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Information Disclosure Programs in the Road Haulage Industry and Employees ́ Perception of Sharing Personal Information at Their Work and its impact on employee turnover: Creating a Conceptual Framework and Model.

Purpose of the study – The purpose of the study is to develop a conceptual framework and model for further research, of front-line logistic workers ́ perception of sharing their personal information at their work. Furthermore, the study aims to create a framework for how to study information disclosure programs potential impact on employee turnover when being implemented on intermediate parties, n

From The World To Sudan (Via Dubai): The impacts and influence of the US sanctions on the Sudanese sourcing, procurement, and transportation practices

Purpose – Sudanese supply chains were greatly affected by the US sanctions from 1997 and until today. This research aims to understand the effects of US sanctions on the Sudanese practices of sourcing, procurement, and transportation. Additionally, the research aims to discover the way through which the US sanctions were avoided by the studied Sudanese practices. Finally, the research tests a hypo

Differences Teach Us More Than Similarities : The Need for Evolutionary Thinking in Comparative Cognition

A persistent anthropocentric school of thought prevents comparative cognition from truly joining the evolutionary sciences, which often view “cognition” as an alien subject to the study of life. In this article, I argue that cognition is indeed inherent to all life and that we could study the evolution of cognitive skills like any other species-specific trait if we stop elevating convergence over

A multi-level analysis of youth climate activism in South Korea

Younger generations in South Korea are increasingly concerned about environmental issues, while youth climate activism is one of the fastest growing social movements globally, engaging formal and informal politics at multiple levels. Among others, Youth 4 Climate Action, a Korean youth climate movement group, has initiated climate change litigation and presented its actions at a side event of the

Importance of resection margin after resection of colorectal liver metastases in the era of modern chemotherapy : population-based cohort study

Background: Resection margin has been associated with overall survival following liver resection for colorectal liver metastasis. The aim of this study was to examine how resection margins of 0.0 mm, 0.1-0.9 mm and =1 mm influence overall survival in patients resected for colorectal liver metastasis in a time of modern perioperative chemotherapy and surgery. Methods: Using data from the national r

Experimental Investigation of Pilot Injection Strategies to Aid Low Load Compression Ignition of Neat Methanol

The growing demand to lower greenhouse gas emissions and transition from fossil fuels, has put methanol in the spotlight. Methanol can be produced from renewable sources and has the property of burning almost soot-free in compression ignition (CI) engines. Consequently, there has been a notable increase in research and development activities directed towards exploring methanol as a viable substitu

European leadership and European youth in the climate change regime complex

Environmental degradation is one of the most significant challenges faced by humanity, yet current global politics struggle to implement collective solutions. Previous research has suggested that the EU has a leadership role in the international climate change regime complex, which refer to a set of overlapping institutions that address different aspects of climate governance. Moreover, within the

Foot and lower leg pain in children and adults with cerebral palsy : a population-based register study on 5,122 individuals

BACKGROUND: Pain is common in individuals with cerebral palsy (CP) and the most reported pain site is the foot/lower leg. We analyzed the prevalence of pain in the foot/lower leg and the associations with age, sex, gross motor function, and clinical findings in individuals with CP.METHOD: This was a cross-sectional register-study, based on data reported to the Swedish Cerebral Palsy Follow-up Prog


Conservation and consistency are fundamental properties of discretizations of conservation laws, necessary to ensure physically meaningful solutions. In the context of systems of nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws, conservation and consistency additionally play an important role in convergence theory via the Lax-Wendroff theorem. Here, these concepts are extended to the realm of iterative meth

Drivers of Urban Renewal - The case of Drottninghög

This thesis aims to understand what drives municipally initiated renewal of million program neighbourhoods in Sweden. Renewal of million program areas is a common topic of debate in Sweden. A sizeable proportion of the housing in these areas needs renovations and restoration. Furthermore, million program neighbourhoods are often associated with various social issues. To reach the aforementioned ai

The Regional Development Trap and Populist Discontent in Poland - A Case Study of the Polish 2023 Elections

The topic of unequal regional development is well-studied, and evening those inequalities out has long been a core priority for the European Union, deemed necessary for sustainable long-term growth across the EU. Even so, many regions seem to be ‘left behind’ or treated as though they ‘don’t matter’, and the ‘populist vote’ for Euroskeptic, ‘anti-systemic’ parties has grown steadily throughout the

An ancient city for people or profit? Urban greening discourse and practice: a mixed-method case study of Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Following the collapse of socialism in 1989, Eastern European countries experienced rapid socio-spatial reorganization causing a significant loss of urban greenspace (UGS). Greenspaces provide socio-environmental benefits, making them a crucial component of urban sustainability. This study explores the development of greenspace in Plovdiv (Bulgaria), which serves as a case study to understand disc

Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design : 3rd Edition

Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design, Third Edition provides students with a comprehensive coverage of a range of analytical tools used to model, analyze, understand, and ultimately design business processes.The new edition of this very successful textbook includes a wide range of approaches such as graphical flowcharting tools, cycle time and capacity analyses, queuing models, discret

Electrifying equality: How electricity adoption boosted inclusive growth in early 20th century Sweden

When new general-purpose technologies like AI emerge, both techno-optimists and techno-pessimists predict that inequality will increase among the labour force. This column studies the rapid introduction of electricity in early 20th century Sweden and its effect on workers. The transformative technology benefitted those at the bottom of the income distribution, resulting in higher incomes, lower in

Normative power Europe reconsidered : beyond the crossroads

The idea of being civilian, military, and civilizing at the same time is undoubtedly very seductive to the armies of academics now writing on EU military force. It is tempting to think that the EU can have-its-cake-and-eat-it-too in militarizing its normative power. In contrast, in my reconsideration of normative power Europe I suggest that militarization of the EU need not necessarily lead to the

När konsumentbilden leder till marknadsföringsstrategier - en fallstudie av tre e-handelsföretag

Bakgrund och problem: E-handel uppstod i samband med utvecklingen av Internet och fenomenet är därför idag tillgängligt för de flesta människor i dagens uppkopplade och trådlösa samhälle. Idag finns det en del forskning om hur konsumenter tänker och resonerar när de e-handlar men det finns få studier som undersöker hur företagen agerar utifrån sina kunder. E-handelsföretag har inte chansen att fys

Etnicitet och exkludering - En studie av ett mentorskapsprogram för mångfaldsutveckling

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka huruvida mentorskap har möjlighet att innebära ökad medvetenhet om exkludering baserat på etnicitet samt ifall mentorskap har möjlighet att påverka denna exkludering. Studien visar att mentorskap har möjlighet att erbjuda kunskap och förståelse för mentorerna även inom arbetet för att bryta exkludering trots komplexiteten vilket innebär att mentorskap är ett v