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I Sverige råder kompetensbrist inom IT-branschen enligt IT & Telekomföretagen. Relaterat till detta är att utvecklingen inom IT går så snabbt att utbildningarna inte hinner anpassas. Som svar har alternativa utbildningsvägar till högskola och universitet uppkommit. Parallellt har nya riktlinjer för de systemvetenskapliga programmen tagits fram och presenterats i IS2020. Den teoretiska bakgrund

Kvinnors upplevelse av sexualitet efter icke-malign hysterektomi- En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Vid operationer i bäckenet finns det en risk för att sexualiteten blir påverkad. Utifrån kvinnans tidigare erfarenheter, normer och kultur kan synen på sexualitet te sig olika vilket ställer krav på sjuksköterskans roll i att bemöta kvinnan i de sexuella frågorna. Syfte: Denna rapport syftar till att belysa kvinnors upplevelse av sexualitet efter icke-malign hysterektomi. Metod: Litt

A Study of tool wear behaviour during milling of Compacted Graphite Iron under dry and minimum quantity lubrication conditions

The search for stronger materials in the automotive industry resulted in an increased used of Compacted graphite iron (CGI) instead of gray cast iron; however, the machinability of this material is more difficult, and different approaches such as composition modification, improved tooling and improved cutting conditions have been attempted. This thesis project is focused on the analysis of tool we

Real or Fake? The Thin Line Between Consumers’ Perceived Brand Authenticity and Scepticism

Thesis Purpose: The aim of this study is to gain a nuanced understanding of consumers’ perceived authenticity of incumbent and challenger brands in the cosmetics industry. To examine the phenomenon, four brands from two different sectors within the cosmetics industry are investigated. While Maybelline New York and Fenty Beauty represent the make-up market, Gillette Venus and Estrid cover the razor

Application and Evaluation of Current Guidelines for Metal Additive Manufacturing

The goal of this thesis has been to evaluate the design guidelines that currently exist regarding designing for metal additive manufacturing (AM). More specifically, this project has focused on the design guidelines regarding thin-walled features and how well they work when applied to adapt an industrial part for manufacturing with the AM process laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF). Making the walls

Granens ankomst och etablering i Skandinavien under postglacial tid

Att förstå hur vegetation reagerar på klimatförändringar är viktigt av flera skäl, inte minst eko-nomiska när det gäller träd som är betydelsefulla för skogsbruket såsom gran (Picea abies) och tall (Pinus Sylvest-ris). För att förstå detta behövs kunskap om de mekanismer som ligger bakom trädarternas respons på förändringar i deras levnadsmiljö, vilket man kan få från paleoekologisk forskning baseThe understanding of how vegetation reacts to climate changes can be considered important for many reasons, not least economical when it comes to trees that are important for forestry industry like spruce (Picea abies) and pine (Pinus Sylvestris). To understand this we need knowledge about the mechanics that lie behind these tree species’ responses to changes in their environment, which can be der

From Waste to Resource: Solid Waste Management in the districts of Sardinal and Tamarindo, Costa Rica

Solid waste management has become a large challenge worldwide as the generation of waste continues to increase. Deficient linear solid waste management practices have significant impacts on the environment, health and economy and there is a need for more sustainable systems and processes. Especially developing countries experience limitations on solid waste management. This study explores the dist

Så tycker och känner jag om sociala medier - en kvalitativ studie om unga vuxnas relationer till sociala medier och känslorna som förknippas med olika plattformar

Studien kretsar kring unga vuxnas relationer till sociala medier ur deras eget perspektiv. Fokus fästs på vilka tankar och känslor som unga vuxna förknippar med särskilda digitala plattformar, såsom Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat och TikTok, i syfte att undersöka hur de själva tycker att de påverkas – antingen positivt eller negativt – av dessa sociala medier. Vidare innefattar studien utgångspunkt

