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Your search for "*" yielded 531156 hits

Negotiating the Bra War: Analysing the interplay between the domestic, supranational and international level in the European Union

Emanating from Putnam’s two-level game theory of international negotiations, the thesis analyse the interplay between the domestic, the supranational and the international level in the European Union, when negotiating the Bra War with China. The thesis expands Putnam’s theory into a three-level game theory in order to better understand the complexity of the European Union. The work concludes five

Jurister - EU:s nya politiker? En fallstudie av Lissabonfördraget om legalisering och judikalisering.

According to latest research the world politics is experiencing an expansion of judicial power. International institutions are becoming more legalized and courts are getting more influence over political issues. In this thesis I investigate the relationship between politics and law in the European Union (EU) and how this international trend is present in the current constitutional changes that are

Great Powers, Great Perils: A Neorealist Analysis of the Impact of Multipolarity on the Risks of Confrontation, 1890-1911 and 2001-2009

This thesis departs from a neorealist theoretical perspective but adds a rational actor perspective based on game theory. It shares Waltz' assumption of deep anarchy and the need for states to ensure their security but also maintains that actor prospects may be able to cope with the structural incentives in a flexible manner. Two cases of international politics are studied; 1890-1911 and 2001-

The Woman Warrior. A Post-structural Gender Analysis of Guerrilleras in Colombia

The thesis is a study of female guerrilla soldiers, guerrilleras, in two Colombian guerrilla groups: the rural FARC-EP and the urban M-19. Firstly, the roles female guerrilleras play and the treatment of guerrilleras are described. Secondly, poststructural gender theory is used to understand the gender structures that underlie the division of labor within the groups. The study focuses on certain m

The values of sharing - a world of bits in pieces

There is a war raging in our world, our country, our streets and our homes, fought in arenas sizing from courthouses down to the currently smallest electronic devices capable of upholding an internet connection. It is a battle of ideas fought by representatives of the notions that said ideas, respectively, are or are not priceless, a battle in the midst of which the state is held hostage by commer

"Our Mentality is to Search for Ways Around the Law" - A Minor Field Study on Path Dependence in and Perceptions of Informal Economic Exchange in Belarus and Ukraine

This thesis examines the continuity, change and adaptation of blat – as a Soviet time, informal economic transaction network, that existed as a response to a non-functional economy. The analysis is based on 33 in-depth interviews conducted in 2009 during a field study in Ukraine and Belarus. The main focus is on individuals’ descriptions, justifications and explanations of their ongoing informal p

Likabehandling på olika villkor

Discriminating rules of admission exclude accomplished students from universities and colleges in Sweden. Recent court cases have brought to attention that a majority of Swedish universities and colleges use positive discrimination with the intention of promoting equal rights for minority groups. The admission rules are designed to increase ethnic diversity and ensure gender equality but are contr

Det populistiska uppsvinget i postkommunistiska Europa - En komparativ analys av populismens form och karaktär i Ungern och Slovakien

The populist pattern in the post-communist Europe has growed and today it has a wide foundation to lean on. Two countries that have experienced several successful populist parties since the collapse of the communist system in 1989, are Hungary and Slovakia. I will here ask what the reasons for this breeding ground are and how the effects of globalisation affect this specific context. In order to d

Ideas of justice in climate change negotiations

With the Kyoto Protocol in effect and well into its implementation period, the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change are now in the midst of negotiating an agreement to govern the global policy on climate change in the post-Kyoto period. Recognizing the difficulties of the Parties to agree on the commitments laid out in the Kyoto Protocol and acknowledging in particu


Vetevendosje is a Kosovo-Albanian social movement which main political demand is self-determination. Social movements most commonly disappear or get institutionalized when reaching their political aim. What is interesting is that Vetevendosje did not follow this pattern. Even though the prime minister of Kosovo declared independence on the 17th of February in 2008, Vetevendosje is still alive and

The Missing Link Revisited: Peace building from integration to impact in post-conflict Liberia

In contemporary conflict environments, security and development are inextricably linked. This has spawned the development of the comprehensive approach to peace support operations. But there is a deficit of studies validating that integration and coherence will lead to positive outcomes and higher degrees of effectiveness. There is also a gap between strategic planning and operative implementation

EP – a Parliament without demos Exploring the role of the European Parliament and representation in EU

In this thesis the role of the European Parliament has been explored and analysed. Four scenarios for European Integration: Europe of States, United States of Europe, Europe of Regions and Europe of Networks developed by Jönsson et al, have been employed as a framework for the analysis. To examine the principle role of the EP in each scenario, in addition to the varying possibilities and challenge

Bonusavtal i statliga företag – rättvis belöning eller uttryck för girighet?

This essay deals with the Swedish debate about high-performance bonuses in public administration; a subject which arose as it became clear that during a year of great financial losses, public companies had kept administering large bonuses. The study revolves around two main questions: How can bonuses in public administration be justified in general, and how does this apply to the Swedish high-perf

Fair Trade - Ett handelssamarbete från producent till konsument

There is today an ongoing debate about Fair Trade and its consequences. The way to reach an understanding about the producers lives is important if the future will be liberated from the uneven access to the market. Today the free market is dominated by a few multinational companies and for poor producers there is no chance to compete at the same level. If industrial countries continue to exploit d

Conceptualizing Disability: A critical discourse analysis of legislation concerning people wtih disabilities in Vietnam

Based on an ontology that combines structuralism and constructivism, this paper aims to investigate the construction of disability in Vietnam. More specifically, it analyzes the conceptualization of disability in Vietnamese legal documents through the perspective of disability theory. The analysis is carried out by using critical discourse analysis (CDA) as developed by Norman Fairclough and exami

Reforming the Human Rights Council:

The purpose of this essay is to examine how the reform process of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights has handled the problem of membership, politicization and selectivity and if the reform have led to an improvement. This question is answered by comparing the Commission on Human Rights with the Human Rights Council. The conclusion of the study is that the reform has not led to any signi

Upplevelsen av att sluta köra bil –förändring av aktivitet och delaktighet

Bilkörning är en vanlig och viktig aktivitet i vardagslivet för många människor. Syftet i denna studie var att undersöka hur personer kan uppleva att inte få lov att köra bil längre och hur delaktighet och aktivitet kan ha förändrats, i och med detta. Metoden för studien var att intervjua personer som valts ut av arbetsterapeuter, vilka bland annat arbetade med att bedöma körförmåga. Resultatet vi

Det rationella krigets förutsättningar.

Ett begränsat krig kan vara ett rationellt val. Inför det begränsade kriget måste dock en kalkyl styrka rationaliteten. Det rationella krigets kalkyl har tre avgörande beståndsdelar. För det första måste den tänkta antagonistens faktiska förmåga vägas mot de medel krigets initiativtagare har att tillgå och är beredd att ställa till målets bemyndigande. Den faktiska förmågan består av politisk vilj

Timing Reconciliation, Case Study Sudan

This study analyses the importance of timing reconciliation in a conflict/peace process in order to reach a sustainable peace. There is a main divide in how the different scholars in the conflict resolution field define reconciliation in being a goal or a process, or both. Mostly reconciliation initiatives are worked with during the post-settlement period but in the protracted conflicts of today t

Den flaviska frisyren i romersk skulpturkonst

The purpose of this essay is to discuss the flavian coiffure. A flavian bust that belongs to the University of Lund, is the base of the discussions about the looks, techniques, and theories about the hairstyle that was popular in the flavian era. Other portraits from that time are included in the study, as well as different types of coiffeurs, diadems, tiaras and wreaths. This is basically a compa