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Analytical approach to low-density convolutional codes

A statistical analysis of low-density convolutional (LDC) codes is performed. This analysis is based on the consideration of a special statistical ensemble of Markov scramblers and the solution to a system of recurrent equations describing this ensemble. The results of the analysis are lower bounds for the free distance of the codes and upper bounds for the maximum likelihood decoding error probab

Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia. Serological findings, phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of S. aureus strains.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Infektioner i blodbanan orsakade av Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus bakteriemi) kompliceras ofta av nedslag i leder, skelett, hjärtklaffar eller inre organ. Dessa sekundära infektioner är inte alltid lätta att upptäcka, men de fordrar förlängd antibiotikabehandling och ibland även operativa ingrepp för att läka ut. S. aureus bakteriemi diagnosticeras oftast genom att mThe diagnosis of S. aureus infections is most often based on culture of the organism from various body sites. However, cultures could be false negative due to e.g. previous antibiotic therapy, and in some situations cultures are difficult to obtain. Antibody assays against various S. aureus antigens have been proposed as a way to diagnose S. aureus bacteremia, as well as to distinguish between unc

De tidiga upaniṣaderna

The first ever direct Sanskrit-to-Swedish translation of the twelve earliest Upaniṣads, accompanied by a scholarly introduction and extensive notes referencing classical commentaries.

Are there sustainable alternatives to water-based sanitation system? Practical illustrations and policy issues.

There are several reasons to reconsider present urban water and wastewater policy including limitations of a conventional sanitary system, better understanding of nature and its principles gained during last decades, and the goal of society to achieve sustainable development. In this paper principles of new designs of alternative sanitation systems are illustrated, examples of technical and non-te

International activities in small firms – examining factors influencing the internationalisation and export growth of SMEs

In this paper we explore internationalization and export growth over time in a sample of 135 small manufacturing firms. By using concepts and arguments from literature on international business and small firms, the paper identifies six situational, or contingency, factors that are expected to influence the international activities of small firms. Our results show that a dynamic and fast-changing e

The Philosophy of F. P. Ramsey

Frank Plumpton Ramsey (1903-1930), British mathematician and philosopher, best known for his work on the foundations of mathematics. But Ramsey also made remarkable contributions to epistemology, semantics, logic, philosophy of science, mathematics, statistics, probability and decision theory, economics and metaphysics.

Wave splitting and imbedding equations for a spherically symmetric dispersive medium

The direct problem of time dependent electromagnetic scattering in the dispersive sphere is solved by a wave splitting technique. The electric field is expanded in a series involving vector spherical harmonics, leading to a system of wave equations for each term. These systems are reduced to scalar wave equations for each term, which are solved via reflection operators. Some preliminary numerical

Identification of Virulence Factors in Nematode-Trapping Fungi - Insights from Genomics, Transcriptomics and Proteomics

Popular Abstract in Swedish Nematod-fångande svampar är en grupp av filamentösa svampar som lever i jorden. De kan som deras namn antyder fånga och infektera nematoder. Varför är det då viktigt att studera dessa svampar? Svaret är just nematoder. Nematoder, även kända som rundmaskar, kan infektera både människor, djur och växter. Vi i Europa är relativt förskonade mot dessa infektioner om man jämfNematode-trapping fungi are soil-living organisms with the unique ability to capture and infect free-living nematodes. The interest in studying these fungi arises from their potential use as biological control agents for plant- and animal-parasitic nematodes. To enter the parasitic stage, nematode-trapping fungi develop different kinds of trapping structures. In order to understand more about the

The methods of historical reconstruction in the scholarly "recovery" of Corinthian Christianity

A somewhat self-critical discussion of the role played by socio-historical information (e.g. about money in social relations) in historical interpretation of ancient and early Christian history, and of the standpoints of Gerd Theissen, Justin Meggitt and Eckehard and Wolfgang Stegemann in this area. The article also explores the role of sociological or social-scientific models in historical recons

Applicability of Ionization Current Sensing Technique with Plasma Jet Ignition Using PreChamber Spark Plug in a Heavy Duty Natural Gas Engine

This article deals with study of ionization current sensing technique's signal characteristics while operating with pre-chamber spark plug to achieve plasma jet ignition in a 6 cylinder 9 liter turbo-charged natural gas engine under EGR and excess air dilution. Unlike the signal with conventional spark plug which can be divided into distinct chemical and thermal ionization peaks, the signal with p

Power Consumption Analysis of FTTH Networks

With increasing usage of the Internet, energy consumption of network equipment has become a crucial challenge from both an economic and an environmental point of view. This paper combines users’ behavior of accessing the network with energy saving algorithms for energy-aware network equipment, and investigates potential energy savings in the access network. The study is based on a set of traffic d