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Playing with Borders : Film Music and Social Criticism in Swedish Comedies by Hasse and Tage
This chapter discusses five films between 1964 and 1981 by two of the most popular comedians of all time in Sweden but practically unknown to a global audience: Hasse Alfredsson and Tage Danielsson, often branded as Hasse&Tage. They mixed social and political criticism with humor, and their films can be genre-classified as a sort of political art-comedy since they used many familiar devices in
Studentaktivism är en del av universitetens själ
Genom att förbjuda politiska manifestationer riktar Chalmers en rejäl bredsida mot principen om akademisk frihet, anser historikern Björn Lundberg.
Sexualitet, samtycke och relationer – Om förutsättningar för att arbeta med det nya kunskapsområdet som policy
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka huruvida verksamma inom gymnasieskolan upplever sig förberedda inför att ta sig an undervisningen i det nya kunskapsområdet Sexualitet, samtycke och relationer (SSR), som är en del av rådande läroplan sedan höstterminen 2022. Med hjälp av policy enactment theory analyserar vi tematiskt kodade kvalitativa intervjuer med lärare och biträdande rektorer oc
Genomic structure of the human retinoic acid receptor-alpha1 gene
Realisations and variants of have to : what corpora can tell us about usage-based experience
This paper explores the potential of corpus data to account for language users’ mental representations of a high-frequency item that is prone to phonetic reduction. We present an analysis of the realisations of semi-modal have to in spoken American English, which is a candidate for to-contraction (compare wanna and gotta) but has no clearly established contracted form. The study therefore focussesThis paper explores the potential of corpus data to account for language users’ mental representations of a high-frequency item that is prone to phonetic reduction. We present an analysis of the realisations of semi-modal have to in spoken American English, which is a candidate for to-contraction (compare wanna and gotta) but has no clearly established contracted form. The study therefore focusses
A two unit antisense RNA cassette test system for silencing of target genes
This communication describes a two unit antisense RNA cassette system for use in gene silencing. Cassettes consist of a recognition unit and an inhibitory unit which are transcribed into a single RNA that carries sequences of non-contiguous complementarity to the chosen target RNA. The recognition unit is designed as a stem-loop for rapid formation of long- lived binding intermediates with target
Can Local Participation Disrupt Neoliberalism? : The Politics and Ethics of Caring for Democracy
What difference can local participation make in a world where inequality increases everywhere, where segregation pulls communities apart and where policymakers marginalise the needs and interests of the people whose lives their decisions affect the most? This question was central two decades ago when research on participatory institutions took off. Leftist scholars described participatory budgetinWhat difference can local participation make in a world where inequality increases everywhere, where segregation pulls communities apart and where policymakers marginalise the needs and interests of the people whose lives their decisions affect the most? This question was central two decades ago when research on participatory institutions took off. Leftist scholars described participatory budgetin
Becoming better listeners : democracy and meta-deliberation
Emergency department crowding and mortality : an observational multicenter study in Sweden
Background: Emergency department (ED) crowding is a serious problem worldwide causing decreased quality of care. It is reasonable to assume that the negative effects of crowding are at least partially due to high staff workload, but previous crowding metrics based on high workload have not been generalisable to Swedish EDs and have not been associated with increased mortality, in contrast to, e.g.
