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Your search for "*" yielded 531704 hits

Intercomparison of C-14 Analysis of Carbonaceous Aerosols: Exercise 2009

Radiocarbon analysis of the carbonaceous aerosol allows an apportionment of fossil and non-fossil sources of airborne particulate matter (PM). A chemical separation of total carbon (TC) into its subfractions organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) refines this powerful technique, as OC and EC originate from different sources and undergo different processes in the atmosphere. Although C-14 an

Indirect excitation of ultrafast demagnetization.

Does the excitation of ultrafast magnetization require direct interaction between the photons of the optical pump pulse and the magnetic layer? Here, we demonstrate unambiguously that this is not the case. For this we have studied the magnetization dynamics of a ferromagnetic cobalt/palladium multilayer capped by an IR-opaque aluminum layer. Upon excitation with an intense femtosecond-short IR las

Comparing wine-based and beer-based baits for moth trapping: a field experiment

Vid fångst av nattfjärilar använder man ofta lockbeten. De består av en trasa eller liknande som dränks in med någon lockande vätska och hängs upp i t.ex. ett träd. Under natten kan betet inspekteras många gånger och djur samlas in. Recepten för den lockande vätska varierar kraftigt mellan olika samlare men innehåller alltid jästa produkter av något slag. En stor skiljelinje går mellan beten som b

Neuropeptides and neurotrophic factors in epilepsy: seizure suppressant actions of VEGF, NPY and galanin

Popular Abstract in Swedish Epilepsi är en allvarlig kronisk neurologisk sjukdom, som drabbar ungefär 1% av befolkningen. Sjukdomen yttrar sig genom plötsliga återkommande krampanfall, som beror på en obalans i hjärnan mellan hämmande (inhibitoriska) och stimulerande (excitatoriska) nervimpulser. När de stimulerande impulserna tar överhand leder detta till överstimulering, också kallad för hyperexEpilepsy is a severe chronic neurological disorder, affecting about 1% of the population. The disease is manifested by spontaneous recurrent seizures, caused by hypersynchronized neuronal activity due to imbalance in the brain between the inhibition and excitation. Symptoms are treated with anti-epileptic drugs, but unfortunately, 30-40% of patients respond poorly to current treatment. Therefore,

Beyond the Catchwords : Adjustment and Community Response to Participatory Development in Post-Suharto Indonesia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Folkligt deltagande är något av en paroll i dagens utvecklingstänkande. När människor deltar i beslutsfattande och samhällsplanering på lokal nivå blir resultatet bättre och mer anpassat till lokala behov, särskilt i jämförelse med expertorienterade och centraliserade utvecklingsstrategier. Samtidigt kräver detta att folk i allmänhet vill delta och de har ett intresse aThe emphasis on people-centred development is distinctive in today’s development discourse. This is noticeable in catchwords like democratic decentralisation, participation, and empowerment, which are highly esteemed among NGOs, donors, and policymakers in recipient countries. The benefits of participatory approaches are several. When people influence the process of development, policies and pro

On the coupling of intermolecular polarization and repulsion through pseudo-potentials

To improve the accuracy and transferability of molecular mechanics force fields, one needs a simple physical description of intermolecular polarization based on quantum chemistry. Ideally, in the quantum-chemical description, each molecule is treated separately and the interactions with other molecules are included as a perturbation. We propose a simple formulation of this perturbation, viz. to mo

On Using Wind Speed Preview to Reduce Wind Turbine Tower Oscillations

We investigate the potential of using previewed wind speed measurements for damping wind turbine fore-aft tower oscillations. Using recent results on continuous-time H2 preview control, we develop a numerically efficient framework for the feedforward controller synthesis. One of the major benefits of the proposed framework is that it allows us to account for measurement distortion. This results in

EULAR recommendations for the management of systemic lupus erythematosus. Report of a task force of the EULAR standing committee for international clinical studies including therapeutics

Objective: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a complex disease with variable presentations, course and prognosis. We sought to develop evidence-based recommendations addressing the major issues in the management of SLE. Methods: The EULAR Task Force on SLE comprised 19 specialists and a clinical epidemiologist. Key questions for the management of SLE were compiled using the Delphi technique. A

Spotting pain in the brain. Towards a useful animal model of pain

Popular Abstract in Swedish På apoteket hittar vi den ena burken efter den andra med olika sorters smärtstillande medicin. Hur många av dessa är verkligen effektiva mot ihållande och svår smärta? Många receptbelagda läkemedel som lindrar smärta förändrar samtidigt vårt beteende, till exempel vår förmåga att fatta beslut. De kan dessutom också orsaka slöhet och onormal koordination. För att kunnaCurrent models of pain in conscious animals usually scores nocifensive responses. However, it is still unclear to what extent these responses are related to, for instance, the sensory discriminative or affective aspects of pain. This touches upon an intriguing question on how the nervous system processes nociceptive information in the conscious brain, a matter of which little is known. In order to

Short-range order of Br and three-dimensional magnetism in (CuBr) LaNb2O7

We present a comprehensive study of the crystal structure, magnetic structure, and microscopic magnetic model of (CuBr)LaNb2O7, the Br analog of the spin-gap quantum magnet (CuCl) LaNb2O7. Despite similar crystal structures and spin lattices, the magnetic behavior and even peculiarities of the atomic arrangement in the Cl and Br compounds are very different. The high- resolution x-ray and neutron

Urinary 2,5-hexanedione excretion in cryptogenic polyneuropathy compared to the general Swedish population

Background: 2,5-hexanedione (2,5-HD) is the main neurotoxic metabolite of methyl-n-butyl ketone (MBK) and n-hexane, and known to cause polyneuropathy. The aim of our study was to compare the urinary levels of 2,5-HD between cases with cryptogenic polyneuropathy and the general Swedish population, and to elucidate the role of certain external factors. Methods: Morning urine samples were collected f

Adaptation of timing of life history traits and population dynamic responses to climate change in spatially structured populations

Changes in the seasonal timing of life history events are documented effects of climate change. We used a general model to study how dispersal and competitive interactions affect eco-evolutionary responses to changes in the temporal distribution of resources over the season. Specifically, we modeled adaptation of the timing of reproduction and population dynamic responses in two competing populati