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Difficulties in using everyday technology after acquired brain injury: a qualitative analysis

The aim of this study was to identify and describe the characteristics of the difficulties using everyday technology in persons with an aquired brain injury (ABI), and their experiences of how these difficulties influenced their life. Thirteen persons with an ABI were interviewed about their difficulties in using everyday technology and were observed in their use of technology. Data were analysed

Canyon of current suppression in an interacting two-level quantum dot

Motivated by the recent discovery of a canyon of conductance suppression in a two-level equal-spin quantum dot system [Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 186804 (2010)], the transport through this system is studied in detail. At low bias and low temperature a strong current suppression is found around the electron-hole symmetry point independent of the couplings, in agreement with previous results. By means of

Splitting schemes for nonlinear parabolic problems

Popular Abstract in Swedish Genom observationer och experiment kan man konstruera modeller för att beskriva otaliga fenomen och aspekter av det universum vi lever i. Den huvudsakliga ingrediensen i en dylik modell är ofta en partiell differentialekvation. Sådana ekvationer kan beskriva så vitt skilda fenomen som t.ex. hur galaxer bildas, hur luftflöden transporteras i atmosfären, hur kemikalier reThis thesis is based on five papers, which all analyse different aspects of splitting schemes when applied to nonlinear parabolic problems. These numerical methods are frequently used when a problem has a natural decomposition into two or more parts, as the computational cost may then be significantly decreased compared to other methods. There are two prominent themes in the thesis; the first con

Surrounded by Sound. Experienced Orchestral Harpists’ Professional Knowledge and Learning

Orchestral playing is a central practice within Western European classical music. Previous research in the field of orchestral musicians’ learning and knowledge has mainly focused on students’ learning orchestral playing. Working conditions and work-related problems were also emphasized in previous studies. This thesis, however, focuses on professional orchestral musicians’ knowledge and learning.

Factors associated with high use of a workplace web-based stress management program in a randomized controlled intervention study.

In web-based health promotion programs, large variations in participant engagement are common. The aim was to investigate determinants of high use of a worksite self-help web-based program for stress management. Two versions of the program were offered to randomly selected departments in IT and media companies. A static version of the program including health screening tool, diary and information

Growth of ectomycorrhizal fungal mycelium along a Norway spruce forest nitrogen deposition gradient and its effect on nitrogen leakage

Almost all boreal and temperate forest tree species live in symbiosis with ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF); the trees transfer carbon (C) to the fungi in exchange for nutrients and water. Several studies have shown that experimental application of inorganic nitrogen (N) represses production of EMF extramatrical mycelia (EMM), but studies along N deposition gradients are underrepresented. Other environ

Modeling electroporation of the non-treated and vacuum impregnated heterogeneous tissue of spinach leaves

Uniform electroporation of the heterogeneous structure of spinach leaf cross section is a technological challenge that is addressed in this investigation. Three dimensional models were created with cells arranged in specific tissue types, considering a leaf with its air fraction and a leaf where the air fraction was replaced by a solution of known properties using vacuum impregnation. The models w

Xylose as a carrier for boron containing compounds.

A xylosylated carborane was synthesized by standard carbohydrate methodology and tested on normal HFL-1 cells as well as transformed T24 cells. The xylosylated carborane initiated glycosaminoglycan (GAG) synthesis in both cell lines and treatment with the carborane gave a pronounced translocation of proteoglycans to the nuclei of T24 cells. However, most of the boron-containing compounds were secr

Development of a multiplex panel of microsatellite markers for two species of gliding marsupials, Petaurus breviceps and Petaurus norfolcensis

Here, we describe the development of seven new microsatellite loci from Petaurus breviceps. Together with eight loci from previous studies of gliders, we tested their utility for amplification, multiplexing and polymorphism in two glider species, P. breviceps and P. norfolcensis. Of the 15 loci tested, all were polymorphic in P. breviceps and 12 were polymorphic in P. norfolcensis. Overall, 260 su

A Study on Local Cooling of Garments with Ventilation Fans and Openings Placed at Different Torso Sites

Abstract in UndeterminedThe aim of the study was to examine the various design features of ventilatedgarments on cooling performance. Five jackets with small ventilation units andclosable openings were designed. The ventilation units with a flow rate of 12 l/s wereplaced at five different torso sites. They were examined on a sweating thermalmanikin in four clothing opening conditions in a warm env

A toxicologic and dermatologic assessment of cinnamyl phenylpropyl materials when used as fragrance ingredients

The cinnamyl phenylpropyl fragrance ingredients are a diverse group of chemical structures that have similar metabolic and toxicity profiles. A toxicological and dermatological review of these fragrance ingredients is presented. The common characteristic structural element of cinnamyl phenylpropyl materials is an aryl substituted primary alcohol/aldehyde/ester. For high end users, calculated maxim

Treatment outcome in T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma in adults - a population-based study from the Swedish Lymphoma Registry

Background. T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma (T-LBL) is a rare neoplasm of precursor lymphoblast origin, for which there is no standard treatment for adults. Results of current treatment strategies in selected populations do exist but are largely unreported for unselected series. Here, we aimed to investigate treatment outcome in a population-based cohort. Material and methods. Patients were identifi

GWAS-Identified Common Variants for Obesity Are Not Associated with the Risk of Developing Colorectal Cancer

Background: Observational studies have consistently associated obesity with colorectal cancer risk. Because both traits are genetically determined and share some metabolic biomarkers, we hypothesized that obesity-related polymorphisms could also influence the risk of developing colorectal cancer. Methods: We conducted a comprehensive population-based case-control study in 1,792 German colorectal c

Bulk electronic structure of Mn5Ge3/Ge(111) films by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy

Mn5Ge3(001) thin films grown on Ge(111)-c(2 x 8) reconstructed surfaces were studied by angle-resolved photoemission using synchrotron radiation in the 14-94 eV photon energy range. The results obtained in the Gamma ALM plane and in the Gamma AHK plane are in agreement with simulations starting with band structure calculations based on the density functional theory. This provides a unique validati

On the H(2) Two-Sided Model Matching Problem With Preview

The H(2) optimization problem with preview and asymptotic behavior constraints is considered in a general two-sided model matching setting. The solution is obtained in terms of two constrained Sylvester equations, associated with asymptotic behavior, and stabilizing solutions of two algebraic Riccati equations. The Riccati equations do not depend on the preview length, yet are affected by asymptot

ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, temperament, and character: Phenotypical associations and etiology in a Swedish childhood twin study

Objective: To explore the links between neurodevelopmental disorders attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and personality in a population-based, genetically sensitive study of children. Method: A population-based sample of 1886 twins aged 9 and 12, enriched for childhood mental health problems, was recruited from the Child and Adolescent Twin Study in