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National Early Warning Score (NEWS) : A survey of registered nurses´ perceptions, experiences and barriers
AIMS & OBJECTIVES: Describe Registered Nurses (RN) perceptions and experiences of and barriers for using the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) in relation to their work experience and medical affiliation.BACKGROUND: Indications of inconsistencies in adherence to the NEWS has emerged.DESIGN: Web-based questionnaire study.METHODS: The questionnaire was sent to 3,165 RNs working in somatic hosp
Shortest two disjoint paths in polynomial time
Given an undirected graph and two pairs of vertices (si, ti) for i ϵ{ 1, 2} we show that there is a polynomial time Monte Carlo algorithm that finds disjoint paths of smallest total length joining si and ti for i ϵ{1, 2}, respectively, or concludes that there most likely are no such paths at all. Our algorithm applies to both the vertex- and edge-disjoint versions of the problem. Our algorithm is
Depression Severity, but Not Cognitive Impairment or Frailty, is Associated with Disability in Late-Life Depression
Objectives: Assess the relationship of cognitive impairment to disability, accounting for depression severity and frailty, among older adults with late-life depression (LLD). Methods: Data were analyzed from 78 community-dwelling older adults with LLD and without dementia (age M = 71.9; SD = 6.1). Cognitive functioning was assessed using a comprehensive neuropsychological battery. Depression sever
Dizziness and localized pain are often concurrent in patients with balance or psychological disorders
Background and aims Symptoms of dizziness and pain are both common complaints and the two symptoms often seem to coincide. When symptoms appear concomitant for sustained periods of time the symptoms might maintain and even exacerbate each other, sometimes leading to psychological distress. In order to evaluate such comorbidity we studied patients referred to a vestibular unit and to a psychiatric
Behind copper prices: a historical perspective 1850 - 1950
Commodity prices and their secular trends are at the core of many different development theories, particularly relevant for the Latin American region, like the Prebisch-Singer hypothesis, the natural resource curse theory or the somehow malthusian scarcity prediction. In this article we review the international copper price indices available in the literature and we compare them with a new data se
Fraught cuisine: food scares and the modulation of anxieties
Introduction : De-centering state making
Human Rights Aspects of Immigrant and Refugee Integration Policies. A comparative assessment in selected Council of Europe member states at the request of the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees of the Council of Europe
Innovation by foreign researchers : relative influences of internal versus external human capital
Innovation productivity of expatriate researchers and human capital that empowers them is an important issue; however, with a scarcity of relevant data, formal empirical evidence has been limited. This paper uses a rich dataset of foreign researchers at a leading German research institution to study the drivers of their innovation productivity (measured by patents and invention disclosures). Anoth
Important Mechanisms in Blood Pressure Regulation
Induction of human hemogenesis in adult fibroblasts by defined factors and hematopoietic coculture
Transcription factor (TF)-based reprogramming of somatic tissues holds great promise for regenerative medicine. Previously, we demonstrated that the TFs GATA2, GFI1B, and FOS convert mouse and human fibroblasts to hemogenic endothelial-like precursors that generate hematopoietic stem progenitor (HSPC)-like cells over time. This conversion is lacking in robustness both in yield and biological funct
Feeding Honeybee Colonies with Honeybee-Specific Lactic Acid Bacteria (Hbs-LAB) Does Not Affect Colony-Level Hbs-LAB Composition or Paenibacillus larvae Spore Levels, Although American Foulbrood Affected Colonies Harbor a More Diverse Hbs-LAB Community
The main current methods for controlling American Foulbrood (AFB) in honeybees, caused by the bacterial pathogen Paenibacillus larvae, are enforced incineration or prophylactic antibiotic treatment, neither of which is fully satisfactory. This has led to an increased interest in the natural relationships between the pathogenic and mutualistic microorganisms of the honeybee microbiome, in particula
Computational analysis of span-wise hole locations on fluid flow and film cooling of internal channels with crescent ribs
Purpose: This study aims to clarify the mechanism of film hole location at the span-wise direction of an internal cooling channel with crescent ribs on the adiabatic film cooling performance, three configurations are designed to observe the effects of the distance between the center of the ellipse and the side wall(Case 1, l = w/2, Case 2, l = w/3 and for Case 3, l = w/4). Design/methodology/appro
Year-round distribution, activity patterns and habitat use of a poorly studied pelagic seabird, the fluttering shearwater Puffinus gavia
We present the first study to examine the year-round distribution, activity patterns, and habitat use of one of New Zealand’s most common seabirds, the fluttering shearwater (Puffinus gavia). Seven adults from Burgess Island, in the Hauraki Gulf, and one individual from Long Island, in the Marlborough Sounds, were successfully tracked with combined light-saltwater immersion loggers for one to thre
B cell profiling in malaria reveals expansion and remodeling of CD11c+ B cell subsets
Humoral immunity is important in limiting clinical disease in malaria, yet the longitudinal B cell response to infection remains unclear. We performed a 1-year prospective study in patients treated for acute Plasmodium falciparum malaria for the first time or with previous exposure to the disease. Using an unbiased exploratory approach with mass cytometry, followed by targeted flow cytometry, we f
Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: A roadmap
The grand challenges of contemporary fundamental physics-dark matter, dark energy, vacuum energy, inflation and early universe cosmology, singularities and the hierarchy problem-all involve gravity as a key component. And of all gravitational phenomena, black holes stand out in their elegant simplicity, while harbouring some of the most remarkable predictions of General Relativity: event horizons,
Micronutrient intake and biochemistry in adolescents adherent or nonadherent to supplements 5 years after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery
Background: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is an effective obesity treatment in adults and has become established in adolescents. Lower adherence to supplementation in adolescents confers a risk for long-term nutritional deficiencies. Objectives: To assess adherence to supplementation, micronutrient intake, and biochemistry in adolescents through 5 years after RYGB. Setting: University hospitals,
Rapport från förtätad förort : Fältanteckningar från Norra Fäladen, Lund.
Den idag helt dominerande idén om den täta staden har en rad olika uttryck. Även i miljonprogramsområden får förtätningsprojekt olika effekt beroende på specifika omständigheter, inte minst hur förtätningar samverkar med andra större stadsomvandlingsprojekt—såsom storskaliga renoveringar av hyreshusbestånd och privatisering—och rent materiella utvecklingslinjer såsom ökad bostadsbrist, trångboddhe
Using intensive longitudinal data to study treatment effects in patients with major depression : A systematic review
Depression is a disabling condition, causing suffering worldwide. The purpose of this paper is to review studies that have used Intensive Longitudinal Data (ILD) in research on depression treatment. Intensive longitudinal data in the form of daily diaries, experience sampling method (ESM), and ecological momentary assessment (EMA) are increasingly used in psychotherapy research to gather individua