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All roads lead to market integration : lessons from a spatial analysis of the wheat market in 18th century Spain

This paper uses newly collected data from a large-scale census (Catastro de la Ensenada) to investigate the scale and causes of market integration in eighteenth century Spain. We use wheat prices observed in more than 5,200 municipalities to analyse the local spatial dependence of prices. We detect several regional clusters in the centre and coasts but find that these were not integrated with each

Innovation for What? Unpacking the Role of Innovation for Weak and Strong Sustainability

This perspective paper aims to contribute to current discussions aboutresponsible innovation and innovation systems for sustainability. Thepaper interrogates the purposes of innovation and its role in sustainabledevelopment. It reflects on the differences between adopting weak orstrong sustainability as the final goal in terms of innovation andinnovation systems. At a meta level, it aims to bring

Association of Genomic Domains in BRCA1 and BRCA2 with Prostate Cancer Risk and Aggressiveness

Pathogenic sequence variants (PSV) in BRCA1 or BRCA2 (BRCA1/2) are associated with increased risk and severity of prostate cancer. We evaluated whether PSVs in BRCA1/2 were associated with risk of overall prostate cancer or high grade (Gleason 8+) prostate cancer using an international sample of 65 BRCA1 and 171 BRCA2 male PSV carriers with prostate cancer, and 3,388 BRCA1 and 2,880 BRCA2 male PSV

Prompt hadroproduction of ηc(1S, 2S) in the kT-factorization approach

In this work, we present a thorough analysis of ηc(1S, 2S) quarkonia hadroproduction in k⊥-factorisation in the framework of the light-front potential approach for the quarkonium wave function. The off-shell matrix elements for the g*g*ηc(1S, 2S) vertices are derived. We discuss the importance of taking into account the gluon virtualities. We present the transverse momentum distributions of ηc for

A Multidimensional Latent Class Analysis of Harmful Alcohol Use Among Older Adults : Subtypes Within the Swedish Addiction Severity Index Registry

Objectives: The present study aimed to identify multidimensional typologies of harmful alcohol use based on the Swedish Addiction Severity Index (ASI) assessment data on individuals aged 50 years and above.Methods: Latent class analysis examined 11 indicators from ASI data on 1747 individuals (men = 1255, women = 492) who reported they were troubled by alcohol problem at least one day in the past

Low antibiotic resistance rates in Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp but not in Enterobacter spp and Pseudomonas aeruginosa : A prospective observational study in 14 Swedish ICUs over a 5-year period

Background: Intensive care units (ICUs) are hot zones for emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance because of frequent invasive procedures, antibiotic usage and transmission of bacteria. We report prospective data on antibiotic use and bacterial resistance from 14 academic and non-academic ICUs, participating in the ICU-STRAMA programme 1999-2003. Methods: The quantity of antibiotics delivere

Assessment of Metal Cutting Tools using Cost Performance Ratio and Tool Life Analyses

Critical raw materials (CRM) are extensively used in tools for metal cutting, such as in cemented carbide tools (cobalt and tungsten), because they provide desired characteristics of high fracture toughness and wear resistance. Both academia and industry are examining CRM-free material alternatives, such as tools based on polycrystalline diamond (PCD) or ceramic materials. These materials are gene

Smartphones and ’planned serendipity’: using the Experience Sampling Method to understand tourism information behaviour in situ

Within the field of tourism information search behaviour, this research aims at exploring the proposed concept of ‘planned serendipity’ and its connection with smartphone use for tourism information search. Although studies on smartphone and tourism have flourished in the past few years, research on information needs and how these needs exist in relation to smartphones is lacking. Moreover, there

The Challenges of Experience Sampling Method in a Qualitative Study on Tourist Information Behaviour on Smartphones

Background of the study One of the main challenges in tourism research is to find effective methodologies to capture the salient moments that make a tourist experience memorable (Cary, 2004; Tussyadiah, 2014). A gap exists between the tourist experience – which happens at a destination, during the time of the trip – and the recollection of it during the study – which often happens days, weeks or m

Degradation of Alzheimer's amyloid fibrils by microglia requires delivery of CIC-7 to lysosomes

Incomplete lysosomal acidification in microglia inhibits the degradation of fibrillar forms of Alzheimer's amyloid β peptide (fAβ). Here we show that in primary microglia a chloride transporter, ClC-7, is not delivered efficiently to lysosomes, causing incomplete lysosomal acidification. ClC-7 protein is synthesized by microglia but it is mistargeted and appears to be degraded by an endoplasmic re

Nätverk - en förutsättning för pedagogisk utveckling?

The importance of networking is often emphasized in higher education teaching and learning. In this article we discuss significant networks and their impact on pedagogical development. We also share our experience of working in different kinds of networks. We focus on a Nordic project with the aim to develop digital learning objects in co-creation between librarians, students and teachers.