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Your search for "*" yielded 531622 hits

Polymorphism and transcription of Mhc class I genes in a passerine bird, the great reed warbler

The class I genes of the major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) are here investigated for the first time in a passerine bird. The great reed warbler is a rare species in Sweden with a few semi-isolated populations. Yet, we found extensive Mhc class I variation in the study population. The variable exon 3, corresponding to the alpha(2) domain, was amplified from genomic DNA with degenerated primers

Prognostic value of histopathological response to radiotherapy and microvessel density in oral squamous cell carcinomas

The prognostic value of histopathological response to preoperative radiotherapy (50 Gy) in radically resected oral carcinomas was studied in 39 consecutive patients. Microvessel density (MVD) was evaluated for relation to radioresponse and outcome. Resected tumour tissue was examined histopathologically and response to radiotherapy was scored according to induced morphological changes. Pretreatmen

Analysis and design of a 1.8-GHz CMOS LC quadrature VCO

This paper presents a quadrature voltage-controlled oscillator (QVCO) based on the coupling of two LC-tank VCOs. A simplified theoretical analysis for the oscillation frequency and phase noise displayed by the QVCO in the 1/f/sup 3/ region is developed, and good agreement is found between theory and simulation results. A prototype for the QVCO was implemented in a 0.35-/spl mu/m CMOS process with

Med kroppen som instrument : en studie av new age med fokus på hälsa, kroppslighet och genus

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling studeras new age utifrån problemområdena hälsa, kroppslighet och genus. Genom intervjuer med andliga sökare inom new age ges en bild av de trosföreställningar och attityder som kännetecknar rörelsen. Också sökarnas olika vägar till new age och relationer till andra religioner analyseras. I det senmoderna samhället är hälsa ett eftersträvansvärt livsväIn this thesis New Age is studied from a sociological perspective, with a focus on health, body, and gender. One purpose is to examine how people within New Age view and relate to these problem areas. A parallel purpose is to find explanations to why women predominantly take an interest in New Age, and to discover how these explanations are related to the view on health, body and gender. The subje

Permittivity profile reconstructions using transient electromagnetic reflection data

This paper is concerned with the permittivity reconstruction of inhomogeneous dielectric media. The method applies to profiles that vary with depth only, i.e. it provides a one-dimensional profile reconstruction. The data are collected and analyzed in the time domain. In the first part of the paper the theory of the method is reviewed. It is showed that a finite time trace of reflection data suffi

Patched 2, located in 1p32-34, is not mutated in high stage neuroblastoma tumors

Neuroblastoma is a childhood malignancy originating from cells of the sympathetic nervous system, exhibiting a marked diversity in outcome, with spontaneous regression at one end of the spectrum and severe disease and death at the other end. Features associated with frequent recurrence, a poor prognosis, and high tumor stage are loss of heterozygosity in the distal region of chromosome 1p and ampl

Enquist vill stryka också i historieboken

Författaren Per Olov Enquists förslag att ”stryka” Gamla testamentet och delar av Nya testamentet kritiseras, särskilt utifrån en jämförelse med Deutsche Christens motsvarande förslag 1933. Jag ifrågasätter också Enquists uppfattning att det inte skulle finnas någon ”kollision” mellan de fyra evangelierna och ”upplysningstanken”.

Transparent and conductive Sb-doped tin oxide SPM tips prepared by sol-gel method

The rapid progress in scanning probe microscopy (SPM) techniques in the last decade has induced an increasing need for manufacturing advanced SPM tips. One important case is conductive and transparent tips. For such tips, only a few techniques have been proposed. which are either expensive or have poor reproducibility. We here propose a simple and cheap sol-gel technique to prepare fibers with a s

Platination of the siRNA sense-strand modulates both efficacy and selectivity in vitro

The use of short interfering RNAs (siRNA) for selective suppression of protein production has rapidly become a commonly used technique for transient modulation of protein levels. In the present paper, we investigate whether introduction of platinated bases in the sense strand can be used to modulate the efficacy of siRNAs. Four different siRNAs were studied, all targeting the initial AU-rich 3' UT

Deletion of a lectin gene does not affect the phenotype of the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora

A number of filamentous fungi are known to produce high levels of saline-soluble and low-molecular-mass lectins. The function of these proteins are not clear but it has been proposed that they are involved in storage of nutrients, development, recognition of other organisms, and defense reactions. A gene encoding such a lectin (AOL) was deleted in the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospo

Packaging demands in the food service industry

The European food service market was estimated, in 1999, to be worth US$293 billion with high profit margins and a growth rate of 2.75%. Future demand for value-added products and high levels of customization will stress the issue of keeping profit margins in the food service industry. Packaging is a critical issue, because it adheres to the product throughout the entire food service supply chain.

Close Approximations of Minimum Rectangular Coverings

We consider the problem of covering arbitrary polygons with rectangles. The rectangles must lie entirely within the polygon. (This requires that the interior angles of the polygon are all greater than or equal to 90 degrees.) We want to cover the polygon with as few rectangles as possible. This problem has an application in fabricating masks for integrated circuits. In this paper we will describe

Simulation of Combustion and Fire-Induced Flows in Enclosures

Numerical modeling of combustion in flames and gas flows and gas flows generated by fires in compartments has been carried out. The laminar flamelet model has been used to model combustion in different degrees of vitiation in order to model fire gas recirculation which occurs in compartment fires. CFD modeling (computational fluid dynamics) has been used in the calculation of the flow field. The f