Design and development of solid-state nanostructures for catalysis
Catalytic processes are present in a wide range of aspects, from fundamental biological processes to modern chemical synthesis. In practical terms, catalysis has thrived as a rapidly growing industry. However, a significant gap in our understanding of catalytic processes exists between the molecular and industrial scales, arising from the complexity at the nano- and micro-levels of catalytic nanop
Compositional tuning of gas-phase synthesized Pd–Cu nanoparticles
Bimetallic nanoparticles have gained significant attention in catalysis as potential alternatives to expensive catalysts based on noble metals. In this study, we investigate the compositional tuning of Pd–Cu bimetallic nanoparticles using a physical synthesis method called spark ablation. By utilizing pure and alloyed electrodes in different configurations, we demonstrate the ability to tailor the
Production of biofuels by thermoanaerobic bacteria
Biofuel demand is gradually rising yearly and is expected to do so more rapidly due to the current energy crisis. Bioethanol production is already at a commercial scale but is primarily made using mesophiles fermenting corn and sugar, which have obvious societal drawbacks. Therefore, new technologies should be developed. In addition, hydrogen as a non-carbon energy carrier has gained renewed inter
Implementing risk-based approaches to improve drinking water quality in small water supplies in the Nordic region – barriers and solutions
Small water supplies face similar problems worldwide, regardless of ownership or management type. Non-compliance with water quality regulations is more frequent in small supplies than in large ones, as are waterborne disease outbreaks. The new EU Drinking Water Directive requires risk-based approach (RBA) to secure water safety as is recommended in the WHO's Guidelines for drinking water quality t
Single-cell transcriptomics of human traumatic brain injury reveals activation of endogenous retroviruses in oligodendroglia
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of chronic brain impairment and results in a robust, but poorly understood, neuroinflammatory response that contributes to the long-term pathology. We used single-nuclei RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) to study transcriptomic changes in different cell populations in human brain tissue obtained acutely after severe, life-threatening TBI. This revealed a un
Deposition av Black carbon i sjöar efter den stora skogsbranden i Västmanland 2014
Vem tycker inte det är mysigt att sitta framför sin kamin, eldstad eller grill? Något som är gemensamt är att samtliga innefattar eldning av biomassa. Eldning av biomassa gör vi av många anledningar. Det kan vara allt från trivseleldning till uppvärmning och elförsörjning. Eldning för många kan vara att få möjligheten att laga mat, varför man eldar ser väldigt annorlunda ut i olika delar av världeBlack carbon (BC) is produced during incomplete combustion of Biomass and fossil fuels. BC and other carbonaceous pollutants have characteristics that affect the climate, environment, and human health. Historically, BC emissions have been measured and monitored in the atmosphere, and BC emissions to the air are quite well documented. Deposition in water and sediments has been less studied but is i
Let’s go thrift shopping : exploring circular business model innovation in fashion retail
The circular economy offers promising opportunities for the fashion industry to decouple revenue streams from resource use. To take advantage of these opportunities, this research investigates circular business model innovation and advances knowledge of what drives such innovation and how this process can be accelerated. In a collaborative setting, we developed and validated a circular business mo
Will Africa be part of the ‘golden decade’ of sustainable finance? : Insights from GSSS bonds
The inadequacy of public financing mechanisms for sustainable development andclimate action is increasingly evident. The focus has shifted towards private sector financing mechanisms to bridge these financing gaps. This study analyses the Green, Social, Sustainability and Sustainability-linked (GSSS) bonds, considered as the quintessential private sector financing instruments and projected to lead
Patterns of simultaneous contact allergies in patients with contact sensitization to oxidised linalool and oxidised limonene
BACKGROUND: Contact allergy rates of linalool and limonene hydroperoxides (HPs) have increased.OBJECTIVES: To demonstrate the patterns of simultaneous positive patch test (PT) reactions and prevalences of multiple contact allergies (MCAs) in patients with contact allergy to linalool and/or limonene HPs.METHODS: A retrospective analysis of consecutive dermatitis patients in 2015-2020 was performed.
Constraints on spin-0 dark matter mediators and invisible Higgs decays using ATLAS 13 TeV pp collision data with two top quarks and missing transverse momentum in the final state
This paper presents a statistical combination of searches targeting final states with two top quarks and invisible particles, characterised by the presence of zero, one or two leptons, at least one jet originating from a b-quark and missing transverse momentum. The analyses are searches for phenomena beyond the Standard Model consistent with the direct production of dark matter in pp collisions at