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Participation in paediatric perioperative care : ‘what it means for parents’

Aims and objectives: To explore what it means for parents to participate in their children's paediatric perioperative care. Background: Allowing parents to participate in paediatric perioperative care can make a major difference for children in terms of their well-being, a decreased need for painkillers, fewer sleeping disorders and a more positive experience for both parties. The nurse anaestheti

Underprissättning av IPO:s - En guldgruva för de kreddiga bankerna?

Titel: Underprissättning av IPO:s - En guldgruva för de kreddiga bankerna? Seminariedatum: 2023-06-01 Kurs: FEKH89, Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå (15HP). Författare: Mikael Erdefelt Morell, Oskar Eringskog och Alexander Fristedt. Handledare: Maria Gårdängen. Nyckelord: Börsnotering, Underprissättning, Underwriter, Anseende, Rykte. Forskningsfråga Finns det signifikanta skillnaderTitle: Underprissättning av IPO:s - En guldgruva för de kreddiga bankerna? Date of seminar: 2023-06-01 Course: FEKH89, Corporate Finance Degree Project, Undergraduate level, 15 ECTS Authors: Mikael Erdefelt Morell, Oskar Eringskog och Alexander Fristedt. Advisor: Maria Gårdängen. Keywords: IPO, Underpricing, Underwriter, Reputation, Sweden. Research question Are there significant differences re

Evaluating sensor accuracy and repeatability in gasketed plate heat exchangers

Utvärdering av sensorers noggrannhet och repeterbarhet i packningsförsedda plattvärmeväxlare. Som en del av Alfa Lavals digitaliseringsprocess erbjuds nu kunder möjligheten att koppla upp sina värmeväxlare med sensorer. Informationen som samlas in gör det möjligt för kunderna att undvika oplanerade reparationer, öka deras processers drifttid och därmed minska kostnader och risk. Om värmeväxlarna Alfa Laval has connected sensors to their gasketed plate heat exchangers (gphe) to extend their customer service offering. To develop this service further the flow through the GPHE is needed. In this thesis, the objective was to evaluate an inexpensive flow switch and two sensor kits that measure pressure and temperature. The sensors were assessed by installing them on GPHEs in Alfa Laval’s lab an

Paternal Filiation in Muslim-Majority Environments: A Comparative Look at the Interpretive Practice of Positive Islamic Law in Indonesia, Egypt, and Morocco

In most Muslim-majority countries, Islamic normativity underwent a process of “positivization” completely altering the sense which is made of these norms and the ways through which they are obtained. This article aims to deepen our understanding of this phenomenon through a comparative examination of an issue addressed in classical fiqh, partly legislated in modern statutes and codes, sensitive to

En undersökning av säker mat bland studentnationer

Denna undersökning avser att undersöka och belysa livsmedelssäkerheten inom studentnationerna vid Lunds universitet i Lunds kommun och Uppsala universitet i Uppsala kommun. Huvudfrågeställningen som behandlas är "Är maten som serveras vid dessa studentnationer säker att konsumera?". En metodik som omfattar granskning av kontrollrapporter, enkätundersökningar och litteraturundersökningarThis thesis aims to explore and shed light on food safety within the student nations at Lund University located within Lund municipality and Uppsala University within Uppsala municipality. The main question being addressed is, "Is the food served at these student nations safe to consume?". A method surrounding review of control reports, survey research, and a literature review has been

Four missense genetic variants in CUBN are associated with higher levels of eGFR in non-diabetes but not in diabetes mellitus or its subtypes : A genetic association study in Europeans

Aim: Rare genetic variants in the CUBN gene encoding the main albumin-transporter in the proximal tubule of the kidneys have previously been associated with microalbuminuria and higher urine albumin levels, also in diabetes. Sequencing studies in isolated proteinuria suggest that these variants might not affect kidney function, despite proteinuria. However, the relation of these CUBN missense vari

Baseline and 1-Year Follow-Up Data of Patients with End-Stage Hallux Rigidus Treated with an Arthrodesis Reported to Swefoot

Background: Hallux rigidus (HR) affects the first metatarsophalangeal joint and is the most common osteoarthritic condition in the foot. The most used surgical treatment for severe cases of HR is an arthrodesis. The aim of this study is to describe patient characteristics, surgical treatment and the patient-reported outcomes for patients treated with arthrodesis for HR using data from Swefoot, the

Sjuksköterskans upplevelser av att möta patienter med suicidalt beteende inom psykiatrisk vård

Det är av stor vikt att få en förståelse för vad sjuksköterskor upplever när patienten försöker begå suicid och vilket stöd de behöver för att klara arbetet. Syftet med studien var därför att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att möta patienter med suicidalt beteende inom psykiatrisk vård. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie med induktiv ansats och innefattar åtta vetenskapliga artik