Improving the Frontend Development Process by Testing

This master thesis aims to explore what is important to stay competitive working with web development in the future. It was done in collaboration with the division Knowit Experience in Linköping, which is part of the consultancy firm Knowit. The team involved in the study worked within all dimensions of web and app development and wanted to improve their front-end development process in terms of t

A framework for choosing the right sourcing region for your products

The impact of the sourcing department has gotten more and more attention in the past couple of decades. This has resulted in numerous frameworks and scorecards to guide companies through different sourcing decisions. This interest in sourcing has grown side by side with the increased globalisation and outsourcing. Therefore, relevant measurable criteria have moved from a supplier-oriented level, t

Hur kan avfallshanteringen förbättras bland samordnade verksamheter? - En fallstudie över Malmö Saluhall

Det har nog inte undgått någon att det är bråttom att minska på utsläppen av växthusgaser samt nyttjandet av jordens naturresurser. För att detta ska bli möjligt behöver vi ta vara på de resurser som redan finns i så stor utsträckning som möjligt, innan vi väljer att kassera dem. Restauranger är en verksamhet där det uppstår stora mängder avfall och där det kan vara svårt att veta hur man ska gå tIn the next 30 years the world’s population is expected to increase by two billion people, resulting in a growing demand for natural resources and rising greenhouse gas emissions. In order to face these challenges, society needs to improve resource efficiency while producing less waste. In Sweden there is a large amount of waste originating from the restaurant industry. Previous studies have exami

E-governance diffusion: COVID-19 as a critical juncture for developmental path dependency; the case of Mexico

This thesis aims to contribute to e-governance studies by combining a framework of critical juncture studies and path dependency theory to evaluate the performance of the e-governance sector in Mexico in the wake of the SARS-COVID-2 crisis. Through the investigation of e-governance policies during the COVID-19 pandemic, this thesis identified key thematic principles for analysis: 1) Access to Inte

Cyber (O)säkerhet

In the modern society the use of cyber technology is essential in many aspects. Both civilian infrastructure and crucial systems rely on cyber technology and its many uses. This new era in which cyberspace activities are a crucial part of society raises the question about how well preserved civilian cyber systems are in case of war, more specifically cyberwar. This study analyses how well NATO cyb

The role of gender in mental health. A statistical analysis of the relationships between gender-related norms and mental health in a Swedish context.

Gender constitutes an important determinant of mental health. Previous research has pointed out the need to investigate and operationalize the concept of gender beyond two distinct categories to account for the social and relational aspects of gender that may influence mental health outcomes. In this thesis I investigate the influence of gender-related norms on mental health outcomes among wome

Ecosystem-based Adaptation for Water Resource Management in Thailand River Basin: Exploring the implementation of EbA from policy to practice.

Thailand is facing with various extreme climate events from flood to drought. As a result of climate change, these events tend to increase in frequency and intensity. The existing water infrastructures and management is showing sign of fragility and incapable of dealing with these challenges. To increase adaptive capacity and tackle current water resource challenges, water management agencies in T


Our food is produced further and further away from us. Consequently, we have lost our connection and respect for it, resulting in unnecessary food waste. Investigating alternative methods of growing vegetables created the ambition to encourage the end consumer to self-sufficient crop production at home. Initial trend research led to the rising interest in urban farming. The world becomes

For The Benefit of All? – A WPR analysis of the International Organization for Migration’s discourses on ‘climate migration’

This thesis examines the discourses produced by the International Organization for Migration in relation to the phenomenon of ‘climate migration’ in order to identify the main problematization and subsequent implications. Using Carol Bacchi’s approach entitled “What’s the problem represented to be?” and conducting a qualitative policy analysis of 13 documents written by the IOM between 2007-2022,

Drones at the borders – Security for whom?

Italy is using drones to monitor migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea. This is partially done through a contract with Leonardo S.p.A – one of the largest arms traders in the world – under which the company undertakes to operate drones in the area on behalf of the state. Meanwhile, Italy has withdrawn its naval assets and is hindering non-governmental organisations from carrying out search-and-r