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On Parametric Modeling of Bivariate Extreme Value Distributions
A simulation study of two combinatorial auctions
Combinatorial auctions allow buyers to express preferences over bun- dles of items. The Primal-Dual (PD) auction developed by de Vries et al. (2007) is an efficient ascending combinatorial auction which, given certain conditions on buyers valuations, achieves Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) payments. The Universal Competitive Equilibrium (UCE) auction by Mishra and Parkes (2007) is a generalization of
The Legal Responsibility of Financial Advisors
The role of organisational learning in climate policy development : a study of participatory vulnerability assessment project in Estonian local and regional governments
Local and regional governments play a key role in responding to climate change. Climate change vulnerability assessment is used to inform them about the possible risks and response options. It is apparent that with those assessments there is a risk of ‘learning on paper’ as opposed to ‘learning in use’. To move from one to another, the policy-makers have to understand climate change in relation
The Relationship between Economic Growth and Inequality in China
Två länder, två språk - en skrift
Although the Chinese Characters in East Asia had been rather stable in its orthography during the last thousand years, it faced a reform once the 20th century came along. This essay will give a historical background to these changes as well as explain the methods by which the changes of the orthography of the script were made. Previously conducted studies on this topic have found the methods used
Damage analysis of Ultrasonic assembling
Automatic Quality Monitoring in GMa Welding using Signal Processing Methods
Time of Flight Spectroscopy of Photon Migration in Turbid Media
Då vi lyser med ljus på något ämne kan det huvudsakligen hända tre olika saker; ljuset går rakt igenom ämnet (transmitteras), ljuset tas upp av ämnet (absorberas) eller ljuset ändrar riktning i ämnet (sprids). Vi ser alla dessa effekter hela tiden och de är självklara i vårt vardagliga liv. Ett exempel är de färger vi uppfattar och som utgör en stor del av de synintryck som vi får från vår omgivniLight interacting with biological matter is dominated by light scattering; biological matter is turbid. In order not to harm the natural structure of biological matter, visible light can be used to investigate it, and to avoid the light being absorbed from e.g. blood and water, an optical window in the longer wavelength region of the visible spectrum is used, that is, red light. One can actually c
Klimatskalets inverkan vid plusenergihus byggnation
Trends in today’s building society seem to lead towards a more sustainable society where energy efficiency and sustainability are seen as real parameters to take into consideration at both community planning and villa projects. Now that concepts like zero energy and passive houses will be part of the construction industry’s mainstream, the authors hope that the construction industry will take this
Från luft till slott - eller historien om hur man säljer framgång istället för kvadratmeter
Due to circumstances like increased competition and difficulties competing on traditional parameters, companies in the office space market want to develop their offers. The Authors investigates what the current offer really is, why it looks the way it does, and possible cases of differentiation. The thesis aims to investigate the current offer to office-tenants and how it is presented, to examine
Economic Growth and Provincial Market Integration in China
In this paper, using Chinese provincial sector data, I examine the market integration between provinces in China both in wages and different prices of commodity. I use the beta convergence, sigma convergence and the correlation coefficient to determine the degree of market integration and analyze how the wages and prices have differed over time for the period 1986 to 2011. The results indicate tha
CRE sale and leaseback – Does it lead to a positive abnormal return on the lessee’s stock value on the Swedish market?
The purpose of this study is to investigate if a CRE sale and lease back transaction generates a positive abnormal return on the lessee’s stock value, by using event study methodology. Furthermore, the probable relationship between the positive abnormal return and the transaction value, as well as the cash flow is investigated by using linear regression. A short term as well as a long term perspec
Symtomskillnader hos tvångsplacerade flickor som erhåller Funktionell Familjeterapi (FFT) jämfört med låsbar institutionsvård
This is a comparative study of symptom differences between Funktionell Family Therapy (FFT) and Treatment as usual (TAU) for compulsory care of young Swedish women, aged 16-21 years. Are there any differences in problems/symptoms between these both groups of youth that can be crucial to where they get their treatable? Current research supports and admits home-based family therapy. Department care
Arktis och Antarktis föränderliga havsistäcken
Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning De båda polerna har naturliga variationer med istäckets utbredning. Arktis och Antarktis har väl anpassad biota som klarar av det stränga klimatet och som är beroende av isens säsongsvariationer med att frysa och smälta. Isen spelar även en stor roll vid klimatvariationer och förändringar. Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka vilken isbildning som är mest The polar areas have natural variations in the ice extent. The Arctic and Antarctic environment have well-adapted biota that can handle climate and that are dependent on the seasonal variations of freezing and melting of the ice. The ice also plays a major role in climate changes and climate variability. The aim of this report is to determine the type of ice formation that is most common for the p
Är ridning sport?
Detta är en etnologisk uppsats som med utgångspunkt i Idrottsgalan och utdelningen av Jerringpriset 2012 till hoppryttaren Rolf-Göran Bengtsson, kommer analysera ridsportens plats i media och samhälle genom Bourdieus klass och kapitalbegrepp. Med hjälp av en etnografisk metod undersöks vilka föreställningar och uppfattningar som finns kring ridsporten och hur dessa tas uttryck i media. Fokus läggs