Livserfarenhetens betydelse för sjuksköterskors trygghet i yrkesrollen - En kvalitativ intervjustudie

BAKGRUND: Kraven på sjuksköterskan ökar ständigt, vilket kan leda till en osäkerhet i yrkesrollen. Hur livserfarenheter har påverkat yrkestryggheten belyses i denna studie som tar avstamp i KASAM-teorin med begreppen begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet. SYFTE: Att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelse av livserfarenhetens betydelse för yrkestryggheten. METOD: Sju sjuksköterskor inom somati

Modeling of the trajectory of ice thrown from a wind turbine

There is a growing number of wind turbines installed in cold temperature zones as a result of the restricted space for new construction. Due to ice deposition on the turbine blades, the increasing installation of wind turbines in freezing temperature areas presents many challenges: ice accumulation increases weight, unbalances the rotor, diminishes aerodynamic efficiency, and creates safety issues

Skapar annonsering av gränsöverskridande förvärv värde för det förvärvande företaget?

Title:Does the announcement of cross-border acquisitions create value for the acquiring company? Seminar date: 2023-06-01 Course:FEKH89 Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Financial Management Undergraduate Level, 15 ECTS credits Authors: Almegård Amélie, Andersson Sofia, Sharba Rim Advisor: Andersson, Göran Key words: Cross-border Acquisitions; Synergies; Short-term Value Cr

Kapitalstruktur i turbulenta tider: En studie av Covid-19:s effekt på företags kapitalstruktur

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel Kapitalstruktur i turbulenta tider: en studie av Covid-19:s effekt på företags kapitalstruktur Seminariedatum 2023-06-01 Kurs FEKH89 – Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå Författare Fredrik Bjerrek, Simon Meden och Jonathan Åblad Handledare Anamaria Cociorva Nyckelord Kapitalstruktur, Covid-19, Debt to Assets, Ekonomisk kris, Storbritannien ForskningsAbstract Title Capital structure during times of turbulence: a study on the impact of Covid-19 on companies’ capital structures Seminar date 2023-06-01 Course FEKH89 - Degree project in Corporate Finance, undergraduate level Authors Fredrik Bjerrek, Simon Meden och Jonathan Åblad Advisor Anamaria Cociorva Key words Capital structure, Covid-19, Debt to Assets, Economic crisis, United Kingdom Resear

Finding and making place in consumer culture theory research

We challenge extant conceptualizations of place as a context or object of consumption. In contrast to essentialist notions of commercial scapes and contested imaginaries, we bring forth a critical relational ontology and the concept of “dialectical utopianism” to advance discussions on place in CCT research.

“The lowest level is so f*cking low”: A study of the legal consciousness of Swedish legal actors

This research study is based on the problematisation of criminal gangs’ development within Swedish society and its presence towards young Swedish individuals. Furthermore, the study was built on investigating changes that take place within legislations. This study’s research problem and purpose was designed to investigate whether mitigating circumstances within the Swedish Penal Code can result in

Quality enhancement of time-resolved computed tomography scans with cycleGAN

Time-resolved x-ray tomography enables us to dynamically and non-destructively study the interior of a specimen. The obtainable temporal resolution is limited by the x-ray flux and the desired spatial resolution. To allow faster acquisition speeds, we explore a deep-learning approach that applies super-resolution and image denoising to fast time-resolved tomograms. The domain translation algorithm

Age-stratified comparison of prognosis in cardiac resynchronization therapy with or without prophylactic defibrillator for non-ischemic cardiomyopathy – a nationwide cohort study

Background and aimsPrior studies have suggested that the benefit from primary preventive defibrillator treatment for patients with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy primarily, treated with cardiac resynchronization therapy, may be age-dependent. We aimed to compare age-stratified mortality rates and mode of death in patients with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy who are treated with either primary preventive

Degrowth and the EU: Inapplicable at its roots?

As the threat from the climate crisis becomes ever more apparent and shows few signs of stopping alternative development models become interesting. Driven by an interest of examining such alternative solutions, this paper studies degrowth due to it being a challenging alternative to currently applied growth-based models of development that see progress as linked to economic growth. This paper exam

Denmark – a just and carefull transition?

Efforts to address climate change through a just transition are critical, as they not only mitigate environmental impacts but also provide an opportunity to rectify existing societal inequalities. This study examines Denmark as a highly developed economy with an advanced welfare state to identify potential gaps and untapped potential in its green transition. By conducting a thematic content analys

Beyond Borders: The Ability of FMCG Companies Leveraging their Internal Capabilities Internationally

The advent of globalization has emphasized the importance of effective internationalization strategies for Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) companies. This research seeks to explore the internal capabilities of FMCG firms, examining how they can be refined, developed, and utilized for more effective internationalization. The study fills a critical research gap by providing an in-depth understandi