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Vilka faktorer påverkar bostadspriser?

This paper examines which factors that influence the price of the housing market. By using data from Sweden and Denmark between year 1993 - 2020 with credit growth, dwellings completed, an interest-spread and population growth as explanatory variables in the model. The study aims to explain the growth in the housing market with two separate multiple linear regression models. The results show that

Method development for improving monoclonal antibody production

Biopharmaceuticals are a fast-growing niche in the pharmaceutical industry compared to small molecules. Even though a lot of progress has been made in recent years, the process to take a drug candidate to clinical trials can be lengthy and the selection process of high producing stable clones can be an arduous process. In this master thesis the design of new expression vectors for the production

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction in the Heavy-Duty Transport Sector - A Case Study of Renewable Energy Carriers in Sweden

Den svenska transportsektorn står för ungefär en tredjedel av landets totala utsläpp av växthusgaser och släppte 2019 ut 16,4 Mt CO2-ekvivalenter. Av dessa står den tunga vägtrafiken för cirka 20 % och är efter passagerarfordonen den största källan till utsläpp av växthusgaser inom sektorn. I och med FN:s klimatpanels återkommande rapporter om klimatförändringen och den Europeiska Unionens nya kliThe Swedish transport sector accounts for roughly a third of the country’s total emissions of greenhouse gases, emitting 16.4 Mt CO2-equivalents in 2019. Of these emissions, the heavy road traffic accounts for 20 % and is the sectors largest source of greenhouse gas emissions after the passenger vehicle fleet. With the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's recurring reports on the climat

What is beautiful content? A qualitative study on firm-generated beauty content on Instagram

Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this study is to extend the research on Instagram content. We will look at how different types of firm-generated content created by Swedish beauty retailers on Instagram is evaluated by young female Swedsih consumers in the hopes of finding which content that is perceived to be visually appealing and met with an interest. Theoretical Perspective: This study builds

Strategier för det nya servicemötet

Syfte: Skapa djupare förståelse för det nya servicemötet utan personal. Studien avser därmed att undersöka hur tjänsteverksamheter arbetar med självservicen för att skapa bra kundbemötanden. Slutligen vill studien även bidra med forskning om hur självservicen har förändrat servicemötet. Teori: Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgår från teorier om strategier, servicemötet och värdesamskapande. Metod: U

Shining a Light on Afghanistan: International involvement and solar power’s role in changing the socio-technical regime for electricity in Afghanistan between 2003 and 2019

This thesis explores the increased electricity access between 2003 and 2019 in Afghanistan by employing two main explanatory variables – solar power and international involvement. The models are based on logistic regressions, investigating urban and rural areas, as well as a sample of the whole population. The data is survey data collected annually, by the Asia Foundation, throughout the country.

The Game Changers that are changed by the Game (Entrepreneurs’ personal characteristics and learnings from failure)

Abstract Problem: While it has been extensively studied which personal characteristics enhance entrepreneurial learning from failure, the mechanisms of how those characteristics contribute to entrepreneurial learning process has not yet been fully understood. Aim: Through a comprehensive model, this research aims to explore how different personal characteristics influence the different stages o

Tidig palliativ vård och livskvalitet hos patienter med cancer

Bakgrund: Varje år bedöms 70000 - 75000 personer i Sverige behöva palliativ vård. En stor av del dessa är patienter med cancersjukdomar. Palliativ vård innebär att ge patienten god livskvalitet in i det sista. Syfte: Att undersöka om en tidig start av palliativ vård kan påverka livskvaliteten hos cancerpatienter. Metod: Metoden var en icke systematisk litteraturstudie där åtta artiklar granskades

FRET-studies of EF-hand complementation and the effect of conjugated fluorescent proteins

In this work spectroscopic methods have been used to determine the effect of fluorophores on protein affinity. Fluorophores are used in many different contexts to mark proteins, genes or antibodies. By marking a construct with a fluorophore, it is possible to follow the localization and function in a biological system, but it is not often investigated how the bound fluorophore could affect the mar

Instuderingsfunderingar: Pianolärares syn på gehör och notläsning på estetiska programmet

Följande studie strävar efter att sammanställa uppfattningar och insikter hos erfarna pianolärare på gymnasium i frågor kring gehör och notläsning. Samtliga informanter undervisar främst i gehörsmusik som jazz och rock/pop. Studien använder sig av kvalitativa intervjuer Målet är att ta reda på lärares syn på nyttan deras gymnasieelever har i ett starkt gehör och i notläsningskunskaper. Studien undThe study aims at compiling the views of experienced piano teachers at gymnasium in matters of playing music, hearing based and/or by reading music. All participants in the study teach mainly in hearing-based genres such as jazz and rock/pop. The study is using qualitative interviews. The aim is to find out the teachers views about which use their students may have of hearing based compared to not

Accurate Simulation of a Collaborative Robot Arm with Cartesian Impedance Control

Simulation of systems is used in several fields of science as a tool for safe and resource-efficient testing, as well as a tool for prediction. In this thesis, the goal is to produce an accurate simulation of a collaborative robot arm, together with a controller solution. The robot is supposed to learn and perform contact-rich tasks. Impedance control is often the suggested control strategy for su

Testing the potential to evaluate vegetation optical depth with ecosystem water dynamics in a temperate forest

Warming trends have been associated with drought which induces and heightens agents and factors that cause tree mortality. Remotely sensed observations are increasingly being used in vegetation studies and are obtained from Earth observation satellites. Vegetation optical depth (VOD) is one such product and is obtained from the microwave domain, both passive and active. It measures the degree of a

Arbetsmarknads- och socialförvaltningen Malmö stad, IFO insats - öppenvård vuxna missbruk, - En studie om öppenvårdens omorganisation

Denna uppsats avhandlar IFO insats - öppenvård vuxna missbruk, som är en organisation tillhörande Arbetsmarknads- och socialförvaltningen Malmö stad. IFO står för Individ och Familjeomsorg, och är en insats klienter kan bli beviljade under missbruksproblematik. Vi kommer i denna uppsats beteckna denna organisation med “IFO insats”. Under 2019 påbörjades en diskussion kring öppenvården i Malmö. En

Vocational Training and Employment: A literature review

This paper analyzes the relationship between vocational training and subsequent employment. This is done through a review of the published literature on the subject. Various studies are reviewed in order to present a picture of what the current understanding is of the effects vocational training has on employment. The results indicate that there is evidence to suggest an easier transition from sch

Gasket Quality Control

The heat exchanger is a system where heat gets transferred between oil and other forms of lubricants from one system to another without mixing through conduction. The hot liquid is cooled by passing through the heat exchangers plates, which act as a wall between them. When hot liquid is passed between the plates, the following plates are passed with cold liquid, which carries the heat away from th

Acceptance of Cosmetic Enhancement and Association Between Self-Esteem, Well-Being and Cosmetic Procedures among Women

Cosmetic procedures have been increasing in popularity over the past decade. Women make up the majority of consumers in this lucrative industry. In this study, acceptance of cosmetic enhancement, self-esteem and psychological well-being (PWB) were investigated in a sample of women. The sample was composed of 237 participants with 31.2% having undergone a cosmetic procedure. Having had a cosmetic p

Ready or Not: Exploring Machine Learning Readiness in the Supplier Selection Process

Title: Ready or Not: Exploring Machine Learning Readiness in the Supplier Selection Process Authors: Nazish Rashid and Afra Mukhtar Supervisor Yulia Vakulenko Purpose: The aim of this research paper is to gain a better understanding of machine learning readiness in the supplier selection process. The study aims to analyse the readiness factors that constitute this and barriers that may hinder this