and opportunities to sustainable behaviour Linking knowledge and participation amongst young persons in urban environments

No setting more clearly demonstrates human influences than metropolitan areas that live and breathe human diversity, novelty, intensity and choice, but also environmental and social burdens. Technological solutions offer one avenue of support to alleviating many urban environmental stresses. However, sincere sustainability in urban environments can only be achieved if citizens choose to utilize te

Att förstå reformprocesser - en fallstudie på kommundelsnämnder i Lund 1992-2000

Abstract Detta arbete är en fallstudie på Lund's kommun och det som skedde där under nittiotalet. Huvudfoku's ligger på två kommunreformer som innebar kommundelsnämnderna's införande och avskaffande. Vår frågeställning har varit; Vilka förändringar har Lund's kommun gått igenom? Och; Hur kan man förstå dessa förändringar? Teorin består av flera olika vinklar där man problematisera

Blood, Water and the Politics of Biology - Examining the primacy of biological kinship in family policy and (step)family discourse

In this study I examine the ways that social policy and (step)family discourse are constituted by the cultural and legal priority granted to biological kinship ties. I call the discourses that perpetuate the primacy of biological kinship the politics of biology. The purpose of the study is to examine the ways that the politics of biology are constituted, expressed and challenged in Swedish late mo

Internationell närvaro- nationell frånvaro? En jämförande studie om återuppbyggnaden i Afghanistan och Kosovo med fokus på civil-militär samverkan

In this thesis the aim is to explore the connection between International presence and Reconstruction of Postconflict states. The focus in this Analyse is the concept of CIMIC which is the institutional concept of Civil-Military Co-operation in International relations and a concept in Peacebuilding Theory. The cases, which are the empirical Material, is Afghanistan and Kosovo, two most-different c

Worldview: Personal ideology, values and beliefs concerning metaphysics, epistemology, human nature and morality

First, de St. Aubin's (1996) modified polarity scale (MPS), adapted from Tomkins (1965), was investigated, using data from 315 Swedes. Structural equation modeling rendered two super factors, humanism and normativism, and two sub-factors of humanism. Adding the third factor only produced a slight increase in model fitness. The second part of the study was aimed at probing deeper into the world

Mega-events and infrastructure improvements : The Case of the Olympic Games in Beijing 2008

The aim of this thesis was to investigate the Olympic Games? influence on Beijing's infrastructure improvement. The research question is how the Olympic Games make the host city accomplish change. The thesis begins with an introduction of the Olympic Games and Beijing's development. The theory here was that a Mega-event is an opportunity for a host city to improve itself, and the improveme

Dold mångfald i den öppna demokratin? Om diskriminering på grund av sexuell läggning bland förtroendevalda kommun- och landstingspolitiker

Groups that are often referred to as being dismissed in society in general is by some aspects also considered being so in political arenas. A recent compilation of existing research over structurally based objections of gaining power and positions within Swedish parliamentary politics highlight a lack of research considering whether sexual orientation could be such a discriminatory basis. Using a