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Varför saknas Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) i den svenska politiken - några möjliga förklaringar

The aim of this essay is to describe what the Swedish government has done to encourage and promote different actors to work with the CSR question on the national level. I found that the government has had an international focus handling the CSR questions, mostly on developing countries. Several reasons can explain this result. First the structure of the Swedish community with a strong government a

Senegal och Guinea - Frankrikes neo-koloniala politik och dess effekter på ländernas demokratiska utveckling

Frankrikes neo-koloniala strategi fokuserade på att bevara gamla beroendestrukturer och behålla de forna kolonierna, bland annat Senegal och Guinea, under sitt inflytande. Denna uppsats syftar till att besvara frågan huruvida den Afrikapolitik som Frankrike förde efter Senegals och Guineas självständighetsdeklaration har påverkat ländernas demokratiseringsprocess. Med utgångspunkt i neo-kolonial

Eastern Orthodoxy and European Unioun;A Clash of Norms (An Orthodox Approach)

Religion is a subject of controversial importance in the field of international relations. Even though Europe has Christian roots, and European Union concept was based on Christian Democracy, the genuine Christian values are not of great importance for the EU integration. The aim of this study is to examine which are the historical and political factors that provoked the Christian dogma‟s transfor

Folkomröstningar - ett bra sätt att bygga demokrati ?

Folkomröstningar har en lång historia. Redan den atenska demokratin hade folk-omröstningen som ett inslag i folkviljans förverkligande. Det dröjer dock cirka 2300 år innan den moderna demokratin börjar ta form. Redan tidigt på 1900-talet började folkomröstningar genomföras i de gryende demokratierna, och antalet genomförda omröstningar har de senaste decennierna ökat, bland annat på grund av utvid

The Quality of Government Peace - How Good Governance Reduces the Risk of Interstate Conflict

In this thesis the impact of quality of government on the risk of interstate conflict is analyzed. Data on Militarised Interstate Disputes (MIDs) from the Correlates of War is used as an indicator of conflict and scores from the International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) is applied as a measure of quality of government. The unit of analysis is pairs of states, dyads. By employing logistic regression

Ignorance is Bliss? Tracing the Process of Democratic Transition in Argentina with a Gender Perspective

This bachelor thesis focuses on the democratic transition in Argentina in the begin¬ning of the 1980s and aims to expose several variables within this political develop¬ment by using a method of process tracing. What many scholars have failed to notice is the role that women's movements in Latin America have had in this process. The authoritarian regime in Argentina also failed to acknowledge

Grupprättigheter - skydd för vems kultur? En kvalitativ fallstudie om icke-renskötande samers rätt till land och vatten i Sverige

The aim of this thesis is to examine natural resource rights of the non-herding Saami population in Sweden. Throughout history Swedish governments have actively reinforced the notion of herding as the core of Saami culture. In reality, the Saamis involved in this traditional livelihood consists a small part of the overall Saami population. Swedish law still make a distinction between the herding a

(O)önskade entreprenörer? En normativ studie av brottsutredande säkerhetskonsulter

The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the overall normative question: How should the juridical system be organized? This is illustrated through private security consultants, who offer crime investigations for private companies and the public sector. They are part of a consistent change within the juridical system, which benefits private operators. The thesis examines private security consulta

Högsta prioritet - värdegrunder i EU:s handelspolitik

This essay intends to map how different values are expressed at different levels of the European trade policy. Prima facie, European trade policy may seem very liberal and as advocating of free trade. This, however, is not entirely true. Within some areas, e.g. agriculture and food policy, EU applies a stricter attitude towards free trade. I believe this to be a consequence of the different priori